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Fantastic finale!

bullet train is exporting give it a bit


Daniel NT

Rebecca was so cool. RIP her :c


This show be reminding me of Akame Ga Kill


Potentially true. When they say he's a living legend is cause the man was already a full on cyborg by the time MW2 came out.


Interesting part is that Arasaka doesn't ask for permission. When they want to make someone a construct, they just do it. Adam Smasher respected his autonomy enough to actually give him the choice to reject the offer. Then, when David said no, Adam blew his brains out to ensure that Arasaka wouldn't be able to turn him into a construct.


I mean. If it's in the future David is kind of a legend, he's got a drink named after him in Afterlife. But i agree, should be something further back in time. Give us more smasher. Too bad they killed him in the game.

I VisiBomb I

Adam in Hebrew is Human, so its really symbolic how he's called basically the Human Smasher. I don't know if I'm reading into this too much, but it's as if the introduction of Adam in this episode is correlated with David losing his humanity and going full psycho, and also the fact that Adam himself isn't human anymore, just a machine.

Shawn Oxley

tbh i just thought they chose adam bc it sounds like atom like he will crush every fibre of your being

Shawn Oxley

Man I'm staying mad about Becca


I thought Rebecca's end was sad and even rewatching, it's sucks, but when you really think about it, that was HONESTLY the best option for her. She 'escaped' Night City, and just like David she had nothing left. She liked David but it wasn't reciprocated and she had to watch him fall apart saving someone else, her brother got clapped, theirs no more crew, Lucy went to the moon. If she didn't get goomba stomped there she would've still been living in crappy night city, getting used and abused. So while it's sad, it's more melancholy.

Saucy Jonathan

All the homies love Rebecca


this shit had a real nigga crying lol

Louis Kalman

Surely this will be a happy ending


Aye can't wait for bullet train, will be watching for the first time with y'all!

Drake Rage

Bullet Train is exporting? Today was Magi, tomorrow is Bullet Train 🤔

Excalibur Umbra

Shout-out to Adam Smashers VA reprising his role for the anime for both sub and dub


poll coming tmw?


i have been refreshing for an hour in waiting


Bullet train the movie????


We need a stream of Roshi Justice coming for Smasher in 2077

Champion Bescos

AND we’re getting Bullet Train today? Oh, y’all are too good.


This anime will go down as a classic. Came out before a stacked season, got the attention of the entire anime community, single handedly revived a game and franchise that seemed dead in the water, traumatized us all, refused to elaborate, left.

Fabian Hernandez

In the game there’s a drink for David, because he died a legend like how Lucy told him how night city remembers people is by the way they die



Guamson Cruz

yo so are you guys willing to watch a show called black summoner? the main character is freaking awesome plus the animation for the fight scene are mwa perfection.

J Man

I like how Gus Fring decided to Gus Fring all over this anime


That final scene with Lucy on the moon was so bittersweet (mostly bitter tbh). It was her dream to go there but without David it’s just not the same. She’s all alone now. The song “I Really Want to Stay At Your House” isn’t even a sad one but this episode makes it painful because now it’s impossible to listen to it without thinking about how damn tragic this all was 😭 really solid finale tho, I hope the recent trend of good video game adaptations keeps continuing too

Weltall Gaia

The city always wins


Alex Omega

I can't wait to see what you guys will react to next because your reaction to this show was fun to watch. Maybe try the Netflix show Kingdom if you guys are not too busy.

jesse almonte

and thus ends the Rebecca show

jesse almonte

I'd go as far as to say 8 5. It's not groundbreaking, but it's definitely above average. I think the only thing holding it back is its length. With a little more time to do stuff, I think there would be few to no issues with it


I thought bullet train was tomorrow, not complaining lol


bullet train today?! y'all love spoiling us and we appreciate it!


I cry everytim. This show man..

Taylor Moon

Yeah I’d give it a solid 8. You can tell its rushed and predictable alot of times but still supergood


crazy how similar it is to akudama drive

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Ngl I thought Lucy was going to take off her helmet in those final moments just to let the tragedy come full circle. But glad she didn't, would've wasted David's sacrifice.


Guessing we’re getting magi tomorrow


You gotta play cyberpunk 2077 🥲


Adam Smasher must've been playing MW2 before he arrived dude is toxic as fuck he teabagged Rebecca to death


Request for another Sci-fi show. PANTHEON. Not an anime. 8 episodes. Just over 40 mins each I believe. Whenever, this can be polled or open for suggestion. Just thought I'd at least mention it

Metweet .c

Damn that ending actually made me sob when I first watched it. Its been a while since an anime hit so close to home when it comess to people being victims of circumstance

Earphone Jack

I was so upset when Rebecca died. 😭 And then that montage of David and Lucy…that’s when I started crying. 😣 The last part where Lucy saw David on the moon with her and then he’s just gone… 😣💔


MAAAAAAAN THE WAY MY GIRL 'BECCA JUST GOT SMASHED. I'm sad. I do love a story with a heavy bitter sweetend. I ain't mad at Kiwi tho. She's doing the survivor thing because the world is just fucked up and she picked her path, did her thing to get by and eventually she'd gets what's coming living that crime life so rip kiwi too.


Damn, was about to go to bed but fuck it staying up for Bullet train, RIP Becca


Becca's death hurt the most, honestly.

Marc Senécal

This is like the 10th time ive seen this episode and I still tear up at the end... Incredible show


I thought bullet train was Friday? Wasn’t magi on the schedule for Thursday?


Great reaction glad you guys watched this show! I might go to dreamcon next year and cosplay David. It’ll be my 1st convention and 1st cosplay.


Whens the game stream for cp 2077

Omar Bautista

Hate you guys so much that I have sleep with this in my mind now. I already suffered a week watching that ending


Robo fucking Campbell kills me everytime

J Man

Shera/Roshi! Play Cyberpunk 2077... To beat down Adam Smasher

Omar Bautista

You guys should try the game out on stream. It runs better now and some neat references the show brings from the games locations and gameplay


So I'm pretty sure Smasher was offering to make him quasi-immortal with the construct line. Arasaka found a way to copy folks' memories and personalities onto implants, called "constructs", and they store them to access if they're interesting or important. Think he was offering David a chance to be one. Funny thing is, if David had said yes he'd have circumvented all the effort to keep him from being their tool because that's how Saka views the constructs: tools to mine for data.


fun fact: there's a bar in the cyberpunk game called the afterlife where night city legends have drinks named after them. There's a drink called the David Martinez


Yeah but its also kinda fucked cause his drink is carbonated, which he can't stand.


-Spoiler Warning for the Game- So Lupa probably didn't beat Cyberpunk since he would know, but Adam Smasher isn't just some random you meet at the beginning of the game - he actually serves as the final boss, so as soon as he shows up it's pretty much a clear gg that thing's aren't ending well for our crew (Edgerunners takes place 1 year before the game).


The interesting thing at the end is whether or not Lupa is right about David potentially coming back. When Adam says David would make a good construct, he's referring to the main plotline of the game - Arasaka has secret tech to store people's "souls" as data and re-insert them into other people's bodies. But that would require 1. David to have survived that last gunshot long enough for Arasaka to get his data and 2. a specific ending for the game to be canon, since most endings of the game result in destroying the place where soul data is stored. So almost impossible. Having David brought back as a construct and reuniting with Lucy would pretty much undo the beauty of this ending so I doubt they'll do it even as DLC, but it's neat that *technically* they have the option to with a little hand waving.


w reaction and w show


The fact that she lifted her arms up and the camera cut to black after a long pause makes me think this was intentionally ambiguous enough to interpret that way. You know, for people who want to be super depressing nihilists lmfao


Roshi already said that he will play the game on the stream after they're done with the series. So probably after he finishes GOW:Ragnarok.


Pretty sure Falco implied that both of them are still alive but out of the scene. They don't want anything to do with edgerunners anymore.



Lucy didnt realize her real dream was to have someone she could trust, being taught not to trust anyone in night city. Now that she's finally on the moon, without David there it feels empty. Sad AF bro.


I'm sure CDR added in a contingency that said "Okay guys, the Loli stays... but she's gotta die in canon" 😆

Magical Drinking

Absolutely stunningly good anime. Far better than I ever expected it to be when I initially heard about the announcement. For me it's fundamentally about a group of people that are born into a lower economic class and will stop at nothing to try to escape it, but in the end none of it mattered and literally everyone but Lucy and Falco bought it.


Yo, Lucas, or anyone thinking of playing the game now... There is a fun little cameo in game with Falco they added. I'm sure you've heard, but Rebecca's Shotties are in the game now too. I can't play it myself until I cop a series s for Christmas, so enjoy it FOR me, ya digg? Lol

Rain storms

The creators totally treated this show like Akame Ga Kill

Viela Guay

Always so funny to me when Adam and David first face off because it's literally "guy who thinks he's special meeting the guy who's actually special."

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

when yall started watching this I was keeping pace with the uploads until episode 3 or 4 then I went ahead and watched myself. When I tell you I cried like a baby during this episode omg. So beautiful and tragic at the same time. I still cry every time I watch it. Also the song at the end was played throughout the show and i had got it on my phone because its a banger but after this episode I couldn't listen to it for a good week without tearing up

Smash Bran'Discootch

So for all of you who were asking why Lucy didn't just tell David what she found in Tanaka's data, it was to prevent exactly this from happening. Lucy knew that if she ever told David about the cyberskeleton, it would only be a matter of time before he found a way to chip it. With David's chrome addiction and constant compulsion to keep pushing himself forward and upgrading, there is no way he WOULDNT have done it. Especially if he knew that Arasaka was looking at him specifically to test it. Its summed up entirely in her saying that she knew he would use it and if he used it then he would die. It ended up happening anyway, but it still would have happened if she'd told him.


Can’t wait for Roshi and Sheera to experience Cyberpunk 2077 if they decide to play it


I hope it's the most buggy playthrough of all time

Drake Rage

David was slowly losing it for sure, but the fact that he never upgraded from Maine's Hand even though Doc told him to ditch that old crap for new tech that is a lot better... idk I don't think David was addicted enough to straight up commit suicide by using the cyberskeleton. He only put it on since it was their only option to survive getting attacked by a Militech Army, lol.


I'm so sad at the end of it all was hoping Rebecca would at least make it godam.......... Man fk this show it's to good.........


yall should watch super criminals. similar vibe. but with super heroes


I am not crying I am not I promise


Damn, show really did Becca dirty. Watched the shot frame by frame and Adam literally spread eagle t-bagged her.

Dude Man McGee

This show is Requiem for a Dream: Cyberpunk Edition


this honestly became a personal favourite after i watched it i love everything about it


Rebecca was the goat tough. She did ALL OF THIS SHIT for David.


There are no happy stories in Night City


It really did suck to see Rebecca get the same treatment her brother did. Sudden violent death out of nowhere


The scene where David is hallucinating his mom and Rebecca says "Alright David. Let's go. To the Top." Hands down one of the best scenes in the series! Rebecca is a Ride or Die!


And it was because of this final episode that I reinstalled the game, just to go and kill Adam Smasher

Ramone Moore

I couldn’t wait for you to come up out the cupboards


Adam telling you it might be worth cloning your brain has to be the biggest compliment you cold get from him, lol


"Fantastic" is definitely not the word I'd use to describe THAT finale. Definitely not the word I'd use to describe all that fucked up shit that went down.

Mikaele Rosecrans

Sometimes I cry to sleep bc I be seeing some manga posts on TikTok on Lucy in a moon apartment just always clinging onto the jacket like she wakes up reminded that David’s gone crying then dearly hugs his jacket not letting it go like I’m feeling sad and second time watching it all and still tearing up at the end I hate seeing people feel empty


If not Fantastic.... How about we call it "A Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy"? 😉

Friendly Elites

Adam Smasher is one my of favorite love-to-hate villains ever, even with how disappointed i was when i played cyberpunk he still redeemed the experience. Just an absolute fucking unit.


If Lucy was transparent to David and the crew about the Arasaka files, the ending would change drastically.


This series was amazing. The only thing I take issue with is what happened with Rebecca. Like I get the moral of the story is falling victim to the unnecessary violence and power of others, and getting lost in trying to survive. But that bit felt like it actually didn't need to happen


Roshi, give us that cyberpunk stream!

Jarren Jenkins

Well...no. Adam literally blasted a hole in David's head, or completely blew it off depending on how you interpret how it went down. No way he is recoverable at that point. Lupa is wrong, which isn't a bad thing like you said. It would ruin the entire point of the show.

Jarren Jenkins

For Cyberpunk fans at least it is. It isn't everyone's cup of tea, but they really hit it out of the park in 10 short episodes.

Desto Samuels

It only felt that way because she didn't get a big send off like the other characters who died... But it had 100% possibility of happening.... Especially if she was fighting along side them at the time. People are just to used to "send offs" For characters they have spent time onscreen with. There is no right or wrong way to kill off characters at the end of the day, writing is limitless. The Violence was also necessary, to a government/conglomerate company being assaulted and robbed do they have no right to fight back from their perspective?


I'm kind of sad because CD could have totally put a construct of David in the game just like his jacket.


Adam Smasher does tell David he would be an interesting construct like Silverhand was. I wish they had put his construct in the game but alas all we get is a jacket.


Yes time to be depressed for another 2 months cuz of this ending lmao 😭😂

Drake Rage

Yeah, it does suck that Rebecca got killed off for shock-value more than anything. Rebecca had told David that her life was in his hands, since they were the 2 fighters in the squad, they needed to have each other's back in a fight... Having Rebecca help David save Lucy while both of them die in the process is not as good an ending as having David sacrifice himself to protect both of them, since both Lucy and Rebecca loved David, and they would get to live thanks to the person they loved. That would have been a solid bitter-sweet ending.


First time watching “damn what a bittersweet ending” On the rewatch “damn Lucy deserves her ending.” Girl flatlines an exec and then solo hunts agents from the largest mega corp thinking she’d get away with it

Rex Perez

Waaiiiitttt we need the official ending reaction!!


I thought lupa was gonna cry lol

William Zavala

In the game there has been a drink named after David since launch.


That doesn’t make much sense considering Falco gives the jacket to V meaning Lucy didn’t take it with her

zILovePelmeni _

the only reactors ive seen so far that didnt cry lol


I mean, it’s sad and bitter sweet, but not cry worthy.


Personal canon (spoilers for those who haven't watched yet): She takes the helmet off at the end. It sucks, but it seems too fitting


Fair, tho I didn't cry when either. Just sat there for like 15 minutes in silence. Didn't feel like doing anything. Maine got me. Becca got me bad. The ending got me, but I didn't cry

D Gaijin

There are no happy endings in Night city.

The Force

Welcome to Night City, where there are no happy endings.

Hasnain Khan


LeHarlequin .

This show is sick. R I P Rebecca. Fuck Lucy.

Lotus Gramarye

"It's me, CYBER DAVID" That's something I honestly worry about. The show was well-recieved and did well enough, I do believe, that I can't see them not capitalizing on it with a season 2. I just hope it's an entirely new cast and story with no mention of Lucy or Falco or David outside of a cute reference or something (kinda like how they did with the game post-anime where there's a small sidequest where you make contact with Falco and end up getting David's jacket). My worry is them retconning the ending scene a little and have it turn out that there was like, an Arasaka goon there that used the soulkiller program to make a copy of David's mind right before he died or something stupid like that.


Showrunner recently said that there's no plans for future Edgerunner content. Hopefully, this just means David's story is wrapped and there might be future projects instead of one and done.

Evan Jenkins

Adam Smasher pulled the trigger, but Night City is the murderer.


All I know is, that Edge Runner update on 2077 better be worth the wait.


and i hate how Rebecca ended but i know it was the only way. her character was ride or die and she was NOT GOING TO LEAVE (or get dragged away) she was exactly where she wanted to be doing what she wanted to do (with david, defending david)


This was a phenomenal one off anime for cyberpunk. They did an amazing job with everything


the insert song at the end is just so amazing and matches the mode so well. total art


Ok I think the show was good but not as great as everyone was saying it was.


Isn’t it just items from the crew and a promotion for the anime?


He was not a victim of circumstance he literally jumped over the edge since the first time we saw him.


because Sheera didnt try to be a clown during the end part.

Gucci Pucci

And you think he turned out that way not because of the circumstances/the society he grew up and was raised in? Man y’all got the insight of Steve wonder

Jarren Jenkins

Dude, he grew up in a shitty world in an even shittier city. Granted, he always had the personality to be reckless, but he definitely was defined by the environment around him and never matured enough to see what it was doing to him until it was too late.


Lol facts, if his mom didn’t die he would still be in school.

Kumi Chan

Lucy saved the brain dance when they were both on the moon together. So she could see David when she wants too,


I think this is the first comment ive made on patreon, but now would be great time to start a cyberpunk 2077 playthrough, its exactly the kind of game roshi would like and sheera would have great insight on. Without spoiling anything this anime amplifies some game moments very greatly. the bugs have been worked out at this point and it would run great on your ps5. Please consider it!

RavinFox .

Cyber Campbell lol Thank you guys for reacting to this! More and more Trigger stuff making it here is always a cool thing.

this guy ?gae

people who cry on thid ending are fucking bunch of pussies lol


imagine paying just to comment cringe shit like this lmao

Matrim Hall

Have y'all seen any Satoshi Kon movies? Millenium Actress and Perfect Blue would be amazing watches if you haven't seen them already!


You must be so cool. In your mind you're probably like, "Not showing emotion is so cool, gotta act like those cold and op main characters I see in anime. I'm so much better and cooler than the rest." It called a superiority complex, get it checked out.


Did daddy or mommy used to punish you for showing emotion? Must've had a rough childhood if you think crying is for pussies


Outside of the music and the animation, the story was average and has been done a million times.


Ain’t no way this man wasted his time commenting this dumbass shit


Cringy mf I wonder if your parents cried when you got dropped on your head


As long as it was good and everyone enjoyed it thats all that matters

Asante Upshur-Benson

There’s a line in Cybperpunk 2077 that basically says there’s no happy endings in Night City. Unfortunately David and the gang are part of that. Lucy may have gotten to see the moon but she wanted to see it with David and now she’s all alone. RIP to a legend.


You guys should stream the cyberpunk game on YouTube!

Erica Collins (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-26 10:30:33 I agree lol it was definitely over-hyped & I feel like it was bc of the animation style but I still enjoyed it
2022-11-22 16:50:00 I agree lol it was definitely over-hyped & I feel like it was bc of the animation style but I still enjoyed it

I agree lol it was definitely over-hyped & I feel like it was bc of the animation style but I still enjoyed it

Arkan Matlub

You cannot say canon when it’s ”personal”. Wtf. Just say ”theory”

Kevin Brown

Not worth crying over if you know it's coming. If you outside like David was you either end up dead or in jail. This type of stuff happens everyday. Just without the futuristic, cyber dystopia. Watch a show about some famous gangster. You don't cry when they die. Same story here. Good story and ending nonetheless. Just not tear worthy. They murked hella people. David even killed some kids innocent mom. After Becca's brother died, we knew everyone on the crew had a countdown.


Rebeccas Death broke me man like unbelievable. Wonder if yall plan on trying the game I believe the show took place a year before no idk? Great Show from Studio Trigger


There are no happy endings in Night City


If this was Ghost in the Shell, David's soul could have been downloaded inside another body...Unfortunately it doesn't look like there is such a thing in Cyberpunk :(