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Lupa said hes done joking



I’m ready for this


Lupa needs to cough off them respect tokens for Takemitchy ! 😂


Hakkai made me have hope just for him to end up slumped



Alejandro Rodriguez

its way more fuckin epic in the manga at least this fight and later ones, and its pretty much just down to the animation. And basically besides the time thing Takemitchy's redeeming factors for being with the gang shit are just that hes built ford tough and he's good at speeches and gassing everybody up

Devin B

Takemichi's appeal is that he inspires others from his actions. If someone who is weak asf and is constantly putting his life on the line is trying this hard that's gonna make you feel like doing something.

Elizabeth Darby

Takemitchy is more epic in the manga during this fight😪😭🤷🏾‍♀️

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm honestly not even bothered that takemitchy hasn't been a fighter. Not everyone can be a fighter, even in an anime and gangs absolutely keep logistics people around and blah blah blah like that's fine. And I will give dude props for being able to take a relentless beating and still get back up for more. My issue with him and why I call him trash is that he is consistently making poor and foolish choices. And his stupid choices and oftentimes inaction in key moments has lead to other people getting hurt. Over and over.

Elizabeth Darby

It was that one manga panel of Takemitchy bloody but still ready to go that I wanted to see animated but it got censored


I know Hakkai lied about protecting Yuzuha but it honestly doesn’t really change anything. Even if he told them the truth they’d be right there trying to stop Taiju


Taiju falling down also makes sense because he’s still bleeding out. Also last episode he said he was getting tired


Takemichi being able to stand so much after getting his is good ole fashioned plot armor

tiana britton (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-28 03:20:24 Hakkai still isn’t a “bitch” 🙄🙄. She tried to protect him due to feeling it was her responsibility (and of course it wasn’t they both needed help)being older & it’s not like he wasn’t also getting abused like he didn’t lie about that. & from manga and the anime it definitely seems like he was getting beat at a higher rate than she was. Like we talking about trauma and complex PTSD here…they just handled it differently which there is nothing wrong with.
2023-02-28 02:17:03 Hakkai still isn’t a “bitch” 🙄🙄. She tried to protect him due to feeling it was her responsibility (and of course it wasn’t they both needed help)being older & it’s not like he wasn’t also getting abused like he didn’t lie about that. & from manga and the anime it definitely seems like he was getting beat at a higher rate than she was. Like we talking about trauma and complex PTSD here…they just handled it differently which there is nothing wrong with.

Hakkai still isn’t a “bitch” 🙄🙄. She tried to protect him due to feeling it was her responsibility (and of course it wasn’t they both needed help)being older & it’s not like he wasn’t also getting abused like he didn’t lie about that. & from manga and the anime it definitely seems like he was getting beat at a higher rate than she was. Like we talking about trauma and complex PTSD here…they just handled it differently which there is nothing wrong with.


Taiju is raw


Takamechis body is running on pure muscle memory lol that brain long gone 🤣

Big Daddy Dre

Y’all remember thorfin dropped thorkell by hitting him in his jaw 😂


Bro that nigga taju get like +50 punch when fighting in church’s lmao


Takamichi finna be in the hospital for half a year

Big Daddy Dre

I use to get in fights and my sisters would always try to go fight the dudes when they found out😂

tiana britton

OKAY!!!! THANK YOU!!! People are also missing that he broke the promise to Yuzuha almost immediately so he went back to beating them both. Like the trauma and ptsd that comes from that! His reactions make 100% sense.


Hakkai is the youngest out the 3.


Yuzuha is his older sister and she was also the one that told hakkai to say he took all the beating in this episode she said it was my decision after he confessed


Literally says it in the episode the sister called him her little brother, Hakkai is the baby brother.

Mr. Glasses

They made us watch this man get beat up for two episodes. That's crazy.

Earphone Jack

Taiju is the oldest, Yuzuha is the middle child, and Hakkai is the youngest.


Lupa said: "I'm good". Bruh I'm dead ☠️.

Mozart Waddell

I'm so happy you guys are reactors that go against the grain. Thank you for acknowledging Hakkai was a "bitch" for that. You don't know how badly I needed to hear that and every reactors I seen on Saturday kept making hints, tiptoeing, and eluding that he was one. People need to stop being afraid of backlash from their communities.


@Grelk --- Why are you watching a series you don't like? That honestly doesn't make sense to me. I'm not gonna pretend that Tokyo Revengers has amazing writing, but I wouldn't be watching if I disliked it.

Dude Man McGee

I need vanity fair or whoever to do a "Yakuza Reacts to Tokyo Revengers"

Kumi Chan

They're not gonna pick up little details cause they are too focused on Takemichi's getting beat up

Sham3ful (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-28 05:19:41 This whole fight deadass reminded me of Luffy, Law, Kid, Zoro & Killer trying to jump Kaido & proceeded to get the breaks beat off them. (though luckily things turned around)
2023-02-28 04:12:02 This whole fight deadass reminded me of Luffy, Law, Kid, Zoro & Killer trying to jump Kaido & proceeded to get the breaks beat off them. (though luckily things turned around)

This whole fight deadass reminded me of Luffy, Law, Kid, Zoro & Killer trying to jump Kaido & proceeded to get the breaks beat off them. (though luckily things turned around)


Bruh, takemitchy holding onto that plot armor there while getting beaten so he don't die.


Every time homie has started talking to God seems like the next phase in a boss battle


I swear if Yuzuha doesn't have a good life after all this imma be pissed. She has gone through so much that it had me crying


i dont know why they keep testing taiju like stop it get some help. he too much. taiju needs to get killed or put away.


Mitsuya whos a captain and been in a lot of fights and then we got weak ass takamechi is the one that made Taiju fall that's so dumb

Emman Reed

the show established that the guy got run over by a train but not really and then got sent back 12 years for what reason. Then you think high school hoodlums gonna whip out the bruce lee choreography against the gorilla in a human costume. To me the story is more about Takemitchy being the variable that changes the future. Not chuck norris in high school.

Emman Reed

Takemitchy to me, is the variable that is able to change the future since he has mf'ing time travel. But yeah he still weak asf (with the max HP)


16:53 there is the reason why it's on Disney now


He left the gang life for a reason in his original timeline lol because he knows he’s that about that life. But he’s here facing adversity every day in order to save the ones he loves. That’s takes bravery if we’re being real. And the reason he’s even allowed to join with his low fighting skill is because outside of the founders of Toman, he’s Mikey’s closest friend.

Jalon R

They were all getting KO'd but here's Takemitchi receiving deadly blows and still getting up lololol. But I'll give the writers props, they don't spam the plot armor like most animes.

Jalon R

The problem with Takemitchi is that he's inconsistent, most of the time he doesn't try hard enough and cries about it. Then there are the life-or-death moments where he wants to give it his all. Where's this energy for Hina? He's doing everything except for the things needed to save her life. Side note. I can't even hate on Kisaki, he's the best villain on the show, plotting and dripped out lol.



Real Kest

Man purple health bar 🤣😭😭


bro trust me this arc was so much better in the manga😭


Yes lupa, getting punched on the jaw/temple will literally make your brain bounce off the side of your skull 😂 sheera can Mike Tyson you guys rq lol


Sheera you know you’d protect your baby brother from another family member, we all would 😂

Leanne Stephenson

Taiju was probably weak due to blood loss as well


We can’t blame the victim, that shit is sad all around

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Im ngl I’ll give Takemitchy props cuz if I get hit with a 4-5 hit combo like he did I’m tapping out idgaf🤣🤣🤣


after this fight everybody is permanently disfigured and has brain damage

MC zsn

i love when clowns love to think to hard about a fictional tv show/manga that obviously won't make sense in terms of real life, makes them look pathetic asf lmao

Jalen Holmes

Shes the older sister hakai is the youngest in the siblings

Imani Brooks

It does change things somewhat. It made himself look better to his friends, taking credit for Yuzuha's actions. Llus, it completely had Takemichi mosunderstandibg the dynamics of the family. If everyone knew it was Yuzuha taking the brunt of his abuse, her being the one to kill Taiju may have presented itself as a possibility earlier. I'm not blaming Hakkai, dude's just a scared kid, but it was still sucky to take away his sister's brave actions and he knows it. I'm glad he's owning up to it and trying to make up for it though.

Team Skull Grunt B

People say this meanwhile he gets up two seconds later and is perfectly fine lol. That man is not even slightly tired


It's a tv show about gang shit, and stopping mid-fight to have an inspiring moment with a bro isn't gang shit lol.


It's almost like you have multiple people who put a ton of thought & effort into this story & then an adaptation of it (regardless of how much irl sense it would make) that's worthy of doing a little more than clapping like a seal at it! I'm sure you never ever think too hard or get too emotional about any fictional thing ever.


it definitely doesnt adapt to screen nearly aswell.


I'll definitely say this, in the manga its better, I feel like they did a poor job translating it into the anime, it looks more ridiculous than it actually was


They need to send Taiju back to dragon ball z i'm getting sick of this nigga


what says i watched this? the fact that I commented 3 letters? lol, I checked out the first season and the mc was too much of a bitch for me 🤷‍♂️


Nah, I read the manga and the only thing going for it is the art.


At this point, I feel like Eminence in the shadow would have been better than this trash


I love Takemitchy. He’s durable af. I’d be out after 3 punches by that man. I love his determination and who he is as a whole. Sure some things that happen in the show doesn’t make complete sense but it happens a lot in shows unfortunately so I dismiss it for the most part. The only problem I have with Takemitchy is his poor choice making. I don’t mind if it happened SOMETIMES because nobody is going to make all the right choices 100% of the time. I liked the idea of Takemitchy. Ya,know an average dude who got sent back in time. Not a fighter but determination and durability at 100. But even the average dude would think of SOME logical and good choices.


The Dark Souls-esque ost goes so hard for no reason

Ramone Moore

Whole time taiju bleedin out from that shank a couple episodes ago


This reminds me of that one episode of Spongebob. When he 'fought' that bully but found out that the punches didn't hurt him so he just tired him out. Just in this case, he getting his ass whooped.


"The hospital arc is coming," Takemichi goes into a coma and wakes up 15 years later like it's Erased.


17:39 You can see the past trauma in Roshi's eyes 🤣


Saying things have to make logical sense for the world they live in is pathetic? Why didn't Takemitchy just pull out his bankai and cut Taiju up since making sense doesn't matter? 💀


“Nah” doesn’t elaborate further, makes sense


It’s funny that Roshi said this is dragonball from Yamcha perspective 😂🤣 cuz taiju is definitely brolying tf outta these folks 😂🤣 I need cj the champ to bring this man to the table of black Air Force energy


Bro got stab the episode before

Papa Souls

The ONLY thing Takemitchy has going for him, is plot armor.

I VisiBomb I

hasn't lupa watched hajime no ippo to know the trick with the chin? when you punch the chin, it can shake your brain inside the skull, causing you insane damage.

nathaniel dixon

but she did not seem like she wanted him to tell them, i think she did not want the credit, all that mattered was protecting her little brother (she tells him not to say anymore.)