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Ishida's Dad is high key trash lol


Jason Eastman

Quincy can take and utilize any spirit particles around them. That includes their opponent's spirit particles. Hollows, and Inoue/Chad's powers, are all from spirit particles. What's worse, Hueco Mundo is ENTIRELY spirit particles. Essentially, that man has unlimited power here.


LOL wydm why would you do that? Did you see the beatdown that dude got? Imo it's natural to get a little cocky after that. It was equivalent to goin in for the tbag. She wanted to assert that dominance. Obviously, it was a mistake. But there really was no way she could've known the man would get back up after getting clobbered like that.

Jeremiah Wagner

Cause it was stupid. People in Bleach can get up after getting their whole chest sliced open and she even said she didn’t expect him to still be alive. Plus he clapped all of them already. A beast with all of their powers pines should be no different


I love how they're animating this season tbh. Whole highlight imo was my girl Bambietta pulling up

Beef Gristle Mill

Same but for me it was seeing Bazz and hearing Juhgram's voice. This shit is so fucking good.


Yamamoto couldnt say shit cuz he knew it's true. None of this would be happening if he finished Ywach 1000 years ago


This new video player keeps skipping around. And I can’t load videos on mobile anymore.


quincies dont send souls to hueco mundo lupa they literally extinguish them for good. You get fucked out of reincarnation if a quincy kills you so they kinda a pain in the ass.

Silva Jin

Wait they dont like mayuri???

Jimmy Martin

If it helps Mayuri is voiced by the VA who voices Frieza, Ryūsei Nakao. So definitely villain tendencies there😂😂😂😂

Antonio Williams

Them: *surprised at the damage Kira took* Me: *also surprised* ...oh yeah it's Bleach. That's basically a scratch for them

Kay’s Kreative

Roshi, Could you all consider watching the show called Yellowstone?

Chef MellowD

BAZZ 👉🏻🔥🔥🔥

Joshua (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-30 06:05:49 The R & D captain is a necessary evil. I think of Orochimaru. wouldn't be friends with him but I'm glad he's on my side type ish
2022-11-20 04:58:22 The R & D captain is a necessary evil. I think of Orochimaru. wouldn't be friends with him but I'm glad he's on my side type ish

The R & D captain is a necessary evil. I think of Orochimaru. wouldn't be friends with him but I'm glad he's on my side type ish