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this show is way too good





this season is my fave out of the 4…y’all are in for a ride fr

Davon Thomas

Nearing what will be the funniest episode of barry

Oni Legend

Season 3 is my favorite personally. That man Bill Hader was cooking something different that entire season


Season 2, episode 5


You forgot the tag :)

Erik Miller

One of my favorite episodes in the show. The way that Barry’s flashback contrasts with the civilian perspectives is so on point based from what I’ve been told. Also his terrified empty stare that he has as he realizes he never has had anything negative connecting to his responsibility towards the death of another is amazing acting.

Hasnain Khan


jorel quieta

Im so glad this guys love this show.

Oni Legend

I think the reason the actors portrayed the flashback the way they did is because from the perspective of most people, killing(and especially someone’s FIRST time killing) and just death as a whole is such a morally heavy action that we associate it with guilt and shock and grief at taking another person’s life regardless of most contexts. Also they’re just overactors lmao But then you get the contrast where Barry’s first time killing is so cold and quick and methodical that he’s celebrated for it and feels absolutely no real moral weight from it which kinda helps explain why he’s just so detached from killing and death as whole. I mean Fuches straight up told him that he’s such a stone cold killer that its his purpose. Like this entire episode this man showed absolutely no grief from killing Janice to the point of being completely ignorant and blind to everyone else’s grief(seriously bro saying “man who died” is CRAZY)

Tejiri Ubiedi

"No I got it, thank you" Roshi: damn, not even a thank you? One of a kind.

Tejiri Ubiedi

Hank got a battery in his back, I like it.

Metweet .c

If American soilders actually cried they wouldn't have committed so many war crimes in other countries like Barry did by shooting sheep herders. Literally no such thing as empathy


This show is Ridiculous and I love it

Ranginald Vagel

Is that when Barry stops being an insufferable jackass and returns to being an endearingly desperate murderer? Hype

John FD Lobrano

Think Sheera underestimating just how ignorant people can be when it comes to war. Especially people from LA. These people didn't come here to make smart decisions, they came here to be actors. XD


Im sure others have seen it but theres an interview of a dude who got a WR distance sniper kill. He explaind how his first kill went. Someone was charging them on a bike and he shot and killed the guy. All his squad said good job, nice shot that kind of stuff. And all he felt was he had done something wrong. Like someone was gonna pull him aside and tell him he is in trouble. But it was nothing but praise. Its a weird emotion to go through and they learn to deal with it

John Cedar

It's literally in the best interest of any effective military to train sociopathic tendencies into their soldiers. You do not want people questioning orders to kill, so dehumanization tactics like "sheep fucker" or using the excuse of "everyone is housing terrorists" to justify any and every killing is useful. You don't want your soldiers breaking down in tears and having an existential crisis every time they have to do something uncomfortable. How else could we have justified dropping Napalm on children in Vietnam? Sociopathy is a desired trait in soldiers, and so Barry's squad behaved exactly the way they were trained to. People also easily forget just how much hatred and distrust there was towards Arab people in general following 9/11, a lot of people joined the military looking for some kind of revenge. "Suspicious behavior" from 700 yards away was all it took to sign a death warrant for 3 people, and no one bats an eye at that. Even the audience (us) takes Barry at his word initially, because yeah, of course he was killing "the bad guys" when he was in war.


Honestly reminds me of a youtube video about a soldier talking to a counselor in VRchat about how weird it was to be in a vtol & just mowing down people.


🤣 "I would never play an Australian" says Kirby Howell-Baptiste who had a terrible time trying to pin down an Australian accent as Simone on The Good Place.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Gene is Pike's Great Great Grandfather in The Legend Of Vox Machina. He's the one who made Grog the pill to go up his butt.

Skye Brooklyn

i think barry was tryna overcompensate with the act class, he feels bad for hurting janice and gene so he’s acting all enthusiastic to compensate for the pain he caused


I’m not sure if anyone else pointed this out but the black girl from the acting class & who was talking to Barry in the clothing store is the actress who plays Death in The Sandman.


And what else is society supposed to do with them aside from train them to kill our enemies? Lock them up for being born wrong?


TRUE! All soldiers are the SAME there is no good soldier! No military!

John Cedar

Sociopaths aren't born, they're made. Psychopaths are the ones that are born and literally cannot feel empathy or remorse for their actions. They're much less common and most psychopaths are simply manipulative, not murderous. Obviously people should not be pre-emptively locked up because of how they were born. I don't think anyone would argue for that. For an example, the Salamanca twins from Breaking Bad are sociopaths. They were shown to be normal kids who were trained to be ruthless killers by their family. Their fate was altered by their environment. Conversely, Todd, another character from BB, is a full blown psychopath. He is different from almost everyone else in the show in that he sees the world as a simple cause and effect of things that either benefit or do not benefit him. He does not care what his actions cause for anyone as long as it benefits him. He is not simply intimidating or dangerous, he is devoid of emotion and empathy. Whether or not this behavior is useful, unavoidable, or something we should try to change is another matter entirely. Most people that join the military are normal, not psychopaths. But the very act of preparing to kill anyone you are ordered to is inherently sociopathic. You are not supposed to be thinking about the life of the person you're killing as you're doing it, because that would make for a bad soldier. If you wanna discuss "what to do" with these people, a better question would be to ask what is the point of these modern wars in the first place. The US hasn't fought a just war since WWII, so maybe we should examine the current US foreign policy of manipulating governments and trading lives for resources instead of examining the individual psyche of a soldier.


32:50 Roshi 😭


not even a thankyou HUH


Just watch a video "SEAL Team 6 Operator Remembers His First Kill". Let me tell you that video is so crazy to hear him talk about his first kill. If Barry told them exactly what happened they would look at him different. Also to Lupa, yes that could certainly just be a regular citizen he killed. There was so many people killed over there who were just farmers and had no relations to the Taliban.


two thing, one how did the cop know to look up barry block when old girl died because she found out his name and two barry wanted out of the killing but hank is making him do it again, I love hank but I get barry


Oh wow, I didn't catch that, the actress who plays Janet is the one getting walked over by Sally in season 1.

Lively Nili

Damn why did I just realise that Barry is directed by Hiro Murai, who directs Atlanta lol No wonder, one of the reasons this show is so good.

Bobby Robinson

I’m on hanks side Barry was being a dick


oh, the facts are hot today. Thank you for this comment


Man I can’t get enough of these I literally just finished binging these reactions at work. They way you guys put things together and feel about the whole situation as it’s happening just scratches that itch in my head. I finally feel vindicated in my feelings that I was having when I was first watching it 💀

Kryptik _

Literally me 😂 mans said thank you twice, I was so confused when roshi said that


Um Roshi loach literally said thank you twice but besides that yeah the opening scene was amazing and unexpected. As a resident Clevelander myself I wonder if the cops at the hotel was a take on the 61 shots incident and Cleveland police brutality in general because those cops wasn't playing around that shit was on sight 🤣 could be a stretch though. This is outta nowhere but I actually think Barry would match better with the British lady her energy is cool.


Damn I didn't expect the war crime commentary. This show puts you in a false sense of security with it's whimsy and then hits you with reality, so affective.

Nate D.

I mean she even said "why would soldiers be crying about the people they killed" most probably do


First it was LaGuerta, now here comes Doakes "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER"

Jeremiah Wagner

Ok and? Hank literally told Barry that his gang was going to come kill him and Fuches and has been telling his homies that someone else killed Hank