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Keyleth is unstoppable!



Fun fact the voice actor who plays Keyleth’s mother is the same as Korra in The Legend of Korra.

Smash Bran'Discootch

FIRE ELEMENTAL KIKI YAAAAAS! So keyleth's Character was heavily influenced by the Avatar The Last Airbender franchise and JANET VARNEY who voiced Korra voiced Keyleth's mom. How perfect is that?!

Smash Bran'Discootch

So the "I have passed through fire" thing in the Campaign was a teeny bit more impactful for Marisha(keyleth's player)on like a personal level for her and had a bigger build-up. I'm not mad at how they handled it here at all because this was AMAZING. There was a guest character who was sort of a mentor for Keyleth and someone who believed in her when she didn't believe in herself. WAAAAY after that guest had been on the show, they returned to where they met him to find a letter. The guest had hand written a letter and recorded himself reading it out loud which they played on the show. TL;DR version, he was a blacksmith who was thrust into a leadership role and spoke about how metal has to pass through fire in order to become what it was meant to be. And how all of her experiences, even the painful ones, have shaped her into the person she is. Included in the letter was a ring for Marisha(the person playing Keyleth). Engraved on the ring was, "I Have Passed Through Fire". It was a really touching moment that brought marisha(and all of us watching) to tears.

Hasnain Khan


Smash Bran'Discootch (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-01 00:17:00 Allura Vysoran is sort of the DM Matt Mercer's self-insert character. She's the character he identifies with most and he also based Lady Kima of Vord's character on Marisha, his wife and Keyleth's player.
2023-01-31 23:14:05 Allura Vysoran is sort of the DM Matt Mercer's self-insert character. She's the character he identifies with most and he also based Lady Kima of Vord's character on Marisha, his wife and Keyleth's player. Also Plane Shift is a higher level spells that Druids can learn. Allows you to travel between planes of existence. All druids can turn into animals, but Keyleth is a Circle of the Moon druid and as such can turn into Elementals.

Allura Vysoran is sort of the DM Matt Mercer's self-insert character. She's the character he identifies with most and he also based Lady Kima of Vord's character on Marisha, his wife and Keyleth's player. Also Plane Shift is a higher level spells that Druids can learn. Allows you to travel between planes of existence. All druids can turn into animals, but Keyleth is a Circle of the Moon druid and as such can turn into Elementals.


Sword feed me tf is this ion want this shit I want regular blood tf is this bullshit like I’m sorry bro lava blood not good enough for you that’s all we got 😭


Ripleys involvement is also kinda Percy’s involvement this season.

Bria A.

Enjoying the rewatches with you guys to get through the week; it’s nice to have people to laugh along with

Andrew W

Kiki really said "Avatar State, yip-yip!" lol


Funny you mention Bahamut, he’s actually one of the prime deities of DND. He’s the platinum dragon of justice and patron of all metallic dragons, (the good-ish kind)


Circle of the Moon Druids can transform into different elementals as well as animals. It was one of the few signature moves of Keyleth during the campaign, and they did a fantastic job of depicting it!


Percy feels like the only one who didn’t get a buff, and in fact got nerfed. He lost his cool gun demon.


He gets something pretty cool don’t worry


Keyleth out here trying to be in the next Darkstalkers game...if that ever happens.


Pretty much lol Lost his 6 barrel for a 4, he got to keep some of his abilities in the campaign but since his class was a homebrew there's less to be done with it but his most significant thing was since he had a gun in a fantasy world his crits did obscene amounts of damage to enemies.


Straight up, the moment that sword pointed itself at one of my people like that, it’s getting chucked in the lava. I don’t deal with cursed shit like that, especially when the damn thing starts getting uppity and forgetting who the master is.


Everyone will eventually get a buff. That's a dungeon master keeps the party interested. Keep the story going, that how tabletop rpg works.

Devin B

Especially after seeing how Percy was messed up whenever he got possessed to fulfill his vengeance.

Kwaku Afari

The fact that the sword sighed is hilarious

Smash Bran'Discootch

Lmao that was taken right out of the livestream. God had just asked Craven Edge, "Do you have a female setting?" and Matt the DM speaking as the sword just sighed heavily.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Okay so there's a thing you said in this comment that is HILARIOUS but I don't know how familiar you are with the source material so I don't know if it was an intentional joke. If so, hats off to you because that was amazing. If not, then tooootally ignore me haha!

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also, Percy's player Taleisin is an actual eldritch deity and CONSTANTLY had like insaaaaaaaaanely good rolls. He'd roll a crit, switch dice, then roll another crit. Percy will always be a badass, don't worry.


Percy saying "shit shit im really flamable" like yeah how much gun powder you running around with my dude.


Also guns is often disliked in table top rpg. Because it doesn't mesh with fantasy setting. But also because guns deal highest damage for range weapon. Barring magic weapons, the only weapon that can match a gun is a heavy crossbow. It has a ton of advantages, you can use it one hand, can be conceal and lighter weapon. The only downside is how expensive the ammunition. So Percy still has unresolved story with Ripley. Won't spoil anything but he will get his upgrades eventually.


in that fire form she looked like one of ben 10 alien

rickie woodson

people always forget that extra power of phoenix: new clothes! just like jean grey

Smash Bran'Discootch

Bro I was thinking the same thing first time I watched! Who knows, it might have been an inspiration for the design. It looked dooooooope!


That what I am saying pretty sure my boi will get a level up


I’m sure he will. I was just pointing out that he didn’t get a buff yet.


I didn’t even realize that. I though he was referring to the clothes he was wearing. My man’s a walking bomb!


Moon druids can be absolutely broken with there wild shapes. At max level, they get infinite wild shapes, which basically gives them an infinite health pool and ability to shape shift into some powerful creatures.


Does anyone know if they reacted to episode six as well? Or are they waiting for the next batch of episodes


It’s was like heatblast and alien x mashed into one.

Smash Bran'Discootch

They'll drop episode 6 on Thursday. They posted a schedule a little whole ago but in case you're new, Vox Machina days will be Tuedays and Thursdays ^_^

Evan Jenkins

I kind of look at this animation as not only a good Critical Role show, but kind of an adult Avatar. If Korra is meant for kids who became teens to watch, I think this show can easily serve those teens who are now adults.

Evan Jenkins

I kind of think Mercer waited a bit to buff him because by getting rid of that demon he kind of broke his revenge = more power promise. There had to be a cost for that (at least temporarily).

Skye Horton

You guys should watch Dota; Dragons Blood if you haven’t already, it’s on Netflix and really good.

Kyle Garrett

"This lady is literally the Avatar" - actually no you're RIGHT, thats Janet Varney, the voice of Korra so she LITERALLY is the Avatar xDxDxD


taleisin and his golden snitch which if i remeber correctly they banned at the end of the campaign becuase he always rolled 20s?


Keyleth beat Aang's record by 2 whole seasons, and they both started from the same element


Cool but Aang was a whole 11 year old which is crazy


bro the line "I can hear it" while she's burning hits different.


now now get it accurate he was 112 years old and the Avatar system was thousands of years old, all aang really NEEDED to do was have someone show him how to manipulate/manifest fire and then start experimenting especially by talking to Roku

Connor Grynol

You predicted they might trap Grog in the amulet. I haven't seen Critical Role's first campaign, but they once did a sorta parallel universe battle royal with all the character's from campaign 1, Grog got trapped inside the amulet during the fight but he punched his way out.

Jaime Ruiz

That shit was so fucking nasty. I literally am just waiting to see Grog get the deck of many things.


Cool fact Keyleth's mom is voiced by korras voice actor

Ethan J Soto (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-10 18:19:52 Keyleth is a circle of the moon druid. In D&D, they can wildshape into animals a lot more efficiently than other circles. Additionally, druids can also become elementals, in this episode, Keyleth turns into a fire elemental.
2023-02-05 10:58:44 Keyleth is a circle of the moon druid. In D&D, they can wildshape into animals a lot more efficiently than other circles. Additionally, druids can also become elementals, in this episode, Keyleth turns into a fire elemental.

Keyleth is a circle of the moon druid. In D&D, they can wildshape into animals a lot more efficiently than other circles. Additionally, druids can also become elementals, in this episode, Keyleth turns into a fire elemental.