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time for a promotion


MC zsn

another great episode!

Barry Hoover



In a weird way I hope what ah Sam did to Leary is fixable Kuz although he’s still sharp he’s lost a step or two


Best part was my boy who made the “awww shit face “ in the background when young boy came outta pocket at Leary 😂😂😂


"When a racist is like yo this is racist, that's how you know it's really racist." -Lupasan 2023


Listen Rush Hour 101 burn the fake money and the real money then you will know it’s real 😂


i sense a reuniting of lee and bill coming but a problem for the hop wei o:


love the dynamic between Toy and Sahm its kinda like shes replacing mai ling as his sister

Devin B

You already heard of a mic drop but Leary did a whole shovel drop when he put those Irishmen in their place. It's nice to see he has some development cause him being just the muscle was kind of stale.

rickie woodson

so thought ah sahm would go get penny since she is an artist so could probably make some good counterfeit money. thought the daughter would fit in as a new love interest for young jun and that would be her storyline. saw her listed as one of the new recurring cast members so knew she was going to have a big role for season in ep one

Tyrese Marshall

Am I the only one who thinks Leary is a top 3 character in this show. He ain't no Lee but he's goated too


i wouldn't go as far as to say sister, they had sexual relations after all. but i do think it's a pretty deep bond kind of thing.


But then you destroy the real money lol


The Pinkertons area private security agency that still exists to this day. They are not government or law enforcement.

Aaron Gauntt

Guarantee that new chief is gonna be roast duck with the swiftness. I give him a half season at best.


No the land belongs to the country/Government if your a land owner consider yourself just borrowing until they say otherwise in most cases ex… roads, railroads ,bridges,Powerplantsetc they’ll have you move out or give up a piece of your land but give you money to relocate also but it’s not gonna be Top dollar as in you selling it yourself example the market price for your car is 10k but you put 20k in it making it a 30k car your only gonna get about 10k at best

Desert Penguin

Yup, Eminant Domain is a thing. The US Gov't used it to fuck over the black man on many occasions


That sounds like modern China. After the 70 year lease ends, it gets renewed but it also means you never owned anything.