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Are ya winning Takemitchy?



i cant lol am tired of this dumb bitch takemitchy


wow i literally came here right on time😂💀

Nicole Guerrero

Dang all these shenanigans really taking place at church 💀


man, the hate for Takemitchy is astounding, you try time traveling to fix other peoples mistakes out of the good of your own heart bruh lmao.


Takemitchy has got to be the worst protagonist known to man. At least top 5. Got no hands

Smash Bran'Discootch

If Takemitchy were a Saiyan, could you imagine how strong he'd be after being folded this many times?

britt m

🤣😭 goddamn!!! Lol he is kinda frustrating but I feel like we as the audience, really underestimate his situation. On the outside its so easy for us to point out what to do and what not to do, but in the type of scenarios he runs into, I feel like it's so hard to think on your feet without potentially fucking up the timeline. Cause once you do shit in the past, you cant fix it and youre kinda screwed... Also Taiju is scary af, if I were Takemitchy I would've given up a long time ago 😂

Team Skull Grunt B

If knowing how fight is a requirement for a good protagonist, many great protags are suddenly trash now

Taku Bell

I want to defend Takemitchy cause I remember this being my favorite arc but after the manga ending, I don’t have the energy for it anymore.


I didn’t say that. But in this type of story you got to know how to have some type of hands. He has bravery and durability but bro gets whooped almost every single episode. At least block ya face, duck or something. Even Hina made his eyes look like flammable titties after beating his ass


trueeee I would give up to but its just the fucking 4 eyes dude bruh he needs to go I cant he just makes my blood bowled

Earphone Jack

Listen, Takemitchy is an idiot, but I’m not gonna slander him too much because who knows what dumb ass decisions I would make in his position lol. And even if Takemitchy knew how to fight, what do y’all expect him to do against Taiju? From what I’ve seen, Taiju is not human. Takemitchy would probably STILL get his ass whooped. 😭

Earphone Jack

Exactly lol. Like yes, Takemitchy is frustrating, but I wouldn’t want to be in his position. I wouldn’t be able to handle the stress lol.

Big Daddy Dre

I mean what is he supposed to do these niggas he’s up against are top tier fighters/gang leaders and he can’t learn to fight because he’s on a time limit and nobody learns how to fight in a day and tbf even if he was able to learn how to fight it still wouldn’t work because these niggas been fighting since they was kids 😂🤷🏾‍♂️

Clrissa young

Takemitchy has been getting beat in different timelines (original timeline and when he goes back he gets beat up again ), his problem solving skills are in gone. Surprised hes not in a coma


Good point 😮‍💨🤣🤣🤣🤣 we would think takemitchy will know how to fight in the new season. Guess he didn’t trained when season 1 ended 🤣🤣🤣

Big Daddy Dre

Everybody just forgot that the reason Mikey like takemitchy is because he’s reminds him of his brother who couldn’t fight and was a respectable gang leader like you just saw this nigga pick up 2 teenagers and a church bench with one hand….what is he blocking or evading 🤦🏾‍♂️😂

Team Skull Grunt B

Honestly you don't need to defend him. We all felt the same way when reading the manga, just gotta let the story play out. I hated him in season 1 but after reading future arcs i respect him fully, just trust the process.

Big Daddy Dre

TRAIN WHEN? Nigga immediately went to the future got shot,locked up,and came right back just to get some new opps 😂


I don’t remember them saying Mikey’s brother couldn’t fight. Plus it don’t matter how strong a dude is. I’m not gon let him just directly hit me in my face if I can’t fight. Tf


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 am dead takemitchy at this point is clown shoes of the year


yo i cant with this show

Big Daddy Dre

They said he couldn’t fight in the 3rd episode i think and i feel ya i would’ve stab his ass but from what we’ve seen so far bruh likes sneaking niggas 😂

Tyrese Marshall

Takemichi can fight tho thats the thing, he just isnt a fighter like the rest

Tyrese Marshall

like realistically, he has barely fought up until this point and this is a battle shonen, hes not gonna start scrapping Taiju


Clearly u didn’t read my other comment. Nobody said that


Manga readers y’all already know what’s coming soon lmao


I was saying the same thing abt takemitchy always getting his ass beat ,until I read the manga 😈


Listen, I don't mind if Takemitchy is not a fighter. I can accept that, but at least give this man a brain 💀 He's literally an adult surrounded by 15 years old kids and yet he sometimes makes dumber decisions than them. The power of friendship is cool and all but too much naivety hurt. Takemitchy only got this far with luck, he almost did nothing significant up until now all on his own. That's my impression of him lol I'm not a manga reader so I have no idea if it changes

Mozart Waddell

Kind of random but just wanted to point out that on Christmas day when they showed Yuzuha, she wasn't eating KFC or some fried chicken. A lot of anime I seen always show the characters eating chicken with a cake during Christmas. It was actually nice to see some variety.


lets be honest idc how much you like takemitchy.....this dude trusted kisaki knowing he kills your girl in the future? and he shot chifuyu in front of you? like come on at this point takemitchy is his own worst enemy


Takemichi is frustrating but kisaki gets me soooo mad!! Manipulative ass he needs to go

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yo, manga readers chill. Yall end up spoiling heavy with your comments. Like, who cares what happens LATER? That's later, fam. We'll talk about that laaaaaaaater. But right now, takemitchy is trash. So right now, we're talking about how trash he is. If he proves us wrong, which I now know he apparently does because of y'alls spoiling asses, then We'll give him the recognition he deserves for it. But until that happens, every single bit of evidence that the show has given us aaaaaalllll culminates to the big picture of takemitchy being trash. Like my god people, keep your dick in your pants and just let the show play out. Damn, now cause of y'all I'm gonna be expecting the moment of takemitchy kicking some ass and that initial blind experience is now ruined. So, you know...Thanks.


Maybe if some of you guys in the comments didn’t have such a gate boner for takemitchy, people wouldn’t have to defend him so often


People need to learn to be okay with someone not liking a character, like chill. They didn't insult your taste, they just don't have the same.

Devin B

If some starts walking up to you and praying you know you’re about to get that holy beat down

Devin B

I’m pretty sure what Takemichi was saying to Hakkai about not killing to solve your problems was something that he told himself cause he had to have thought at least one time that killing Kisaki could solve his problems

Smash Bran'Discootch

Jose my guy you are missing the point entirely, which tends to happen when instead of listening to someone you're just waiting for your turn to talk. There's no hate boner at all. This is objective fact based on all of the evidence provided by the show at this point. Every choice that this dude has made had been consistently bad, wrong, and stupid. Which is absolutely fine. It makes the moment when he stops being trash all the better. Even though that moment is now ruined because of people like you. All this dude has done the entire series is get his ass kicked, cry, and get other people killed. Does that mean he's a bad character or unlikable? No. But at the moment he is trash. ALL of the choices and actions taken that have ANY affect on the events around them are all made by other people. Has he influenced events? Of course. By spurring OTHER people into action. So maybe instead of screaming "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" because people are making accurate observations about characters you like, maybe wait until the show actually gets to the point where the character isn't just the worst for people to arrive at that conclusion the same way you did. Why ruin other people's experience with the show just because you're butthurt over something you have literally no reason to be butthurt over? Like if takemitchy started popping off and we're still talking shit, fine man, step up to defend your boy. But until then, yeeeeeeaaaahhhhhh bro just gonna spoil?


“People like you” I haven’t said anything spoiler later in this thread or any. I barely comment fool lol


Takemitchy was a stay at home loner. Some of these dudes have “grown up” already even if they’re younger than him

Smash Bran'Discootch

Then why tf did you even comment? Fine, let me ammend it. "The people you're going to bat for". Better?


“Objective based facts based on evidence “ it’s literally your opinion. If everyone felt this way about the mc, Tokyo revengers wouldn’t sell. Stop hating so much and enjoy the show. Or don’t, it whatever. I just find it funny how you all complain about takemitchy but keep watching along


Let's see how takebitchy solves this now.

Smash Bran'Discootch

See, here we are again; you completely missing details because you're not participating in the conversation, you're just waiting for your chance to talk shit. If you're not smart enough to figure out how literally every part of what you said is wrong based on what I actually said that you clearly ignored, then you aren't smart enough to participate in this conversation. Who ever said I didn't like takemitchy? I love that little garbage baby. Which you would know if you actually listened. Which you don't.


Homie took the punch and declared taiju the strongest like Madara in Naruto lol

tiana britton

They def didn’t beat the breaks off of chifuyu.


Lol I also made a Taguro joke when I first watched the episode

Devin B

Let's not forget in the past he's the one that had Kazutora try and kill Baji. Even before he did all that stuff in the future he already did messed up stuff in the past and Takemichi still tried to trust him. That was really just Takemichi giving himself the L.


im ngl this is terrible writing. any sane person would have never partnered up with kisaki. atp the writer just making takemichi the most hated character on purpose

Austin S

Ngl I don't let Takemitchy get me mad 😭 I'm just here for the ride, but I see now why everyone's upset. Mans got no stats, he can't out fight them, (taiju is a whole grown man), he can't out think them, (kisaki is fucking top of the class), dude has not one singular attribute to carry him, he's literally just average-man, he doesn't even have street smarts for real. Thats tough. This is literally what it would look like for someone with maybe a little less than average intelligence to be surrounded by super powered humans 😭😭

Austin S

heavy on the no street smarts, Takemitchy is like if a nice nerdy kid in your high school class got dragged into gang activities for the first time in their life


Bro most MCS have good qualities/traits takemitchy don’t gotta damn thing maybe you can give him credit for his determination but what good does that do when you determined but not getting shit done 🤷🏾‍♂️


Takemitchy could prob save Hina at this point by running in front of a truck and save us the weekly disappointment too...


Idk why they keep making Takemichi look super weak and more stupid in anime compared to original manga lol

Austin S

yeah I noticed that too, in the manga it doesn't feel like he's that slow at catching on, and you're more into the mystery of what happens next. In the anime its like he's gotta say the same shit 3 times with flashbacks before he knows what's going on

Taveon Staten

we just havent got to the good part of this chapter he will have his moment


I mean y'all are trashing Taiju for punching Yuzuha when she literally stabbed him 2 minutes ago 💀 He is a trash human if what Hakkai said is true but idk what the secret was that Taiju was about to reveal, he's also badass ngl

Oh Alone

Maybe in this time line Yuzuha die?


She does have a valid reason for it but that reaction is very weird when you already know he's cruel in general, you expect him to do nothing after being stabbed? Also, as an anime only, idk if the information Hakkai gave is true yet or not because even Taiju was about to reveal something about Hakkai PS: Don't spoil it if you already know xD


He does have a maxed out HP stat. He takes hits left and right but rarely does he ever go out for good unless the plot really requires for him to faint.


The anime really makes the whole beatdowns go a lot slower so I really get why y'all go off on Takemitchy still being a sitting duck on fights. Reading the manga, I just assumed Taiju closed in real fast or that everyone else's punches moved way too fast for some everyman to just dodge. Seeing Takemitchy just standing there, not even trying to put distance between him and Taiju is truly frustrating.


The reaction not weird he put himself in that situation but i understand what you saying also. whatever tajiu was gonna reveal, you gonna trust this crazy guy words over hakkai?


I mean Hakkai is the evil one in the future and Taiju looks like one of those strong characters who doesn't really have any reason for lying so let's see what happens


He lie about not hitting his sister when he have and they all in a gang everyone is bad there no good person

Erica Collins

Taiju's "love" for his siblings reminds me of Illumi's "love" for Killua (hxh) but it's 10x worse. They have really messed up ways of showing it that I'm sure not even therapy can fix that so yeah Taiju gotta go. I don't see a good future where he lives unless he's behind bars for LIFE


@Jose. People seem to forget that him being 26 don't mean shit, when he was practically a stay home bum


ngl the anime makes it seem Takemichi is slower than he is in the manga. The anime for some reason likes to hold the audiences hand in the form of Takemichi's figuring things out, which is really weird. Also the manga's action is a lot faster than this, as in Takemichi rarely has time to even dodge a punch so the anime making Takemichi just stand there waiting for a hit is kinda annoying. I get the hate for anime Takemichi but I'd say go read the manga, it's not as bad as the anime makes it look.


this story is hot garbage lmao

DsWorldd •

I thought was tweaking when takemichi said "it was yuzuha who stabbed taiju, not hakkai!" like 3 times in the span of 15 seconds. Feels like I'm watching Dora or Blues clues sometimes lmao

DsWorldd •

Bro got tears in his eyes quoting bible verses and shit while he beats the breaks off mfs. Heavy gyomei vibes lol


they must've hired the dangan ronpa writers to do this episode's script cause there's no other reason why takemichi would say "yuzuha stabbed taiju" three different ways consecutively


I feel like the "Slow" Takemichi thought processing is all a storytelling device to keep the viewer off-balance to the truth. I had a feeling the events played out differently than we were told, and even now I'm still thinking buddy is gonna have to catch this body to save him sister. ALSO, I could see the og timeline playing out like Kisaki texted Yuzuha, and after she stabbed Taiju, Kisaki could have literally black mailed Hakkai into being his pet to keep his sister from going to jail.