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what kinda animal is that? asking for a friend



issa fox


Nah Lupa was right. You been watching too much Beastars

Devin B

I swear Roshi is gonna ask to watch Zootopia at some point.

shijishoutmon flare

Roshi out here thirsting at crash bandicoot's 4th cousin lmao


if you think about it deku stopping gentle saved this ace for the final battle otherwise AFO would done some sneaky shit and stopped it from working if gentle had activated it. I read the manga so yeah I know there is a plo-thole in this but even if the villains attack if they knew beforehand they could have plan but this time they dont know what specifically UA has for defenses

Tyler Hawke

Despite how trash the citizens can be, this was the most respectful protest I've ever seen. Both sides were yelling but allowing the other to speak without interruption.

Mervyn Larrier

Ochaco had me crying for real, I needed that shit

Tyler Hawke

The citizens do have quirks but lack training + its against the law to use your quirk without a license.


Her name is Ippan Josei. Thank me later. There is no need to hear anyone out, because most of us understand 🙏🏾

tiana britton

Even after the Roshi said it, he still didn’t get it lol. All Might is literally safe with Stain. Like he would never harm all might at all. & saying this all happening because of stain is a super stretch…but also not all of what stain did was bad the message underneath it all was valid and needed to be said.

Tyler Hawke

Fun fact: Eel-Boy was killed by a clone of Twice trying to save Toga and Compress. And the citizen with the 3 stars on his head, the one that spoke up, he was from episode 1. He called Deku a fanboy and told him he'd root for him as a hero, but neither of them remember each other.

Arkan Matlub

Sheera LMAOOO "Some people woke up and was a box"


Beastars changed him guys. It's over.

Davon Thomas

Just dropping spoilers just to be a ass lol. It's crazy how you could of withheld that info


also that end talk about shit quirks was funny as fuck sheera made me laugh so hard my spleen hurt then the glove shit I laugh so hard I laughed but no sound came out


that conversation at the end got me dead Yeah, Ippan Josei is a fox.

Emily A

He said Marshall law im cryingggggg

Tre Staples

Damn as a manga reader, bro I gotta say you're thr worst kind of trash. Not very plus ultra of you

Tre Staples

These episodes been consistently making me cry lately👏🏾👏🏾solid ass season


Stain would respect anyone who’s still trying to be a hero in my mind


Sheera noone is listening

cyrus gudino

Idk if y’all noticed but that guy who was talking about all might and everyone being in the audience was actually introduced all the way back in episode 1. He was like kinda making fun of Deku for being a nerd.


I can’t even blame Roshi dog, they drew a whole ass bakery on that mf


Any manga readers can tell me if there is panels of any interactions between stain and all might? Can’t wait for another season to find out


roshi giving that manga smile at the “ua can fly” joke😭

Taveon Staten

theres another episode next week that has the convo but if you still wanna see https://youtu.be/wwsfhiJKU-I


Ah okay. Thought it was ending with 24 episodes, idm waiting another week, ty tho :D


“They just woke up and was a box one day” Sheera you funny asf for that lmao

Quinton Campbell

Ok so I just spent all last weekend catching up all the way from the MVA arc, and I'm still catching up on the reactions, but I had to say, between this episode and the previous, I cried like 8 times! This shit has been too good!!


Niggas who say "I think the MHA verse would be cool" until they randomly transform into an IKEA catalog.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

the end had me weak asf. Imagine waking up waiting for your quirk and your head turn to a charcuterie board 😭😭🤣🤣


This is the comment I was looking for 😂😂

Barry Hoover

That character is Thiksharkina her quirk is fetish frenzy

Michael Armstead

Y’all forgot lightning powers at end discussion…😏


I'm just saying, I ain't blaming Roshi

Zen Reacts

I mean you gotta try and put yourself in the protesters position. Their entire lives were uprooted pretty much overnight and not everyone is able to just look at it from a logical place right now. Some people are going to be understandably angry and its gonna take alot more to convince some people than others.

AlexXis Amadeus

I hate this episode so much. Had to skip through the first half. Hated it in the Manga too. Not because it's "bad", it just pissed me off. No one should have to justify anything to those freeloaders, especially not to the stupid fuckboi kid. Like seriously, Deku is trying way harder to solve this problem than any of them, he's suffering way more than probably most of them, and he has more at stake than any of them. Uraraka should not have to beg anything from these selfish, cowardly peasants. He has more of a right to be there than anyone. Fuck these people. Not putting them all in their place and shaming them for the results of a social paradigm they all lived in support of and accepted even when they saw the obvious flaws and cracks in it, then blamed the people who are risking the most to prevent the worst, just took the wind out of an otherwise special moment on Uraraka's part. Deku shouldn't shed another tear or suffer any of the jeers of these idiots. Everyone shares the blame for the society they live in, especially the ones who aren't doing fucking anything to make it better. Life is everyone's fault. You aren't owed a safety you haven't built for yourself. These people need to be told that, otherwise Shigaraki's point is proven, and IMO, he didn't go far enough. I know that's a bit extreme, but I'm heated. #SpandexLivesMatter

Lloyd Edwards

She is a bit distracting. Just saying

AlexXis Amadeus

Also.... Lord knows I would climb that tree... she fully picked him up, bro. Can you imagine a hug from that huge fox, rabbit, ferret, whatever the fuck she is? It'd be immaculate.

AlexXis Amadeus

Fact is, they shouldn't even need to be convinced. If they want safety and they want to most effective solutions to their problems, they should shut the fuck up and accept what solutions come, since they aren't going to fucking do it themselves. I have SO much more respect for the people who decided, live or die, they'd put forth their own efforts to protect themselves and not rely on heroes. Is it risky? Stupid, even? Obviously, but exactly how much less risky is it to just do exactly what they've always been doing: hiding and waiting for heroes to fix everything for them? They have no fucking right to denounce Deku, regardless of the circumstances. If I were the principal, anyone saying he doesn't deserve to take a few days sabbatical would be on the other fucking side of that barrier. I swear, I couldn't be a hero, not in a society of cowards like this. In fact, I think I just figured out why real heroes don't actually exist. Best we will ever get is police, because that segment was probably the most realistic portrayal of society in this whole show. God, this shouldn't be making me so mad, I'm sorry.

Zen Reacts

Great didnt ask and wasnt talking to you. Go have your entire life upended and get back to me with how you would act in the middle of a literally lawless country.


Wonder when that traitor will play a part again …

Devin B

Facts. At this point the heroes aren't getting paid like that and are getting shit on by the public. If they still want to protect people despite that then they are the true heroes that Stain respects.

Jelly N Jam

I got you Roshi... She's a "Louies" or "Rooi" from bomberman hero. A kangaroo-esque animal.


Roshi down bad Im dead


Waking up as a box is a disability not a quirk.


"quirk has no other purpose than to be a THICC BREEDABLE animal" LOL Sheera!

DeAndre Woodruff

Y'all the last 5 mins of this is the funniest shit I've seen in awhile. My sides hurt, I'm a fuggin corpse right now.


This is exactly what I came to comment. So pissed fam. I’d have been like yo ya’ll can leave for real, like the best chance we have of winning this is still a kid and he’s tired af and overwhelmed and his back is breaking from carrying all you whiny cry-but-don’t-help spoiled mfs man…Ya’ll VIP’s? CEOs that donate or engineers that develop hero gear? Nope. Oh okay stfu then…😒


Maaaaaan first time I ever wanted Bakugo with the loudspeaker on PR because what the fuck, tell me how ya’ll are more important than the hero who can actually fight AFO…


you all can suck my peen I vaguely said shit that doesn not say what happens. unless you also read it and understood it. to anime only they only know shit still in the burner that is boiling over from what the other wielders of OFA they have said sometime people don't even know they are working for AFO so we know AFO can think way ahead of most people the only that can outsmart is the principal I have said stuff that has already been said and seen


You were talking to everyone, that’s the assumption when you make a comment on a video that others can see and comment on. Be mad that you don’t have anything legit to say on the topic. The point stands, they should’ve put themselves in the hero’s position, not the other way around. That’s weak-minded as hell, blame everyone else and cry about your safety when the literal only one who can save you is beat the hell up and tired, and a kid on top of that. So the solution is to turn your back on the solution? Yeah I can’t empathize with cowards sorry


I legit thought that’s how they were gonna color her, all she’s missing is the nose lmao

Jaelyn Mcgee

huh, I'm watching another reactor channel watch the first MHA episode and the guy with the fish like antinae on his head that convinves the civilians to let Deku in, actually talks to him in the very first episode. It's all these little moments that make me really enjoy this show


Can’t Eris just restore Aizawa’s leg and eye? Or at least eye (limbs are pretty expendable in this verse).


That system is so goddamn stupid. It's like in IRL us needing a license to use our legs, or arms. You bet your ass 50% of the population would turn into criminals if they were not allowed to walk across the room or hold a coffee cup unless they worked for the government.

Vincent S Deluca

I dont think Aizawa lost his eye, pretty sure its just bandaged. His leg probably but Eri cant just use her power whenever, She needs her horn/power to regen first, so its on a pretty long cooldown essentially, and she just healed mirio so at the very least its not happening in 3 days

Talking Is A Free Action

Aizawa has in fact lost an eye. You're spot on though that Eri needs time to build up the energy to use her quirk. Same reason it can't be copied.


Ah, her power has to cooldown? I thought it was since she’s really young she was inexperienced to use it and it took a toll on her and maybe had some type of trauma about her power for some reason from her time with overhaul (I don’t remember shit from the Overhaul arc tbh). Well shit.


if you actually paid attention you would know how her power works. Monoma copies it but because the ability required energy generated over a long period of time he is unable to use it because he gains the horn with zero energy to use the rewind


@cade-carter chill out dipshit, not everyone is remembers every last detail mentioned in the worst season of this whole show. Maybe don't be a condescending shithead to people over MHA fun facts, you sound sad and obsessed when ur being a condescending dipshit

Ultra Sen

That's one way to look at it. I see it more like you were born with a biological weapon (i.e. a gun) and need a license to use that weapon in public.


I don’t agree with the civilians, they have the right to be mad.


They piss me off too, but I will point out that they mention a few times that online conspiracy theorists (including what looks like a clickbait youtube video lmao) have been speculating about Deku possibly being an *agent* of All for One, or possibly a nomu, which is definitely fueling some of the fears

Quinton Reed

Uraraka did that because that’s her man. If it was someone different she wouldn’t be doing this.


I’m guessing there’s a “but” after civilians? Or maybe not🤔


That's pretty dope that the civilian that spoke up and tried to convince them to let Deku rest there was the same random guy that spoke to him near the beginning of the very first episode of the series.


As a black man, I unironically fantasized about having lightning powers as a kid lmao


I think what she be saying about that do be funny, but every time they bring it up, I try to inform them they are born with those physical characteristics like Tokoyami. But alas they never see my comments.

Drake Rage

Ochaco kept asking "who saves the heroes when they are suffering/in trouble?" It was amazing how they kept asking that question this season and the way they answered that this episode. So much emotion, and Ochaco getting her spotlight/her time to shine. They had said how Ochaco's favorite part of the Hero society is not the Heroes themselves but the people cheering and supporting the Heroes, this was like at the beginning of the series, so her answer being "its the people's support that saves the Heroes when they are in trouble" perfectly ties into her character, perfectly executed storytelling.

Josh Knoebel

Uraraka's VA went OFF this episode holy shit.

sean stevens

that tall animal woman is a fox fyi lol