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that scene hurt BAD



Time for more peak. #JeromesACuck #GetTheStrap


ah yes the sit down


Some good acting in this episode!!


I don’t care I’ll always love Jerome


That ending scene literally goes back to what Jerome said in the first episode “That brick ain't worth the trouble it comes with”. Real tears came down my eyes watching that. SAD.


Yea same Jerome always had my respect but his wife on the other hand? 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️

Hasnain Khan



Everybody loves Jerome, I haven't met a person who doesn't. But the way he lets Louie just use him and doesn't acknowledge it is insane, it's sad cuz we all want to root for him.


And Franklin did give Jerome a chance to dead this beef, and then Jerome called him a bitch ass nigga. Deep down, Jerome harbors resentment for Louie but loves her too much, so he puts it all on Franklin.

Panashe Chibanda

It’s interesting to me how people don’t talk about how mature Franklin is compared to everyone else. He’s the “baby” yet he’s always the one wanting to talk it out and walk away amicably. Jerome had to be convinced by his sister to see his nephew. Louie left him out to dry. Teddy stole from him. And it’s crazy when you realise Franklin is 23-25 and they’re all 40+. Grown adults beefing with a child fr.


Lupa funny af man lol

Ryan Ryan

Roshi spitting fr I didn't even think of it that way. I always saw Jerome as one of the victims of this situation and Louie as the main problem but this guy is a grown ass man who can't take his own decisions and go do what he wants to do. Constantly blaming Franklin and following Louie like a dog is all on him. But still #FuckLouie I hope Lupa recovers emotionally from this scene

Panashe Chibanda

I mean in regards to them. This is someone they raised as a baby (I’d argue the same for Andre) and instead of trying to find away that everyone walks away, hands clean. They keep going after Franklin. Franklin killed Kanes brother yet he was the only one to set his feelings aside and move on. I’d understand if the show made Franklin the aggressor (being young, dumb and angry) but rewatching the show with these guys just reminded me why Franklin was destined for success. He’s just so much smarter than everyone else and he would’ve gotten away with it had it not been for a laced acid trip.

Devin B

Reason #39 why to hate on Louie, that ending scene was too brutal to watch and the fact that both of them are fighting each other like this because of Louie wanting more is crazy


this is the first i’m i’ve seen someone cry to that sit down scene. lmao it was a sad scene tho for sure


Jerome hit Franklin with the "keep my wife's name out yo mouth" Will Smith special


Dang just finished and seen him cry like that…shit i got emotional


Roshi missing the fact that the women in this show done fucked up the situation. THIS MAN SHIT


sighh this goes all back to Claudia’s warning, she knew


Not Sheera getting triggered by Teddy 😆


Sheera just be yapping bro😭😂

Jack SV

That last scene was so depressing fr

Futuristic Girl

compared to how old they are people that old would see an early twenty something as a "kid"


She's ruined him and his downward spiral isn't over yet. He created his own problems for himself as a grown man, but she is just making it worse. She is making them have this beef, and like lupa said how she dropped that krane and got rid of the good vibes skully tried to give them was a turning point.


Where would u guys rank this show amongst bb and better call soul, and other drug related shows?

Oni Legend

Damn bruh why seeing Lupa cry like that at the end got me tearing up like a motherfucker too


Sheera: “I’m still raising my immature son” lol Franklin is very mature no need to treat him like a kid


Not sheera pulling one of the most disgusted faces ever at a deaf guy using ASL 😭😭 19:17


Jerome got in the game to protect Franklin cause he knew he needed muscle and at the time Franklin wasn't bout that life


I honestly feel for Jerome, even though he is not without blame. The man loves Louie so much and is blinded by it, despite hating what he has become and continues to do because she wants to be head honcho so badly. I feel like a good chunk of that anger Jerome got is misplaced on Franklin.

Oni Legend

I also think a lot of Jerome called Franklin is honestly also a projection of what he’s been feeling about himself. This season and last season have really shown that Jerome is struggling with a lot of self loathing and anger at himself at that shit they do and have done. We saw it when he first talked about like Big D and stuff, that Jerome’s all about that OG shit where it’s intergrity in the business you do, the grind and the hustle, and doing your part for your community and blood around you. But since being apart of this empire Jerome has done the EXACT opposite of what he stands for(working with cops that arrest and kill them, the goddamn government, backstabbing deals, and completely destroying their community) and that mixtape shit last season really showed that its eating him up inside doing all this I think a lot of the pain and anger he feels towards Franklin is also just directed towards himself for letting shit get this far and bad and doing nothing about it


I’m just glad the conclusion we all can damn near agree on is LOUIE I’m not saying more than that Jerome and Franklin were manipulated from the start

Eugene Conner

OK, so for the drone shot question... you get an FPV drone... you fly it through the window and cut the power as it lands in someone's hand, and then it becomes a handheld shot.


I totally missed that Louie was high off sherm. That plus her past as a prostitute makes sense why she’s hell bent on getting respect it’s just a shame she’s dragging everyone close to her down in her pursuit to get it


Damn I forgot how good this episode was. I really wish the conversations with Jerome/Cissy and Jerome/Franklin lasted longer. That last scene is so heartbreaking, and the way Franklin looks at the camera at the end just fills you with dread...

Jose Angel Martinez

Seeing lupa emotionally lowkey made me emotional too

Tejiri Ubiedi

This nigga Jerome talking about Franklin fucking up his life with blood money and death as if Louie isn't LITERALLY the reason everything has gotten so hot for them. As if he didn't call her out on being this money and power hungry when they went out to Little Rock. Man really has himself fucked up over that literal hoe. Smh


Jerome not holding Louie accountable is annoying asf and I can relate to the situation. I got a family member being manipulated by his woman the way Louie got Jerome.


i think y'all are forgetting the fact that Jerome saw what Franklin did to get back the money and how it led to that girl in the diner father dying. Yes, Franklin got fucked over and screwed, but Franklin doesn't need the 73 million to live a normal life and yet he's willing to murder innocent people for it. Remember Jerome was happy to hear Franklin was out of the game because thats what he wants for everyone. Jerome raised Franklin, so he blames himself for turning him into the monster he became.


sheera calling teddy racist for asking gustavo about the guy is literally insanity, yall literally make anything and everything racist, its crazy


Seeing this episode again that song at the end was really foreshadowing a lot


Roshi literally corrected her on it relax


the fact that she even thought that shows that they just be looking for anything to make it racist, and this isn't the first time this happens. its just annoying


Ima just say this as a comment before watching the episode. I hope people hold Franklin accountable because tbh he could have used thug 1 and thug 2 to do the robbery but he chose diamond and Dallas. who Jerome already hated. her dying is on him tbh. that's all I'ma say for now

rickie woodson

she got arrested for walking while not white. i can relate

Franklin Saint

Franklin walking like he’s in gta in the final scene especially the car stopping on the side of him at the end lmaooooo


This kinda dumb af. Jerome would have clapped back and beat tf out of whoever it was after louie had that convo with him. It being dallas and diamond doesnt change nun


okay y'all in the comments cant keep ignoring things just to favor Franklin. we all know Jerome wanted to kill those 2 for a long time but who sent them to the drop after Franklin tried to take Jerome's deal away? was it god who sent them? Jerome probably would have still whooped someone ass but killing her? that was extra anger right there. be real now lol

rickie woodson

im rooting for oso and maaaaaaaybe wanda (mostly just for the hilarity of her making it out alive vs all these main characters but also cause i love a successful underdog story). like i said in season 1: im here for the plot and artistry (acting, writing, etc) not the characters. this is just like power where the only ones to root for where the no storyline having kids. i dont even hate anyone but franklin was just interesting to watch evolve into a criminal mastermind and once he got there: dull. same with louie. she was cool but once she got power, she became too stoic and all business like save for a few moments of passion with jerome. she was a down fun round the way girl and now she is just female franklin.


mf kys. I'm middle eastern, stop playing victim/making everything about your sorry self. not everybody that does you wrong is racist, maybe ur just a piece of shit, and that goes for snowfall and every show too, but you'll never wanna let go of the fuzzy im a victim feeling so theres no point to this argument.


you clearly racist cuz no non racist human would ever utter that "yall always make it about race" shit, aint never seen that shit said by someone that wunt a nigger slur sayer. why you even watching black reactors if you have no empathy or ability to relate to the black experience? yall non black subscribers are deadass cancerouss and imma keep it a band... this shit aint for most of yall


Akhmed just gon bout yo business watch one of them cracker youtubers that aint gon get agitated cause I know plenty people irl that woulda reacted the same way sheera did and that's exactly why they have a successful content creator career, they didn't bite their tongue or hold back opinions to pander to yall white ass and iidgaf who feel some way about that comment cuz its a reality


This is exactly what my point is💀 you’re literally making simple grammar into racism and you can’t even tell if there was undertone in it cuz it’s text so you’re literally automatically assuming racism, it’s genuinely sad, you’re living in paranoia. Calling me racist for saying “yall always make it about race” it’s like ur blind to ur own ignorance


Not you automatically assuming my name is akhmed cuz im middle eastern, ain’t that racist? Im going by ur standards now💀 also the name is spelled “ahmed” can’t believe you can’t spell ethnic names correctly that’s ignorant and racist, crazy how ur genuinely making objective racist comments and calling me racist because you imagined me saying racist shit when it was just simple grammer, ur one sorry ass fuck


The fact that you asked me why im watching black reactors is crazy, and you call me racist? So what we should segregate black and white snd brown people? Or are you just racist to anyone that isn’t black? The amount of blindness that comes out of ur frustration is crazy, you describe yourself when you think you describe me

Nita - Kento's Widow

Just remembered Leon and Wanda probably having the time of their lives in Africa, the stuff they gonna have to come back to lmaooo

Jamaal Ellison

Hey look everybody Louise's got a plan.

Slim jimmy

No Jerome said no to Franklin multiple times and once Franklin started selling crack and he seen the money he asked to get in the business


alright so I'ma just say this. y'all cant keep hoping on Franklin meat like that. lets be real right now. if any person said some shit like that about your wife. people would have done the same thing . yes I agree that Louie has been in Jerome's ear but bringing up the past and talking about Louie like that was out of pocket. he pushed Jerome too far and all people wanna do is call Jerome a cuck or a simp. that's dumb asf but I also agree that Jerome should hold Louie accountable but that's his place to do not other people or franklin and also Jerome wasn't coming after Franklin. he was blaming himself for how Franklin became but I'm not gonna waste my time anymore lol. people gonna keep ignoring things just to favor their favorite so do y'all lol

Lord Joku 69

Where’s invincible reaction

danial javady

Jerome went too far with Franklin with that 4 insults packed into one sentence. Franklin spoke it like it really is because post mid season 4 Louie has clearly been off the rails. What did Jerome do? He literally bitch slapped Franklin twice in response. That was out of pocket. Jerome could've solved a lot of problems. Not just now but before too. Could've told Louie to not go behind Franklin's back or actually get out of the game and focused on other things.


i dont remember fully but i think it was how she gets greedy and she wants to always take more. i could be wrong but she fs told franklin a warning

Kaiser Spiral

I can’t wait for next episode when the tiger comes back🔥

SasukeKing45 .

This was the episode that made me stop watching for a good while. That ending scene hit to close to home


then I guess you're one of those people who would sit there looking mad after someone shit talked your wife. do you pal lol and yes Jerome could have but like I said that's Jerome's place to do. its his wife but like I said to each their own from now lol I'm just sit back and enjoy the chaos

Calamiti (Bleu)

at this time, diamond and dallas are the ONLY people that franklin can trust to get work done? WHO does he have? Kanes people? Leon? Anyone from the hood? PEACHES? no, those were the only two who stood by him since they got hired on, franklin isn't perfect and we hold him accountable for things IN his control, but not only was jerome not in the picture BUT NO ONE THOUGHT HE WOULD BEAT A WOMAN in that manner, ESPICALLY knowing franklin doesn't tell anyone anything, that's dumb man


That's true but based on what he just said to Franklin do seems like a part of him wanted to protect him cause he knew coke game was dangerous


Just sometimes she just be rambling about stuff that don’t even correlate to what’s happening so it be confusing

Calamiti (Bleu)

but jerome also let his WIFE come between him and his family, you saying for us to hop off franklin meat but not only his he the protagonist we watch GROW SINCE HE WAS A TEENAGER, We also know everything jerome and Louie have in this story is BECAUSE of him and they repay him back by GOING BEHIND HIS BACK, AND LEAVING HIM OUT TO DRY, yes people do go to far with the cuck and simp stuff since that is his wife,fair But you are forgetting, JEROME WAS THE FAVORITE, he stood on bidness and also kept louie in check in the past, he's since STOPPED since she's been in his ear, and they weren't even showing any sympathy to Franklin situation for the fact TEDDY SCAMMED HIM AND NEITHER ONE OF HIM HELPED HIM OUT, neither one of them is any better then the other, but there are different lows here, and it's funny how you can stand on this type of energy for Jerome but get mad a franklin for not PREDICTING THAT HIS UNCLE WOULD BEAT A WOMAN TO DEATH

Calamiti (Bleu)

Also all respect for you for putting out your opinion since imma debate with you on this until the show ends lol

Franklin Saint

Lupa you calling Franklin disgusting for not accepting 20% from V mom but this nigga Franklin been disgusting since him plaguing his community and smiled about it and said he sleeps like a baby ☠️☠️😭


The show reveals more about her past in this season too. Definitely puts in perspective why she has the mindset she has now for anyone who was confused why she is so cold-hearted and stoic now. (It's still fuck Louie though)


Where's invincible?


Ain’t no CIA after yo ass sasuke.


Roshi stans: cHiLl mAn! iF yOU DOnt LiKe iT tHen unSUB!!! hAVe PaTienCe! 🫠🫠🫠


Was I talking to you RA? No okay then STFU? Was I rushing? No, just wondering? You must be new here


I'm fenna smack RA like Jerome smacked Franklin

Devin B

I was damn near on the brink of tearing up from that scene just because of their relationship.

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

How niggas still siding with Franklin I cannot understand. Jerome's comments towards Franklin were a reflection of the knowledge that Franklin pointed a gun at Louie and threatened to kill her believing that she was helpless and alone. Franklin may have increased Jerome's financial standing, but Jerome raised him up - which one is really more important? How could you ever hope to have nice things to say about the nigga that pointed a gun to your wife/ husband?

Ty Arroyo

Yeah a plan that’s gonna get us all fucking killed 😂😂

SasukeKing45 .

Lmao nah I hope not 😂 talking about the relationship between uncle and nephew derailing that’s all

Dark Danny

i think Jerome was just saying its funny how when Franklin does something she has his back but shes never been that way with him growing up despite Franklin doing way crazier things then Jerome did

Jared Lang

Who else did Franklin have at that time? Peaches gone. Leon left!! One again who else was he going to use?


I hate this Jerome is my favorite character he's been about Family throughout the entire show seeing Louie come between them is sad

Delinda Arts

jerome saying "Do it" even when Franklin was walking away broke me bc it almost sounded like he was begging for it all to end smh


If he gets mad for Franklin for telling him the truth and I’m just supposed to side with Jerome after that then I just must be crazy. Nothing Franklin said was a lie as a watcher you should be agreeing with Franklin 100% in that situation.

Alexis Sullivan

It's pissing me off that Jerome is just not accepting any accountability for himself or Louie. Louie bypassing and buying straight from Teddy was foul and it is literally the catalyst for all of this. She kicked over the first dominoe and Jerome is just completely ignoring that


Not saying that Franklin is 100% the victim here, but Jerome KNEW that Franklin was fucked over by Louie with the whole "going behind his back" situation and never thought to place the blame on Louie. Franklin essentially lost the 73 million BECAUSE Jerome allowed Louie to do whatever she wanted. Then when Franklin reaches out for help, Louie turns him down and fucks his whole life up. I'm only with Franklin cause Jerome FAILED to see past Franklin's actions and see how his wife fucked Franklin over. If anything, Louie is the issue and Jerome is blind.


Oh my goodness I can’t wait for the final reaction, keep going!🔥


aint nobody readin all that gone take yo ass back to Baghdad or wherever tf cuz if this need to be explained to you, then deadass just stop watching black reactors. yall be triggered as shit the second a white character aint constantly dick sucked. this why i check any nigga i see talmbout free Palestine, imma show yo ass what racism really look like you keep tryna police black people. focus on the zionists blowin yo mf babies up instead of being pressed over what black folk got goin on Muhammad

Metweet .c

I'm cryinggg, I think she was confused man. Did you forget her witcher incident calling a lady with dwarfism a puppet 💀


this gon break yo wee lil cracka heart but most black people dont give two shits bout whats going on in white people bidness. idk what tiktok you saw that made you feel like you understood our cultural cues and nuances but you will most definitely get slapped harder than a suicide bomb if you talk to a nigga like this outside.. the quality of black spaces diminishes so much when you fools invade. idgaf i been subbed to the patreon for a few months and you niggas be speakin on sheera in tones that rub me the wrong way yall gay as hell tbh. are you ever this vocal about the problems in the ay-rab community? like how the majority of the men beat the shit out of the women? im guessing no since you here taking your pent up emotions out on a black one


They had plenty of money and didn’t look out for family that put them on. I can understand if they were struggling too but they well off and Louie shut him down completely knowing he wanted out. Not to mention went behind his back to Teddy. I don’t got any sides but I sympathize with Franklin situation more than Jerome and Louie.


Every time I see the backhand punch I’m like damn😭😭😭


Bro you are really slow go and rewatch the episode again cause your just chatting 🤣🤣🤣


so wait y'all really think Jerome should have sat there and said omg yes franklin you right. Louie is a trick ass bitch lmao about his own wife? come on now but like I said everybody gonna favor their favorite because I'm being told I should agree with Franklin 100% right? well ok lets do that. I'm team Jerome. I agree with y'all about Louie but Jerome? nah keep UNC AROUND

Dallas Winston

I love how Franklin offered 10 million to Oso just for teddy and a Chance to get the money back but agreed to 7 million (10%) to V’s momma to actually get all the money back lol

Jay Voorhees

Skully is literally the protagonist he’s unstoppable. He knew what was gonna happen when it happened. He just played his part and act as if he didn’t know he my top 1 in the snowfall verse fr😤😤

Calamiti (Bleu)

YES, Jerome should've legit sat back and actually tried to see where his nephew was coming from, but instead he insulted him, blamed EVERYTHING on him which then resulted to franklin clapping back, that entire time Franklin was trying to keep it professional and respectful since he DID respect Jerome and saw him as one of his only people he got. But you got Jerome being petty that Cissy cares more about franklin, HER SON by the way then Jerome and Jerome is jut mentally losing it since everything is hitting him all at once, he's a man full of regret, I think Jerome has taken everything everyones said to him to heart these past couple of episodes, and is handle it poorly. Not taking any responsibility and would rather DIE then admit it or step down, And NOTHING franklin said to him was a lie either, Jerome's acting like he wasn't having his nephew SELL WEED AND GET INTO THE DRUG GAME, WHAT TYPE OF MAN DID YOU EXPECT? and then you INSULT him after everything he's gone through? from being shot, tased, captured in prison, killed his own best friend, BEING STALKED AND MONITORED BY TEDDY AND PUSHED BY HIM OR HE'S CAPPED? no one here is peaches and cream but it's a peaky blinder situation, EVERYONE LOOKS TO FRANKLIN LIKE HE'S TOMMY, AND BLAMES HIM FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND THEN SOME it ain't right, especially from family.


that's not what I said lmaooo read again

A. P.

I had to watch that end scene twice, that was outstanding. Sheesh, warring with family like that, that's pain. Jerome just never been strong enough to stick to his guns and do what he know is best for himself and Louie has way too much control over his life.


its funny how Roshi said that end scene reminded him of Denzel in American Gangster, boy just wait til episode 4

Lamaree Jackson

How did Skully become Aang of the hood lmao

Dalvin Williams

Like Franklin said to Jerome so it’s business when it’s fucking me but it’s personal when it’s fucking you 😂😂😂, they didn’t even give him a handout when he asked for help then they go work with the nigga that cleaned him out, how tf you still siding with Louie and Jerome is my mf question


yeah oso too! to add another point. they also ignore how much Franklin tries to control people and intimidate people lol.

Dalvin Williams

None of them need any millions to live a normal life… after Franklin robbed Louie and Jerome they still had over $7million in the bank accounts… franklins moves took them out the game basically, and instead of taking the fucking L and going to love the rich life with your blood money you chose to go to war with your nephew for fun 🤷🏾‍♂️💯 I don’t wanna hear that bullshit man, at least Franklin had a real estate career and a actual legacy, he was actually doing something with everything he has. Nobody is saying he not a demon but at least he was the only person trying to stop being one 💯💯💯


Nah let’s not act like Franklin didn’t just kill a bunch of people to get his money back. He was probably going to kill Louie if Buckley wasn’t there to get his money back too. Franklin started the senseless killing and murders of multiple people. Louie didn’t intend on fucking Franklin initially. If anything she was doing him a huge favour. Teddy fucked Franklin. But I get that what Louie did is scummy and trash. But she didn’t kill anyone to do it. And if Franklin just robbed Louie and Unc without killing anyone I would be on your side. But that’s not what he did. I’m not trying to absolve Unc of what he did but I feel like people are making it seem like unc is worse or more at fault than Franklin. They are all fucked for what they are doing now. Franklin is just as much of a bitch and punk as Unc is.

Ty Arroyo

Too Be fair he don’t know her or trust he don’t even know if she can really get his money back

Dallas Winston

Yeah 💯 and he’s been in the worst situations with Oso Via Mexican gang banger (2 times) and a tiger lol plus he has a lot of respect for him witch goes a long way. I agree with you all the way, and it makes sense. I just think it’s funny 😄

Bona Fide

I cant stop rewinding when sheera said “none of these animals are moving” then roshi’s reply then Lupa laughing omg lol I cant stop laughing. Cant wait to see that on the YT

Aaron Brown

If this is how yall react to the end of this episode, then the finale might break you.


Man, I love Sheeras energy but my god does she try to overanalyze and predict everything instead of just taking in the moment and letting it play out, which can get tiring at times.


Y’all are getting mad at Franklin but he knows nothing about this woman? She hasn’t proven her self at all outside of Vs sign off so I would be mad skeptical of her wanting 20% off the top


I’ve been saying this, thank you. It’s unbelievably annoying

Dark Danny

plus V herself has already made it clear that her mom cant be trusted based off the stories shes told Franklin

Dark Danny

its cause he dosent trust her and its V's fault, she told Franklin all this stuff about her mom and now people expect him to trust her

Dark Danny

i mean technically if we talking about the actual Sasuke, he would have been the worlds most wanted man after he attacked every kage at the summit and killed the acting hokage. if the Obito didnt announce a war, everyone would have been on Sasukes head

arr f

You paying to watch them BE THEMSELVES, while watching a show right? Who the fuck cares if y'all find it annoying? She clearly finds enjoyment in overanalyzing sht, and she shouldn't stop cause some rando annoyed at how she enjoys her television. Sound like those dumb fucks who say 'react harder', but the opposite... "react less" lmaoo. Go watch SSSniperWolf or XQC if you want some blasé fucking reaction, and move the fuck on.


My whole thing is that Jerome was correct in asking what does he have the answer is just problems. Franklin was trying to phrase it like he's a successful business man who's living a great life but in reality he's a drug dealer who ruins them and Jerome knows it only ends one way but yes at any point in time he could've walked away and definitely should have a long time ago. When he killed the guy when they were setting up skully I think that's his Canon event when he was gone from there on out and it's funny skully the same guy trying to get him to make amends Franklin and Jerome need to get on them skully vibes. There's no saving Louie though she for the streets. Also I really like Cassandra from the jump and find her more interesting than veronique plus she was smacking them ribs my kind of lady 👍.

Quinton Campbell (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-13 01:57:46 Jerome was to sissy at no point in their life did Sissy have his back the way she does Franklin's currently, jerome wasn't trying to make it out to be a him over me situation.
2023-11-13 01:52:37 Jerome was saying to cissy at no point in their life did cissy have his back the way she does Franklin's currently, jerome wasn't trying to make it out to be a him over me situation.

Jerome was saying to cissy at no point in their life did cissy have his back the way she does Franklin's currently, jerome wasn't trying to make it out to be a him over me situation.

Damarcus Miller

She deadasss ruining the reactions with the bullshit long convos in between scenes.. it’s getting worst & worst every episode

J Man

Booker T: Whoop dat Trick!


lol she'll literally just say "and yeah he wants his kids to be safe" and im like...yeah thats what most people want lol she just states the obvious is all


@arr f Noone has to care my friend, I'm simply stating my opinion saying it takes away from the enjoyment when she tries to force the view that she's right in every single scenario. She also keeps repeating the stuff that JUST happened onscreen as if the others aren't watching or understanding which is part of what makes it tiring. If she enjoys analyzing and whatever, then fair enough. And yes - I'm paying because I enjoy their content. I never said I disliked her, I said it can get tiring at times. Get over yourself.


Nah DIOR, like most black people I know (I'm black too, don't even try) you are just as rascist if not more than the white people you claim to hate so much, and you don't even realize it


Careful, absolutely NO criticism allowed here

Louis Kalman

Same bro. They know they're getting fucked over, and would hate the woman if they were doing it to you, but every time the woman does a fucked up thing all they can say is "I love her, man." Cheated on him with drug dealers, clawed his face up, etc. and none of it mattered in the end. When I was younger, this kind of shit even made some serious tension in my family because I'd be blunt about the situation and they'd side with the woman over me, along with telling the woman everything I said about her to try and convince him to leave. Nothing you can do. Hits real af seeing this


Mannnnnnn sheera I don’t give damn about it being mess up or not. If a bitch shoot me then I fucking her ass up no matter what situation she in. I’m not finna risk her killing me by giving her a chance to defend herself lmao

Luhbabytay (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 22:26:05 Sheera was finna snap on teddy for ask a question lmao Roshi like huhhh?🤨
2023-11-25 19:46:52 Sheera was finna snap on teddy for asking a question lmao Roshi like huhhh?🤨

Sheera was finna snap on teddy for asking a question lmao Roshi like huhhh?🤨

Luhbabytay (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 22:26:05 Naw she sheera it both way around not the other way lol they both bitch made niggas
2023-11-25 20:09:53 Naw see sheera it both way around not the other way lol they both bitch made niggas

Naw see sheera it both way around not the other way lol they both bitch made niggas


lupa thats damn near 15 million shes asking for. franklin has every right to hesitate i know i would especially if i just met you. im for sure going to try and haggle my way down

Doby Greg

Wasnt big on episode 1. But the last scene in this one was great.

Doby Greg

I agree that jerome comparing himself to Franklin with Cissi is ridiculous. You dont compare yourself to someone's kid. Of they are going to be in there corner more than you. The kid is their responsability. Also she did desert him in season 2 when Franklin started dealing. She came back when her kid ended in prison and she was worried he might get killed. I disagree that Franklin was the one making good points in the last discussion. The man was enjoying his life and kept telling Franklin to not get in the coke business and even now he's still miserable in it. Frankin cant n pretend he did him a favor by bringing him in a business he didnt want to be part and still hates. And his favor (which he didnt want) made him a CIA target. Also if you are insulting someone wife in front of him if they have feelings for their partners they tend to get riled up.

Doby Greg

He tried to do something more legit with amps business but that fell apart. He also told Louie they should walk away in s4 only to learn he cant do that because they are working for the CIA.

Doby Greg

Jerome tried to call Franklin for a full day and set a meet right after the incident happen. Franklin refused. And Cissi and veronique were the one to convince Franklin that maybe he should try to talk with Jerome. I can agree that when they met to talk Franklin was more open to squashing the beef than Franklin. But thats because Jerome hasnt touch anyone Franklin care for while Franklin tried to kill jerome's wife.


I like how they were mad at franklin for not agreeing to 20 percent immediately lmao. She already knew 20 percent was a ripoff thats why she was so willing to cut it in half to 10. That alone tells me if yall were in franklin spot you wouldn't have made it to season 3 lol.

Xavier Baker

but its different nonetheless ,Nine months ,hours of labor ,holding that bundle of tenderness and fragility that holds your heart like that ,raising that same baby with all of those emotions for 17 plus years of your life ,listen ,no real uncle would ever say some shit like that to the mother of their nephew ,ON TOP OF THE FACT THAT HIM AND LOUIE HAVE NO KIDS how could he possibly understand that...you can tell who and who arent parents ,ofc they would react like that ,THEY ARE PARENTS THEMSELVES ,Roshi would probably torture Lupa for his kids tf,yall are wild


Franklin didn’t force Rome he would have found another way to sell that brick regardless & then still would have got in the game bc he would have seen he nephew in trouble & would have helped

Doby Greg

20% to try to steal millions from a CIA operativewith zero protection if you get caught doesnt seem that crazy . Especially when you already went to other people and got confirmation that's not really a thing people want to try.

Doby Greg

Your siblings are your peers. Your parents are your guardians. Your parent should be more supportive than your siblings.

Doby Greg

That doesnt really go against anything I said. He would still be in business he advised him not to be in and makes him miserable. So it still wouldnt be the big favor to Jerome that Franklin believe it is. Not that that I dont understand why he think so.