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vacation episode



Nu truly asserting her dominance as an 18 y/o to a bunch of lil kids like 15 y/os

Drake Rage

I remember in older animes episode 8 used to be the beach/fan service episode, like its a legit thing where I think it is episode 8 specifically where a lot of animes had them going to the beach or a water park/hot spring for fan service, lol.


they used the outfits from the first opeing


to me this felt like a filler episode


Did yall not notice they kept showing the vampire queen and her servant this episode im like bro why are they just randomly here 😭

Jay Panda

What kind of camera do y'all use to record??

Drake Rage

They even showed the 9-tails fox girl walking by in 1 scene, lol.


Fun fact: The clothes the Seven Shadows were wearing were actually from Opening 1. Nice that they actually did something with that after all


And I’m here for all the assertion of dominance from Nu


The towel snapping at the end was in reference to what Cid showed Alexia to do in season one, she has been doing it ever since. Even after she was in a sauna with her sister, Iris was left wondering what that sound was.


I could be wrong but at the very start of the end credits it had that slap sound I think since it was showing the sauna where alexia was throughout the episode it was the same sound of her doing that slap with the towel that cid showed her again

K king

I mean...when you have a big event going on, makes sense many are gonna pull up😂

Art of Trolling

Nigga this episode had me in tears. This show has grown on me bro.


omg will y’all watch Scott pilgrim!? it’s ok if you can’t but I’d love to see your reactions to it


Wow, I just had to pause and facepalm for 30 whole seconds. Because..... how in the fuck, did you get "Yeah it worked, she went out with them" from a table-cracking HEEL STOMP. You watching something different? There is NO WAY. That's like watching Person A kick Person B in the face and saying, "They befriended one another." That's like witnessing a car crash and saying there was no car crash.


Everyone: It requires someone with THESE talents. Delta: I'M GOING.


"This is the most fanservicey shit I've seen in my life" I'm calling cap on that one. This is the tip of the iceberg. You saw Prison School.


It's wild they didn't even blink at that shit. Like, how do you not notice that shit just glaring at you.... the anime went out its way to focus on them and it looked like they thought they were some randoms. Lmao.


I just finished the mushoku tensei reactions and the last 2 episodes had me short of breath, y’all are so funny and I love you guys, you make my day every day, keep it up


I don't remember this from the manga lmao. Straightup studio fuckery


Cid heard them say golden, and thought they were talking about actual gold. That's why he told them to dig up the land, that boy probably didn't even know they built that hot spring yet since he went a journey to go hide. 110%


U guys remember those uniforms was from the intro which means the intro song is coming into play 😂‼️

zILovePelmeni _

yall taking cid too seriously still haha he heard "gold" and was hype af


good episode get to see some of the other girls personality. Wouldnt even know half these characters if i didnt play the game lmao

Jacob The weird (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-24 22:05:15 Also the ending this episode was from season 1
2023-11-24 22:05:15 Also the ending this episode was from season 1
2023-11-24 08:53:14 Also the ending this episode was from season 1

Also the ending this episode was from season 1


Don't_worry_everyone_this_whole_ep_is_not_cannon lol_the_Vampire_Queen_was_there_at_10:38