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nobody listens to Tommy


Coping McCoperson

random as shit question, but Roshi where did Sheera get that JJK shirt? Shit clean


now that hotd is done does that mean we could get peaky 3x a week 👀


I can't watch this show regularly anymore after learning the actress for Aunt Pol died last year :(


when Tommy says "not yet" after Charlie says "youre not god" is chilling // also Oswald Mosely is a real, very significant historical figure that you guys should look up, to at least understand the dynamics of his character in the show

Smash Bran'Discootch

Tommy is basically the equivalent of a senator. This guy is trying to throw Tommy under the bus in order to further his own career. In order to maintain his position, Tommy can't have any loose ends.


Stop mentioning it. It’s literally a spoiler for the beginning of the season 6.


bro not gonna lie... shut the fuck up. weirdos like you need to learn how to separate content from real life. i also haven't even watched season 6 yet. so..


why did you have to add more detail to it


Did yall watch The Queen’s Gambit? That’s her.


This show loves to make me hate or love pol each season and this season im loving her

jason ross

Someone should have told that reporter if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Why in the world would he question someone about a murder of a high ranking cop that he suspected he got away with? Especially if he knows tommy’s reputation since they are both from the same city.


Because letting shitty people do shitty things is no way to progress society

jason ross

Staying far away from shitty ppl who you think murder on the regular is a great way to not get plugged full of holes in a elevator


Blackmail is not enough, because it was so easy to shut him up, that somebody else can just blackmail him in return, he is a loose end


This bitch annoying bro if you wanna leave so bad then fucking leave Arthur don’t want too


idk if you're actually that dumb, being weird or what but uhh if she died irl what do u think that means for her character she's portraying.... can't really separate the content from real life can u...


i said an actress died in real life and ur first reaction is "spoiler", imagine


"Is that an angel of retribution?" No, Lupa. That... is the fucking Devil.

Antonio Williams

It's always funny when people call out a "spoiler" that didn't really spoil anything BY ACTUALLY SPOILING THE THING THEY WERE COMPLAINING ABOUT.


@Antonio Williams I'm saying. I'm legit watching along for the first time. Didn't know when season 6 started or when it ended. Just wanted to comment on the actress's passing, which they might've already knew. Oh well.


And that's fine for people that are okay with how the world is. Hide away in a hole to avoid all risks. Not my problem. But the people that make it better are the ones that take those risks.

Antonio Williams

"You know who you married, and you know what you married into" Not really. She married an "ex- gangster" not an active one. Yeah she chose to stay but she was pregnant by the time he got involved with the family again, and even then Arthur promised her one last job (the russian job). Luca prompted him to come back into the fold after his brother literally almost got him hung btw. Basically Arthur continuously said he'd step back until the life pulled him ALL the way back in. Like Tommy is one of my favorite fictional characters but dude is written to be flawed. We can't act like many of the gripes people raised against him and those who follow him aren't valid. He's Icarus and it's far from invalid to criticize who he gets in bed with (metaphorically) and who suffers most when he fails.


He kept Alphie's dog Cyril. ;_;


idk if yall caught it but that big ass dog was Alfie's dog. He asked tommy to take care of him when he killed him


Michael Levitt, loose end Mrs. Changretta loose end loose ends are a problem


It's almost 1930 and Finn still don't got his own 1911...


the last season released last year so that's why ppl are on your ass


anyone know the ending song? I know its from To Your Eternity but can't find the remix on youtube 😭


It sounds like a piano cover of the opening, Pink Blood. The chords are mimicking the vocals. With the beat, it could be a hip hop style remix.


I think it’s a beat made for Roshi gotta ask him or hopefully he see’s this LOL😂

Prem Valecha

Sheera tries so hard to be funny lol

Metweet .c

Because of journalistic integrity? Corrupt members of parties like Tommy and the other man he did the hit job for should be exposed to the public. Because these men actually do nothing for the working class and people should know that so they stop voting for them. Even ada knows tommy dosent believe in any of his speeches. And killing journalists just brings more out of the woodwork to investigate you


Patreon gotta fix these random permanent timestamp freezes on the web player one of these days 😭


hold up, did u just say u cant watch the show because one of the actresses died irl and then call someone a weirdo for not being able to separate content from real life?


last comment in this thread. i honestly don't understand how me talking about an actress's death in real life got you mf's tightassed. his first instinct was that i was trying to spoil the show, which is why i said separate content from real life, basic reading comprehension. not everything is content for your enjoyment. you're seriously waiting for them to "react" to an actress's death. fucking losers


I mean the last time they left lose ends the Italians attacked and killed his brother so yeah lol


probably not the greatest advice but if you open up the peaky blinders tab in another tab before starting the video . Once it freezes just switch tabs and itll be working if you skip past the time it froze lol

Alejandro Rodriguez

I said it once I’ll say it again lol spirits and gypsy shit be real in this show


oh fuck, okay that guy Tommy speaks to in the commons - Oswald Mosley, literal real life villain. Absolute piece of shit. Mosley was extra racist and anti-semitic, far beyond normal for the time period. Adolf Hitler was a fan of HIS speeches. He starts the British Union of Fascists a few years after this, and later changes its name to the British Union of Fascists and Nazis. People voted for this shit. Fuck that guy.


Yo I just realized that dog was Alfie's. He actually took care of him.

Silva Jin

44:35 reminds me of the "I WANT TO SHAKE YOUR HAND" video 🤣 🤣🤣

Metweet .c

Yeah, because doped up, alcoholic, ill tempered Arthur will let her leave so easily


I'm not sure I understand the hit on the reporter. Are they implying Tommy hates so much that the reporter is gay that he had him killed, or is it just that the reporter was disrespectful and looking into things he shouldn't have? They've typically written Tommy as a "live and let live" type of guy, but now they're even ambiguous on how he feels about Ada's new baby daddy being black.


I think it was more to do with the reporter having information regarding Tommy's past that could jeopardize his political career.

Reckless Company

Campbell voice is so traumatizing the dude about to pop up from the dead lol


Tommy: People don't care that your baby daddy is black. We modern now, it's almost the 1930s. Hitler:  👁️👄👁️


Please react to Warrior 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Yo this season is insane. Can't wait for them to get into it


Ya'll gotta stop with the Campbell comebacks I'm fucking wheezzzinggggg

Ky Williams

Lupa that was a real horse and they are trained to dramatically fall like that LMAO


When lupa does sound effects im on my floor rolling Lmaoo


will you please shut the fuck up a1ron jesus , nobody wants anyone to react just dont say anything about the show until its done cos you clearly cant understand the difference between a show and irl . Just because u are aware that the person isnt alive anymore doesnt make u a fucking wizard shut it let people find things out by themself if u want sympathy go to twitter u might have a couple people crying along with you . Man people like this are fucking nosy and annoying


What are you on about Ben? I didn't even know the actress died what is wrong with his comment? some of you lot need to chill out, proper fucking freaks man.


theres like 10 other comments above mine already spoiling are u blind ? lmao


You must of missed last season when bro said he wasn’t going no where clearly he don’t wanna leave

Kay’s Kreative

Roshi, Could you all consider watching the show called Yellowstone?

Jaime Ruiz

Do they forget that Tommy was a soldier who has killed dozens? Not just that he's a gangster who's also probably done more killings post war haha.


why would you say anything if you didn’t wanna spoil (talking to sun btw)

Stormageddon Thomason

Lol I just picked that up too, wasn’t Cyril a completely different breed when he was with Alfie tho?💀