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Hasnain Khan


mitch anderson

Please react to Fate Strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn

mitch anderson

Nahhh Roshi himself has to reply to me saying they won't react to it. Then I'll stop


Just in case you guys missed it, the dude with all the women in the Douglas house was the same judge that just ruled that the eminent domain was fine in the case a few scenes before that


Looks like Ah sahm and Li yong have to step up


Mai Ling and Yung Jun got HUMBLED this episode bro

Antonio Williams

The Bear Succession Gangs of London


What is warrior on. I’ll cave and try it out! I don’t watch live action too too much just every now and again so now I’m looking for a new live action to start! (Edit: unless it’s kdrama live action I watch a lot of those)


This show is so gas 🔥


No JJK today?


I can see zing meeting up with either young jun or ah sahms sister in prison

Devin B

Wouldn't he have escaped by then cause it looked like he found a way out after season 2 and a bit of time passed since then


Again, the Secret Service are not Pinkertons. The Pinkertons were and still are a private security agency that was commonly contracted during this time period. The Secret Service originally started as a law enforcement arm of the Department of the Treasury. The Pinkertons are NOT government agents.


Yeah,I am hoping that they at least make him a part of this season because if he gets added in to the mix then its going to be top tier automatically imo

Bad Karma

Well yk how prison plans usually go. It's easy finding the way out but its much harder to actually plan out it out. If Zing does circle back and meets up with Young Jun/Mai Ling, I could see Zing having set up an actual escape plan made after all this time and they would end up getting roped into it.

sotonye ogan

they also called them Pinkertons in the show too stop stressing over it.


That's a misunderstanding. They referenced the Pinkertons in the show, when the guys on the wagon thought that the Secret Service Agents were Pinkertons because they had never heard of the Secret Service since they were a relatively new organization. They were also referenced when Bill was offered a position as a Pinkerton. The show never actually calls the Secret Service agents Pinkertons.


Im a warrior. I like ya and I want ya


BRO I forgot these release weekly now ughhhhhh

rickie woodson

she is manipulating him cause she wants to be the major's wife but i dont see a double cross or trying to get info. she is just white mai ling: after power and will sleep her way to the top.


I really don’t know what Jun and Mai ling thought lmao Mai should have known that those ppl will never see her as an equal and throw her under the bus at the first chance they get.

rickie woodson

in a previous episode (maybe 3) we see georgia taking something (morphine?) when he was talking to his girl about working for the pinkertons. he was sitting at a desk, took some "medicine" and then she walked in. so not sheera's fault, he has never been sober since he got hook on that junk

rickie woodson

they never understand: stop messing with them white folks. now they both got locked up, they wont let them out nooooooooooooo


One episode a week drop just isn't enough for this show man, It's too good!

Huemon Nottabear

Secret Service works for Dept of Treasury, they stop counterfeiters. Pinkertons are private security, they suppress unions, minorities and the poor.

October Veil

"They sent her to Arkham and wrote her off!" Had me LMAO

October Veil

Also, that woman who sent Mai-ling to jail is the O.G. Karen. that was soooome shit

Jason I.

Anyone else think they're setting up for a sword fight between Ah Toy and Strickland?


-pulls out ball of future- ahhhhh ah sahm becomes new leader and so does mai lings boo.....then ah sahm and long zi combine and become......long wei!!!! or....or hop zi lol

Corey Leach

Bro what happened to Chao daughter. Last i recall is her being sent to live with Nellie or something or did she get adopted.

Sage Anubis

Both bosses out, second in commands stepping up!

Metweet .c

I need Mai ling to get her lick back lol. I'm actually enjoying watching her character try and grow out of the violence in Chinatown since she's not actively targeting ah sahm.

Hueki Yuuki

5:00 Sheera, that is still racist, no matter what.

Aaron Gauntt

when you have nothing left to lose the best thing you can do is grab buddy by the throat and tell him I can crush you faster than your men can kill me, say that shit with a smile and you:re golden lol


I believe Nellie said she new a couple who had been wanting a child, so Hannah is with them and wouldn't have been on the farm when it burned