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Great season!



Day 5 of asking for a Vikings reaction, yes I will ask on every video they upload

Elizabeth Darby

Confirmed: Bond is Raven Baxter😭🤣

Dalton Hawes

Ohhhh I agree keep asking for us lol! While I’m here too Kingdom reaction would be amazing!

Joshua Burns

Confirmed Sheera would let a dog burn alive if she didn’t like it 🤣🤣(jk)


Good reaction as always! Can't wait for next season to hurt us emotionally!


i mean in a stream she said she would save a strangers baby instead of her own dog if zombies were around. so im not surprised

Hasnain Khan



I was wondering how they'd do the "bond's voice changes when he's wet" gag- in the English manga his sfx go from "worf" to "borf" so tbh I was confused because thanks to the anime, "borf" seemed perfectly normal lol


I would also like to see more Damien!

Huemon Nottabear

Try to stab my dog, you take a ride to the slab. Glad Loids the same.


This the first thing im watching from today and dang lupas hair has gotten so long. both roshi and lupas hair tho is nice and healthy W Locs


I don't think S3 will top S2, but it will certainly be fun nonetheless. But first, we got an anime original movie coming up.

Huemon Nottabear

Bond may actually be a fairly young dog. He's a tibetan mastiff, and they get HUGE as they older. Not an apartment dog, but they are smart and affectionate. They are super loyal and into families, but also cautious and (if not trained) aggressive with strangers. Especially with kids, they will love kids they live with, and murder the shit out of anyone who tries to hurt them. It's like living with a small bear that will happily fetch a ball and angrily break through doors if needed.

Saucy Jonathan

Are u guys gonna watch the movie that’s coming out later this year ?


Anya giving her dad and Bond homemade Stella Stars is easily one of the cutest moments in the series, and it wasn't even in the manga. 🥰🥰 I'm gonna miss this show, and am REALLY looking forward to the movie.

uchuu kitsune

I don't know how much they will cover for S3 but there are some intense things (but stupid at the same time) to come. XD

Saucy Jonathan

Bond easily one of my fav characters


True true. I'm up to date on the manga, though I can't remember the exact order of events and shit.


They are having a movie later this year it looks epic from the trailer

Lea Garrido

I have literally been waiting since the bond chapter came out for it to be animated and for y’all to react to Bond’s goofy lookin self 😂😭 the voice he took on had me cracking up so I’m right there with Sheera!

Trey Reed

lupa with the fit on. just wanna know where he get that csm hat


If I'm not mistaken, what Loid did with the plastic bag should technically be possible. Smoke rises and makes all the other gases drop lower because they're less dense, your also always told to get low in a fire because there's more oxygen at the bottom.


I love how this show portrays someone getting hit by loid or yor. They don't just hit it, They get HIT. That upper was nasty

KingKai _

nah lupa drip going crazy wth

Jarren Jenkins

You know what, I think Loid was onto something. They teach to crawl on the floor in a fire, or as low as possible. I wouldn't say there's enough oxygen to make something like that happen, but shit as long as it's clean air may as well try.

Elicia Mitchem

Please watch Dangers in my heart!