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I forsee season 5 being the final



Chill! Chill! 5 uploads under 2 seconds?


you spoiling us this fine morning we appreciate you!

Hasnain Khan


Saint Nexus

To contribute to the ending discussion, I personally just didn't like adding Marienne back into the picture. I feel like they could've added Joe in Adam's assassination somehow and got a similar end, but besides that I like the season. Nadia should've minded her business or not make such risky moves, and Phoebe is best girl right now ❤️😂


Penn Badgley the actor who plays Joe said recently in an interview that he signed up for 6 seasons


I thought Roshi was all about savagery and being him , Joe became essentially a mafia boss , he is literally him , joe is the goat , stupid ass nadia got put in a pack 💀


⚠️❗ROSHI AND GANG PLEASE READ: ⚠️❗ PATREON IS CRACKING DOWN ON REACTIONS WITH MINIPLAYERS, DOZENS OF REACTORS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SUSPENDED. PLEASE be careful going forward, if you don't believe me look at other reaction channels. (Reanimated, Struck By Belz, React Pack, Etc.) I DONT WANT YALL TO BE NEXT. 😭

Tuny kun

If you guys want a personal website like blindwave that integrates with Patreon, let us know. I'm sure you guys have plenty of professional software devs here (such as me) who would be willing to make it.


I hated Nadia, so im glad she got packed up


Succession for trios!


First half of this season I was like I know Joe is a terrible person but this season he looks like he's change I wish him well....now I don't feel anything towards him I hope he dies next season lmao


if there is a season 5 i feel like it'll be the season with love all over again. but joe actually enjoying killing ppl for kate

Lily Rose

penn badgley signed off for 6 seasons also, roshi you’re conflicted with the way you feel about the season bc you desperately want to like joe, you don’t have to like him. you can root against joe and still enjoy it, he’s a murderer - also joe and kate are in nyc not the uk.


stop foreseeing

Kaylein Ontashia

Nah Joe gotta go. Nadia isn't at fault for trying to save someone. The only thing she did wrong was not calling the police when she first saw Marianne, which eventually led to her getting caught.


I feel like s5 has to have the return of his mother as a final plotline


is it just me or is that not joe? i might be reading too much into this but did joe actually die and rhys took over?


Joe at the end gives me light yagami vibes now. If they did season 5 it's most likely Joe killing for Kate and her enemies. I would hate if they repeated the whole Joe being obsess with another girl thing again. But yeah season 5 needs to be the last one.

Jessica P

This 2nd half was WAY WAY better than the 1st half!!! And Joe gotta go!!! He's cracked! Thank God Marianne is alive!!! I do feel bad for Nadia, but she should've either killed Joe in the park or left things alone after saving Marianne.

Mob K.O.

Appreciate the order these were posted in


It’s also floating around that Ellie ,Delilah’s sister, could be coming back next season to team up with Nadia & Marianne to clap joe so hopefully the rumors r true


The irony of Joe being the so-called "Eat the Rich Killer" when his first wife was part of the Quinn family and his second wife is a Lockwood is actually pretty brilliant. Joe constantly deludes himself into thinking he's working class but he's the textbook example of privilege.

Franklin Saint

I think their might be 2 more season just because penn bangly I can’t remember when but at some point he signed a six year contract I wouldn’t mind if they did two more seasons but more than that I would actually get annoyed


he's not the textbook example of privilege. Like his entire back story and how he grew up?


If Joe really did tell Kate everything then she's an even bigger idiot than Theo if she thinks she isn't getting clapped by Joe in the future. These women who have the "I can change/fix him" syndrome are beyond moronic and always take an L in the end whether it's in media or real life. Joe bout to become a whole single billionaire by the end of the next season I won't feel bad when Kate goes.


There is a theory around that Joe died but Rhys (the bad side of himself) lives on and I believe that might be true. Because even though Joe has killed people I feel like he would never mess over Nadia like that and kill her boyfriend like that. He usually only killed to protect whoever he loved at that time or protect himself from immediate danger. So him doing that to those two seemed very out of character to me based on how he handled Ellie and Paco in previous seasons. I think his dissociative identity, Rhys, has full control now which is why they showed that scene of Rhys in the mirror when he looked at himself.

Lily Rose

the reflection was to let the audience know that joe has accepted who he is entirely, rhys won’t be portrayed as an outside hallucination anymore. rhys was only a personification to begin with bc joe couldn’t accept what HE did to marienne, joe was never good he was just in denial.


I just realized we never found out what Joe said to Phoebe at the Sundry House


Yea that was my main focus throughout the whole series because they kept bringing it up even in part 2 like it was something big waiting to get revealed but they just rushed phoebe tf outta there

Kenisha & Kim

I feel like marienette knows that she will never be free of joe unless she kills him so she is gonna be his adversary and the girl from last season u know how her sister died they bringing her back for sure like I believe they are gonna bring back the victims friends and family to take joe down especially loves family like they have influence to so I wouldn’t even be surprised If he runs into them also Kate probably knows half of it I mean she is seeing wht she wants to see in joe Kate isn’t a psycho like joe is like she doesn’t kill people and she doesn’t want to be like her dad so idk if it’s gonna be a Bonnie and Clyde thing

Kenisha & Kim

Yo I also think next season should end with joe being arrested and gets therapy while someone else is inspired by his killings and maybe his is the next psycho or he could be the police that stops him who knows that could be a cool 180 on joe


Bruh.... this man Joe gotta go! I don't where and I don't know how, but he is on demon timing! Tell me why Joe leveled up this season.....I sat here and thought about it, but they literally made this man into a "kinder" version of Kira Yoshikage from Jojo Part 4....Rhys is basically his stand "Killer Queen". Taking care of shit so he doesn't have to worry like with "Bites The Dust".

R'Mani Leavell

This reminds me of breaking bad. How in season 4 it sets walt up to be at the top during season 5. Then we see his fall

Drake Chuckle

I am going to need for the next season to be the last. I think we've reached the peak here in terms of where it can go and the uh... 'house of cards' needs to fall for lack of a better phrase.


no i think joe is still strong i need 5 more season of joe killing people smartly.

Jesus Reyes

Y'all been brain clapped the whole season. Como que he needs to go hahaha. Joe is him and now he's immune. Y'all hating he won but he did that on his own so either the writers write his downfall or you accept the coming joe demon time arc.

Sean Espiritu

5 stages of grief. 5 seasons. denial with beck, anger with love, bargaining with love/marienne, depression with marienne/kate, and LASTLY acceptance with kate.


I hated this lazy plot twist tbh. I do like evil joe tho. Kate is annoying asf

Lamaree Jackson

While I don’t like how the show keeps doing these ass pulls with joe so he can guess just level up and keep getting away with shit, Nadia kinda got what she got for being stupid. Everyone who’s survived Joes bs better become the fucking Snitch Avengers next season and kill him or put him away.

Justin Spencer

They really pulled me back in with this second half. Now that he isn’t delusional and knows he’s an insane murder can root for him again. Was super pissed about him blaming all the problems on love and killing her although we still don’t have a body. And we know from Candace that seeing ghost of a person doesn’t mean they are dead.


Nadia deserved to die. Marienne told her everything about the kind of person he was and she still went snooping. Shouldve minded her business after saving marienne.


I feel like some of the conflicts in the next season are gonna be with loves father and the private detective/hitman who struck the deal with joe to be someone else.

Adrian Neal

Niggas gave Joe all the pieces of Exodia, streets is cooked

Justin Spencer

Keep in mind his brother and mother are plots points still just sitting there along with Jenna Ortega and any other survivors he’s left along the way. Also we still never saw love’s body burn, just because Joe sees someone as a ghost doesn’t mean they are actually dead like we saw with Candace the show has a thousand ways it could spend including all the survivors teaming up against him. Imagine a season with Jenna Ortega leading a rag tag group of ppl to take him down including the doctor he framed, the student he just framed, merriane out first obsession survivor, love ( maybe if they bring her back but probably not), the person Candace said she sent all the info to about him if she went missing, Becks dad etc, could be a fun season.

Sheraya san

Joes BEEN having to go since s1 he’s a serial killer like tf?


Season 5 was green lit and will be the season finale for You.


This is the episode that separates true and fake Joe fans.


idk why but all these seasons feel like a prequel to what the fifth season is supposed to be. like this all felt like a prologue lmao


also i feel like joe is now accepting his true “killer” self now. since he has no reason to hide it anymore, except for maybe kate who still doesn’t know his true backstory. ngl i don’t really like this approach to season 5. it feels just like season 3 but on a more amplified way. also am i the only one who feels disappointed we didn’t get to see beck’s death, instead it was a off screen kill. also i really hope they bring back a couple old characters back from all the seasons in order to stop joe. kinda like the endgame of everything.

Parlay miles

Joe the goat goldberg