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You know, while I didn't care much for Vex and Vax season 1, I DO love what they were able to do in the past 2 episodes. I appreciate a simple backstory that further explains mumblings about characters we've heard, but have never really seen. I'm here for the VA's, as there are some damn good ones and very iconic ones at that, and Liam O'Brien might be my favorite. His performance is always top-tier, and he sold me at the end (despite being spoiled lol). I'm sad now because the backstory gave more depth to her character, but now that's gone with the wind lol. Hopefully Laura Bailey made a new character or sticks around for more voices. Speaking of VA's, I can't help but think of "Boys Be" everytime Scanlan talks lol.

Brandon Rodgers

Watching the DND clip for the death scene was crazy she rolled a whole 1


Lupa was hilarious with that damn death flag lmao


Giants in DnD can't have beards, so having a beard is a big deal.


Don’t be so shocked. You guys will get used to it, eventually.

Sy'mon Almeida

yeah over protector, but.. he's right.


Please React to recorrd of ragnarok it is insanely good and s2 just came out


WHO would have thought a blast of death magic would kill?especially someone who wasn't expecting a blast of death magic


Man this next batch of episodes was even better. This season is gonna be nothing but heat 🔥

WackySwacky (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-31 00:21:50 Vax and Vex are Half-Elves. That's why their father calls them "diluted". In Dungeons and Dragons, Elves typically live around 750 years old, while Half-Elves only live to around 200 years old. Also, beared Grog actually predates the 2018 God of War game by 3 years (Grog got the beard during Campaign 1 in 2015). So technically, you could argue Kratos copied Grog's look.
2023-01-30 23:10:45 Vax and Vex are Half-Elves. That's why their father calls them "diluted". In Dungeons and Dragons, Elves typically live around 750 years old, while Half-Elves only live to around 200 years old. Also, bearded Grog actually predates the 2018 God of War game by 3 years (Grog got the beard during Campaign 1 in 2015). So technically, you could argue Kratos copied Grog's look.

Vax and Vex are Half-Elves. That's why their father calls them "diluted". In Dungeons and Dragons, Elves typically live around 750 years old, while Half-Elves only live to around 200 years old. Also, bearded Grog actually predates the 2018 God of War game by 3 years (Grog got the beard during Campaign 1 in 2015). So technically, you could argue Kratos copied Grog's look.


leave mah boy grog alone


huh? by the time the game came out it would have been in development for like 4 years... maybe more


@Nardoc Yeah but there's nothing to copy from a private game still in development lol. Grog with a beard hit public audiences first.

I VisiBomb I

also pretty sure canonically Goliaths have no hair so him having a beard is a big deal.

Kristian Thaler

Real love for a show and its characters also comes with real pain.

Myles Guy

RIP Lance bruh. Percy Jackson still hasn’t recast him outta respect but I don’t know what actor could even capture what he brings.