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Whole lotta "what!?" this wtf this episode



Nonne of his family thought it was a bad idea. It was the way he presented it. In his mind he was already the boss and his plan was a done deal/

Jackson perez

Believe it or not the Nazis werent fascist and Hitler hated Fascism because it was too close to Communism

Gabriel Souza

That was one of the most frustrating episodes i've ever watched, i really wanted to see some nazis getting shot


🫣🫣🫣me the last 15 minutes


Love the early Friday uploads!


The best and the most stressful episode of season 5 and btw you can still do your job while being on coke etc unless you’re extra high or overdose. Rip helen mccrory.


Christian Acosta

They aren’t Nazis they are fascists. The Nazi party was the fascist party in Germany, this is England. So yeah, they hate Jews and will do what we all think of as the nazi salute(they actually did this salute in the US too), but I doubt you’ll see swastikas because they aren’t the same.


How tf would Abrema get revenge when he got caught lacking sadly.

Metweet .c

Damn Finn really was the brother tommy never got round to. Its crazy compared to how much tommy, John and Arthur used to talk in the first two seasons. Finn really was the afterthought of the family, if it wasn't the football guy he would have revealed stuff to some other guy that spent more time with him than his brothers.


Kanye's fav episode 😂


Can someone tell me if Lupa is saying BARNEY If so where is it from?


A thing to know and remember about Churchill, is he was kind of a monster. Antisemitic, hated black people, the irish, chinese, arabs, travellers, indians - personally caused a fuckin famine in Bengal, thought chemical weapons would be an appropriate response to riots. The only reason history remembers him as a good guy is because he led the uk in world war 2 and the other guy was literally Hitler.

Smash Bran'Discootch

He's saying "Barney" in a bad Flinstones impression. He did the same thing with "Varney" in castlevania.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Roshi, uh....do you know what a haberdashery is? It's a store that sells men's clothing accessories. You got a busted zipper? Pocket watch chain broke? The button tore off your vest? You bowtie needs a couple of stitches? Come on down to the haberdashery.


If Michael did it, then he's probably responsible for the Holocaust

Kendall Gresham

Bruh I think I gotta watch season six without y’all (imma still watch the reactions, of course) but omg this episode was ALOT.


Aberama died the same way he was introduced in S4


imagine waitin on this cliffhanger for 3 years


Man's still a motherfucker, clock ain't changing that.


Fucking Finn man...


….Polly might’ve been right. Michael wasn’t the Black Cat, it was Finn.


“me and finn are the next generation” 😹😹😹😹

Adrian Neal

RIP Helen McCrory


Now imagine waiting 2 and a half years to find out exactly what happened.

John Cedar

"Shit's in the past" yeah no shit, no one on the planet is under the impression that Churchill is still alive or doing anything. Should we not talk about things unless they are literally happening at this moment? The comment you replied to was "in the past" too my guy, but you're still talking.


Damn finn! It could still be a misdirect but shit. Also I hear season 6, is the last season. But they going to finish off the series with a movie? Don't know how true that is but fuck, I wonder how long we gonna wait for that movie if its true.


The only time we saw Tommy losing the game is this season


woah, didnt know about the movie part. I just finished season 6 myself, and movie would make complete sense

Lamaree Jackson

They saw this man Cillian Murphy put a gun to his head in Inception and “Him”


React to Warrior on HBOMAX. You’re going to love it🔥🔥🔥

Broken Sora

just a heads up for when you start the next season, the actress that plays polly died so you're going to be a bit confused at the start of season 6


last appearance of helen mcrory as polly gray, rip to her and to poll who she played magnificently. this ending is a lot and it sucks cause as watchers we know all his efforts will go in vain cause the war still does happen


we gotta pass out history books to the class on the rise of nazism.


Nazis are fascists but not all fascists parties are the German Nazi Party. The British Union of Fascists received direct financial support from Nazi Germany and disseminated nazi propaganda. Mosley worked directly with Hitler and Mussolini. Looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.


lmao as if the past doesn't influence the future.

Christian Acosta

true but I could see why doing coke while doing a precision task like sniping could be an issue

mclv mclv

Yep especially now with so many new facist groups rising around the world.

mclv mclv

Yep I think I saw somewhere it was in the early stages of production. I give it 2 years, around mid 2025

Cole hauser

Note that in between the end of this season and just before or during filming season 6 the actress for polly passed away. It’s not really spoiling anything for next season because this was knowledge most of everybody who was watching the show as it aired knew before season 6 dropped. But I figured it was something that should be pointed out going into the season.

John Cedar

people don't wanna hear about it lmao, they like to plug their ears and pretend everything is fine


damn i had no idea even when the season aired. RIP

John Cedar

the 1st ep has an "in memory of" dedication at the beginning of the credits, so they will know whether they've recorded already or not

Federico Carnebale

Fun fact: tha" nazi salute" actually was created by Benito Mussolini and Hitler copied from him, obviously with his permission they were allies


Further to this - the fascist/nazi salute was based on a salute the Romans used fifteen hundred years earlier. The US, for the pledge of allegiance, also used something visually identical called the Bellamy salute, which was only written out of the flag code in 1942 when the American Legion requested it. If you google 'bellamy salute' you get to see creepy pictures of American adults and schoolkids seemingly nazi saluting american flags.


Please upload the next one 😭😭😭

TooCuteNoir B.

Idk why but this little explanation I heard in like an old radio show accent in my head lol it made me chuckle

Silva Jin

its been soo long man what happened?


Yea, we want more!!


Season 6 when????


Lots of the characters are real or at least based on real gangs/ people. obviously the blinders (but not to the extent that the show takes it) but sabini, kimber, oswald, jessica eden, brilliant chang etc are all real people


those 3 went to war together obv there bond will be on a diff level, Finn just a walking L

Greyson Olsen

y'all don't understand the waiting for 3 years to know fs who betrayed Tommy


Cocaine sharpens the senses that's why they gave the sniper coke-'


The actor who plays Mosley is so good at his job it took me all season to realize he's Finnick from the hunger games lol. He is so hate-able and scary in this, jfc. That 10 second countdown was so painful.


Netflix is doing the same with another of their shows called the Last Kingdom. It got five seasons and a movie so I guess that's the new wave for closing out their shows.

Abdul-Rahman Lawal

17:50 Not gonna lie I agree with Michael... It was a good deal. The older generation rests with no looking over their shoulder, while the newer generation takes all the risk... Makes sense.