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ahhh great start!


Kwaku Afari

I'm surprised ya'll didn't pick up on that being Tonari.

Andrew shultz

Same. As soon as they focused on the owl or falcon or whatever it was obvious. But I’m just glad they revealed it this episode and didn’t drag it out.


Hello sadness, my old friend


OH GOD LETS GOOOOOOO aay roshi what's the song at the end of your videos?


Glad they kept the op tho I didn't expect them to, shit’s a banger


Songs are a bop in this show, pretty sure Roshi has Pink blood as a remix outro from this show. The composer did a lot of the music for Kingdom Hearts too!

Devin B

Fr I thought they were gonna change the op but I can't imagine a better opening that fits this anime's theme other than the original one.


Pretty sure it’s Pink Blood by Hikaru Utada https://youtu.be/QAdvDmhE2fg


Is Hisame Fushis granddaughter? From that time Hayase assaulted him?

Osiris Cage

No, she didn't succeed at having a child with Fushi. I recall at the end of the first season Hayase was injured because of the nokker and some stranger tried helping her. Then she grabbed him and pulled him into the tent she was recovering in. I'm assuming she assaulted that man and had a kid with him.

Osiris Cage

Those black cubes that Hisame tried feeding Fushi are the same ones that Hayase used to put March to sleep in the first season


And if I'm not mistaken, western morning glory tea was what Hayase served Fushi, March, and Parona before tossing them in prison. I could be wrong about the specifics, but they've definitely referenced that flavor before.

Devin B

Reincarnation is when a soul is born into a new body. In general regarding the concept of reincarnation you usually don't retain the memories of your past life but because of all these animes about reincarnation we tend to think it's a continuation of life in a new body with your past memories.


But it gets boring hearing the same fucking song for a whole second season..... it lacks variety. What's the point in having new visuals if you don't have a new song. It's a great song, but when I watch a new season of something, I want a new op, not something recycled. Out of ALL the music there, it is literally impossible to not find a better song, or at least an equally good song that fits. Should go without saying, there is a LOT of music out there.


About the reincarnation thing..... good example is Uub in DBZ. He doesn't have memories of being Buu, and obviously has a completely different personality.


LOL y'all didn't pick up on Tonari at all, not even a little. And her bird knocked out the guards, you didn't hear the screech or see the feather floating? XD The hints were almost throughout the entire episode. When she first appeared, her appearance was already kinda similar, with the hair style and color. Then she looked up at a bird, as if it was hers. Then she said western morning glory reminded her of the past (since it was used in a very similar situation in S1). Then she talked about being poisoned before, and being quick to recover, which happened in the first season.

Ranginald Vagel

Now that it’s out I’m more excited than I thought I would be


that was a little while ago even i forgot(all the details not her being tonari) and i've read the manga

Jake Thompson

Ahh yes my favorite Feelbad anime


its the flavour of tea but also the lil niddles that hayase would use to knock everyone out was the western morning glory. and we could see back in s1 Tonari was already heavily resistant to the poison at 14.

Gene Ryan

Another good way to think about this type of reincarnation is like with Avatar. None of the incarnations of the avatar remember their past lives, but they all fulfill the same role. You can think of it like that. She's doesn't have her grandmother's memories but she'll act as his stalker through all her incarnations.

Hasnain Khan


Chris Tercero

Sheera that was not no different verse lol. It’s exactly the same as S1


oh look it's pain Thursdays

Zombies Marble

oh christ its back ready the waterworks gents


One thing tonari also hinted at before the reveal was that she was the first one to always wake up after being poisoned


Man, I missed this show. Lol

Crismel Mejía Jiménez

it's not a big deal either. In my case, I was more focused on paying attention to Hisame to see if she is just as crazy as her grandmother and I didn't bother to think if the woman was a character I had already seen. Also, it's been a while since they watched the anime and they've been watching others shows during that time.


Like grandmother like grand daughter. Like ED said; Kill it Fushi. Kill it now 🤢🤢

Deshawn Smith

hunterxhunter had the same song throughout all 148 episodes. I mean i get what ur saying but this is the perfect song for the show imo

Deku Kana

Sadness commence


To your Eternity, Made in Abyss and Chainsaw Man


The black gello things are what they used to drug March when they were going to sacrifice her back in the 1st couple eps of season 1. It was a play from the beginning.

Carrie Thomas

Glad they kept the opening, you literally can't top it 😁


I really like that they show the passage of time by how complex Fushi's conversations are now. Even when he's thinking to himself, his narrated thoughts and opinions have matured. I love this show so much. Can't wait to see the rest of this arc animated. Also I wasn't surprised that they didn't replace the theme song. How you gonna top the number one female singer in Japan? lololol.


"I spent two years building my tollorence to iocaine powder" XD


148 episodes and I still can't get enough "departure"

Daniel Robb

Damn I missed this show too. So underrated.

Leandro Da Silva

Opening is just “He’s gonna die and Fushi turns into them, She’s gonna die and Fushi is gonna turn into them, They also die and Fushi is gonna turn into them”

Emiliano Ruiz Chong

We are on to a great story. Sure you will enjoy it.


40 years? Bro Tonari is like 55


Wouldn't Tonari be like 50+ years old? Why the hell does she look like a fresh 22 year old

Reckless Company

What how is the owl still alive lol


Same with YuYu Hakusho. It's 112 episodes and I've never gotten tired of Smile Bomb. And I've rewatched that anime at least 100 times.

toptier bryan

She does not look 22 lol she looks like a healthy, fit 50 year old woman.


mans here down so bad even a GILF looks fine


@toptier bryan see that's how I know you watch too much anime. Homegirl is pushing 60 yet has no Grey hairs and not one single wrinkle. The bitch could pass as a 16 year old

toptier bryan

I don't watch a lot of anime actually haven't for years but whatever dude


toptier bryan doesnt watch a lot of anime yet still seems to think he has authority on what warrants a good sub vs dub, hilarious!


Love how they did the Tonari reveal! Fun to see that you guys didn’t fully catch it and were surprised. Always a great reaction!


common pion L. Bringing up a old debate (trashy one at that)

jonluke santillana

I think he meant why is it still alive after 40 years, to be fair it doesn’t have to be the same owl.

jonluke santillana

That preview making it look like Tonari (already) dies next episode, not to mention that ED looking hella spoilery, hmmm. Really hope Tonari gets more than a couple episodes to flesh her out as an adult before killing her off.


@dion "Own that bum" mans was so buthurt in that comment thread LMAO


@Vevvev hey look its toptier bryan on his second account. like bro its so obvious man

Kay’s Kreative

Roshi, Could you all consider watching the show called Yellowstone?

Zach Saltou

Thank you guys, i had not wanted to watch to your eternity because it gave me the sad and depressed vibes so i dropped it at episode 2 not wanting to go through it all. Saw the s2 episode and said fuck it, right now im still watching on the google doc but at ep 11 and have binged so far. You guys are awesome and put me on shows that i would have never gave much of a shot.


this is actually why I haven't started watching their Banana fish reactions. i wanna see it but it seems so depressing LOL


I like the show, but man Fushi never learns shit.


Honestly saaame, there are so many shows that I wouldn't have watched without this channel because of one reason or another. But being able to kinda vibe with the commentary and the jokes and the community, it's nice, adds an extra something to the viewing experience for shows that would otherwise be overlooked in my watching schedule

Ebony Conner

Damn I missed this intro

Lucas Theret

I read your comment and watched the second episode right after. So now,,,,, I just blame you


The reincarnation is the same as i Avatars. Avatar Wan's soul is being moved into different vessels, without his original memories. He is living as new people, but his soul is still there.

Drake Rage

I don't think Fushi can gain poison resistance, remember how Fushi always has that leg wound when he transforms into Fushi? So the body is set to what the person was like when he knew them, or when they died, it won't remember the body becoming resistant to poison even if he trains for it, because it will get reset when he changes to something else. To get poison resistance he will have to take the form of someone who already has poison resistance, then if he gets poisoned while being the person with poison resistance, he is immune. That.... is bad news for Tonari since that is a very useful skill to have and to get it... Tonari will have to die for the story... Love how they do the storytelling/climax in this anime, and the topics they explore are so good, a masterpiece anime.


@dion My names not bryan, are you just pressed about everything? do you never let go of stuff? you must be a miserable person


and yeah my mistake, I didn't even watch a single episode and I commented this weeks ago, that was stupid.

Takeshi Kovacs

What happened to season 1 of the reaction I don't see it on here or even on YouTube?


The whole losing your Memory if you get reincarnated is totally normal and matches the doctrine of different religions. The whole retaining your memories is Anime Isekai shit xD