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Absolute diabolical behavior



I remember first watching this anime and on episode 2 I had paused during the intro and it paused at a particular point where Kuon looked rather.. evil? lol. But, you wouldn't notice it unless you actually slowed the intro, paused it at the right time, or was paying close attention. But, at that point I was wondering what is this guy about cause he was always acting the peace maker/leader role and sure enough this episode exposed his ass.

Stonewall Hackson

Is this true? I’ve been a subscriber for close to three years now but will have to legitimately think about unsubscribing if so. Absolute lunacy


just in time for my pot noodles the way the manga drawings are so well translated to this show is so good

Devin B

It's not an anime if there isn't at least one betrayal

Damarcus Miller

Y’all got me watching this show as it’s my first sports anime.. can say for sure that it’s AMAZING so far!! The story has me hooked the whole episode lol


I know they probably won't do it but I want to see bro get jumped in the locker room after this game so bad lmao "fight back nigga fight back"


its like that one scene in you got served "SONNY SOLD US OUT" lmao


Roshi at the end with the cereal lmao


every decent and sane person heats up the milk before pouring it to the cereal tho


Never trust characters that have their eye's closed


Kuon worried about surviving Bluelock, bro he better worry about surviving the night after that stunt

Ranginald Vagel

TBF if Chigiri finally starts playing it goes from 10 vs 11 like the last games to 10 vs 12


I didnt realize until this rewatch, but Kuon has his shit eating face on right in the beginning of the OP


you should give haikyuu a try. the trio's reaction to it is goated

Destiney Marie

I get that Kuon is technically allowed to do that but… I guess I’d be gettin a red card cause he would receive a cleat to his ankles🤷🏽‍♀️

Devin B

Or if they have glasses cause as soon as they start to turn white you know something is up with that character


my whole thing with chigiri is that acl tears are probably one of the worst injuries you can get as a soccer player. i’ve known players who’ve never been able to play like they did before because they’re afraid of ruinjuring it. so for me, chigiri’s feelings about playing and his injury are valid. injuries, especially acl tears, can be lethal to soccer players. it’s not just a physical issue, but also a mental thing. at this point in the anime, chigiri is scared of hurting himself again. and if that happens, he’ll lose him dreams, and for any soccer player, that’s downright terrifying. so i can understand why he would want to hold himself back and want to give up.

Devin B

Kuon is smart cause whether his team wins or lose he will still be safe from elimination, especially if he still has the most goals on his team.


When they were all looking down at Kuon I thought they were gonna stomp his ass out in them cleats

Rami Homsi

Fr Kuon proving rule #1 of anime, if you can't see the character's eyes you should be very suspicious

Devin B

Plus it happened a year ago for him so that injury is still fresh in his mind.

by chances

that's so damn foul 😭

Destiney Marie

In a real soccer game def not but what I mean is he’s allowing the betrayal for now😭. There probably will be consequences though.

L Jeans

Honestly tho, He has some real balls to do a betrayal. Knowing if they win or loose he at least gotta go back to the room with them one more time. XD they would KILL this mannnnn.


This is about to build up to those generic “i was an asshole until some talk no jutsu from the main character, so i gotta change and win the game for us” kinda shit where glass legs scores the last goal in the twin’s faces or something. Shit’s too predictable at this point.

Crismel Mejía Jiménez

What Kuon did seems to me the most stupid thing that could have occurred to him. It seems he forgot that one of the things that Ego wants is also to see how talented they can be and he can't show that when the other team let him score all those goals. Even I, who don't know how to play soccer, can score a lot of goals if the other team allows me.


Not especially, but ONLY because he would be his teams top scorer

Devin B

He's basically only thinking about the short term cause he just wants to get to the next step and he felt that he couldn't do that with his team. Whether that comes back to bite him or not we will see soon.


Do you.........heat your milk before pouring it over cereal? Or put milk in the bowl first??


listen.. roshi does both of these things. he wont see reason

Deku Kana

Been playing soccer since was 9 and I’ll tackle tf outta a nigga if they ever pulled some shit like this 😂 blood boiling


I mean at the end of this whole experiment there's only going to be 1 striker winning right?


Of course he's a bad goalie the man is a striker forced to play goal. Which is pretty stupid they should have a top prospect goalie assigned to them. Because anyone can score on a bad goalie.

Gordon Lou

@Crismel Mejía Jiménez not really no, while Ego wouldnt like it, it's not against the rules and considering there are still a lot of people left after this selection, there is still a lot of time to git gud and impress Ego. If they lose this selection then it's over for him and theres 0 chance to impress anyone. It's especially unlikely that they would be able to at least draw against team V as they smoked team Y and have a 2 win winstreak. Kuon's biggest blunder was letting his team find out.


Helping another team needs to be addressed you cant be the striker to team Japan that they sank all that effort into making if you are willing to flip on you team to benefit yourself. Imagine if another team offered him money to throw. He would just pocket the cash and throw. You cant trust that behavior.


Demon slayer PFP talking about generic LMAO

Papa Souls

yall gotta remember a forward/striker is never gonna be able to play goalie well. oalies literally go to seperate camps from other players for training


ok? then don’t watch?? go watch mid slayer or something


roshi if you heat up the milk for your cereal i’m unsubing and calling the feds😂😭 cuz ain’t no way


I mean Chigiri has valid reason to be worried. His wound might have been healed recently, so the fear is still vivid in his mind. What I am curious about is what his weapon is.


That’s what Ego said. I think it is weird though, these kinds of intense training and competition sure can produce a lot of strikers for Japan. Why bother with just one, even if he is the best? Surely the top 5 or top 10 will not fall behind much.


nah he was standing still so the whole team better jump him


He did play though. I mean he didnt reveal his weapon so he had to defend all the time, but at least he play on our side.


i just realized sheera is literally just the lebron james lying memes


i had higher hopes for this show, but its been slowing down lately the first few eps were so hype, and the trailer too. but its feeling kinda predictable basically i was expecting Haikyuu, and i got Grand Blue

Hasnain Khan



I never trust anime characters who I can't see their eyes 🤣 Ever since he stepped up to try and be the "team captain" I was giving him the illest side eye 👀

Erica Collins (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-26 10:34:07 I mean it is survival of the fittest out here in blue lock so I respect kuon for having "I choose me" energy & when he got exposed he didn't even bother lying & immediately started working with the other team with no shame lmao I gotta put some respect on that but he's really smart. I feel like he definitely could've thought of a plan to beat them like after making the 3 goals he could've flipped the script & continued working with his team to gain a bigger lead or something but I agree that he should go home if the other team loses
2022-11-16 14:21:15 I mean it is survival of the fittest out here in blue lock so I respect kuon for having "I choose me" energy & when he got exposed he didn't even bother lying & immediately started working with the other team with no shame lmao I gotta put some respect on that but he's really smart. I feel like he definitely could've thought of a plan to beat them like after making the 3 goals he could've flipped the script & continued working with his team to gain a bigger lead or something but I agree that he should go home if the other team loses

I mean it is survival of the fittest out here in blue lock so I respect kuon for having "I choose me" energy & when he got exposed he didn't even bother lying & immediately started working with the other team with no shame lmao I gotta put some respect on that but he's really smart. I feel like he definitely could've thought of a plan to beat them like after making the 3 goals he could've flipped the script & continued working with his team to gain a bigger lead or something but I agree that he should go home if the other team loses

Alexander Szabo

Bruh I thought Kuon was doping as well at first 😭


The other team is nice for actually letting him score 3 times I would have taken the info and stomped them the whole game


This is why the series isn’t about soccer at all, you need to watch this like it’s a battle anime where they use soccer as the weapon. Think God of Highschool where they were forced into teams but they were there to fight and win for themselves


It's def not just the singular top striker that gets to compete, that would be completely wasteful. Looking back at the first episode Ego mentioned the top 5 strikers in Bluelock will be registered in the U20 World Cup representing Japan. Which makes a lot more sense, because different styles/"weapons" of a top striker are better or worse depending on the types of teams you're playing. Like a fantastic long-range shooter may suck ass against a team who has a great goalie and very solid defense. A great dribbler may be bad against a team that never allows him to get the ball and always marks passes to him with multiple players to slow him down.


Lol this isn't Inazuma Eleven where anyone can play defender if they really wanted to. He is a striker and always has been so he ain't protecting shit

Stanley Labissiere

Which is why I personally can never put it in the contest of "best sports anime" because at that point it's just a shonen with "soccer" in it.


Yeah I had a friend who played mad soccer in high school, then got an acl tear when he was in the marines. Man can't even run, and his knee and stuff just getting worse even tho he got the injury a good 3-4 years ago

Earphone Jack

See, this that bullshit! Kuon, you mother fucker! I was mad when I first watched this. I really shouldn’t be surprised due to the environment of Blue Lock, but still! The whole time I was like “So, it’s like that?!”


I think Chigiri gonna pop off next episode and go beast mode


Mm, I believe once the top 11 become a team, the story becomes more traditional. I don't really know, I only have seen a couple glimpses of a future round/tournament.


As a manga reader the best is yet to come! You haven't seen nothing yet lol


But arguably it’s not because they are still 11 strikers playing in positions they are not specialised in, trust me a striker makes for a terrible defender and vice versa much less a striker and a keeper. It’s why I can accept the series as a battle series and not a sports one, honestly Ao Ashi is the better soccer anime overall.


Fair point. However, isn't that just being picky? It is still about futbol/soccer and they are definitely still playing the sport. To say it isn't a good sports anime because it's shonen-esque is like saying Food Wars isn't a cooking show because it's just battles and over the top AF. I'm not hating on your opinion, but it's kinda funny to me lol

Kumi Chan

chigiri gonna turn up


his eyes open for a spit second in opening too


i personally was worried that blue lock was only going to be about soccer, but i'm glad that it's actually fun to watch.


Bro late reply but same!! I don’t know how Roshi and them saw it coming, I was watching it like “Bruh, no way! Not homie Kuon!”


Nah fr 😂 he really can’t go back to his room till the next day

Charlie baker

Roshi aint gonna just skirt by saying he heats up the milk for his cereal, bro is trippin

Charlie baker

Hes the one type casting himself as perpetual goalie which isn't something they told him to do, honestly with all strikers that are supposed to be trying to be him at all times im surprised they have a goalie at all and not just some defense players

Charlie baker

Aint too many sports animes where the whole point is showing you to be better then your loser peers fuck letting a whimp do it ,im me

Charlie baker

Theres alot of fun ones like hikaru no go, kuroko no basket, initial d, prince of tennis, march comes in like a lion,igpx immortal grand prix, kengan ashura, baki, ranma ½, megalo box,slam dunk, inuzuma eleven, etc etc. Sports animes are a big niche and range between board games,martial arts,traditional sports,racing etc basically any story thats a got a formal competition of mind or body at its core is a sports anime and they are great especially when they bleed battle shonen vibes

Charlie baker

Are you crazy bro, you put the cereal in the bowl then pour straight out the fridge cold milk ontop till shit starts to float and the milk is like almost to the top. Dudes out here declaring himself anathema to normal people.

The Zany Spirit

I remember when Sheera exposed Roshi for heating up his milk in the middle of a stream. The betrayal.