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Fushi been alive hundreds of years and cant plan for shit lol



Hmm, that horse has a distinct color hair and is good at catching fish. Much like a certain character who chose to be reincarnated. 🤔

Thulani Mason

Wait wait wait wait wait. So the Nokkers are going to the city to save (kill) the people there and if Fushi doesn't show up they'll kill (save) Kahaku? Which is it? Are y'all saving or murdering?

Devin B

Fushi has been alive for hundreds of years but he hasn't been "living" during that time. He secluded himself from people for over a century and barely did anything outside of fighting Nokkers.


The doctor who was travelling with Tonari was the little boy who survives along with her. He was the only other survivor from her group.

Devin B

@LuhBabyTay & 229K yeah they need to remember that the quality of life is just as important as the length of life, especially in Fushi's case.


Fushi is a bit dumb sometimes for someone who has lived for so long I admit, but he spent most of that time living alone. He was just surviving in the forest and spent a good chunk of time living underwater like a fish too. I think he was smart enough to know it was a trap but he thought he could handle it (which he clearly couldn't)

Ginger Dwarf

I'm out here trying to figure out why roshi just said Sheera mid episode and no one commented or followed up on it? xD I'm confused as hell.


I love how the Black One immediately changed the subject when Bon started to slip up about being able to communicate with Fushi's friends. "Oh, look out, it's another Nokker." As if he didn't notice it earlier... sneaky sneaky.

Ginger Dwarf

It's so cute how Fushi spent a lot of Piorans later years carrying the old lady on his back, and now she can take on the role of carrying fushi


Same!! I actually replayed that part to see if she reacted, but it doesn't look like she did.


fushi still on his useless subaru arc


Fushi is so frustrating ngl


SPOILER!! . . . . . Idk if they'll ever figure out who the horse is, it's not even made super obvious in the manga but it's implied :(

Smash Bran'Discootch

So yeah, fushi is basically just a case of arrested development like Rudy in Mushoku Tensei. Yeah, he's been alive for a long ass time but most of that time has been spent either in seclusion or only staying in one place for less than three days. He hasn't been engaging or growing or changing like anyone else would be. He's hundreds of years old but in a lot of ways he still has the mentality of a child.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Facts. Fushi is 100% a case of arrested development. He's also dealt with like more than one lifetime's worth of trauma.


Social skills can also regress over time. Prolonged time spent in isolation can mess with people. Image spending 40 years on an island by yourself, and some of that time was spent as a literal crab.


have you been watching with your ears and eyes open and listening mf?


have you been watching with your ears and eyes open and listening mf?


looks like they forgot what happened at the end of Pironas story, cuz she had a pretty relevant request of the man in black as she died


did fushi not just catch the biggest L yet? have you been watching what we been watching?

Hayaku Eon

At the earliest, Fushi started having proper development with Gugu. And it was straight to Jananda where he basically got lied to by Tonari and had terrible views of her. Not to mention being hunted by Hayase. Then he lived for 40 years solo, just killing Nokkers. Met Tonari and Sandro again. Then the various incarnations of Hayase. Yes, Fushi did travel from town to town, but he did it all while keeping to himself. The few times he tried to recruit people were unsuccessful. Fushi didn't really have a long-term relationship with anyone to properly develop. Hell, he probably can't even math, unless he was taught by Booze Gramps and Pioran.

joshua rosario



Some people(including me) commented the exact same thing under previous reactions.. I'm really getting frustrated at this point

zILovePelmeni _

my theory: that knight is piorans reincarnation who has now the same sort of being as fushi, we saw the black one turning her into an orb


It doesn't ever get more outright obvious than it does now so if you haven't figured it out yet you probably never will, but Spoilers just in case you don't want it spelled out for you: The Horse is 100% Pioran.

Ranginald Vagel

Bro the horse was just born and it's smarter than Fushi RIP


Bro as soon as i saw that the horse had purple hair, AND was made from fushis flesh, i already knew it was pioran. She was reincarnated as the horse.


What happens if kahaku dies, willl fushi be able to use the nokker too?


have you? hes just as frustrating to watch as a mc like subaru.


Yo! ALICE IN BORDERLAND season 2 drops this Thursday. I hope we can get an episode or two by the New year! 🙏


yes I have been, I have been watching. you people seem to think; years lived = life experience. and bro, this series is a long term one, because fushi can live forever, we can dive deeper into his character and how the generations of people he meets will change him. if you people want perfect MC's, go watch a isekai power fantasy. Because it seems to me, people like you want perfect characters who dont make mistakes and never fail. Which is fine, those are a fun watch once in a while, but trust me, this isnt this kind of series.

Erica Collins

A good example of this is when covid hit and everyone had to stay home. A lot of people’s social skills plummeted after that. In our case it was like what, a year or two? Imagine 40 years… and even when he was staying at that place with Kahaku’s descendants he barely interacted with them so it makes a lot of sense why he’s still acting the same

Erica Collins

After seeing the trailer I am so excited for season 2 & I can't wait to binge it lol


Christmas gettin' lit early this year lol Saturday football and Netflix Binge weekend


never said he couldnt make mistakes and i dont care about mcs being nonperfect. but hes so fucking naive and annoying. maybe if he listened to the black one he wouldnt be failing at times.

Jazmyne Mattucci

idk if you remember, but the black medic guy is the lil black kid that was hanging around with Tonari and her gang on the island


I think Roshi rememebered and mentioned it this episode but he couldnt recall his name. Cause he said he was the kid with tonari which is true


….. that’s a good question actually. I think if Kohaku does while knocker is still in his arm, technically should be able to reuse.


One argument I have against this series is how dumb and ignorant fushi seems to be even after like a couple hundred years of being alive. Don't get me wrong. Even elderly people aren't bright and have a lot of problems but his experience with handling things is inconsistent with how long he has been alive. Its like he still has to get wisdom from people way younger than him in order to get things done properly.


Well you have to remember that Fushi isn't a human and therefore doesn't have a human's way of learning. He literally is just a "thing" that isn't designed to learn and adapt like we are. It's like walking up to a 150 year old tortoise and going "Bro can you teach me the quadratic formula"


Thats coz she was dozing off and he realized it.


i just noticed that the horses tail and mane is the same colour as piorans hair, no wonder i never picked up on what the horse is even after reading the manga


I don't think you guys caught on to the horse pay attention to the color of its hair. They hinted at it this episode.