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had a major brainfart during the episode lol ignore my comment to sheera about Grace lol for some reason my brain was saying the Russians did it

Fantastic season overall! Cant wait to see where we go next with the story!


Hakohako Isubu

Since you guys love Tom Hardy here, you should watch Taboo in the future.


Arthur used his two fingers to not take lethal damage, that’s what saved him. Thought they caught that

Marcos Barreiro

how come no told them that snoop dog made a remix of the theme song


Me: “Should I let Roshi off the hook, I mean he even wrote it down in the caption?” Also me: Nah Great reaction as always though, and we finised another fire season 🔥💥

Mozart Waddell

Pol is trash for manipulating Michael and not informing him of her true plan. Man literally was entrapped by his own mom. She still hasn't faced consequences for S3 fuckup. She has her moments but overall she's been pretty unbearable this season imo. I hope next season is different 🫤

Mozart Waddell

Did anyone actually believed that Arthur was dead. I laughed at how poorly hidden it was that Arthur was still alive. I even cued Arthur's return to finish off Luca doing the scuffle at the end. Sucks to have to say goodbye to Alfie. The man was a rat who was given chance after chance to do right by the Peaky Blinders.

Mozart Waddell

Tommy gave it away when he runs out making a spectacle and then oddly whispers into Pol's ear. They didn't even show the body lol


Thank god Arthur alive and Yeahhhhhh Roshi played so much COD you started hearing the clicking of Claymores being placed yeah you needed a break bro lmao 😭

Muse of Salzburg

Y'all fucking kill me with the recurring Campbell jokes

Muse of Salzburg

That ptsd bit by the pond is really sad, but it also explains a lot about Tommy's mentality when it comes to his business. He doesn't want peace, not really. He only ever feels like he's in control when he has an adversary, because creating his own war is the only time when he's not reliving the one that's already happened.

Metweet .c

God as soon as lupa said mayor shelby I already knew they were gonna have a tough time next season with British politics😂

Metweet .c

So Tommy is not a mayor he is a member of the Labour Party in the South of Birmingham constituency. I don't remember actually if Labour or Conservative are the majority seat holders in government at this time but whoever does is basically in charge. Someone please add or correct me

Connor Powers

🔥🔥 reaction the last 3 seasons are great and you can make a case for each being the best season but this one was the best IMO killing John in episode one the introduction of abarame gold Arthur’s death fakes out along with alfies death this show doesn’t not miss on its villains


"Served him up a nice juicy pizza in the shape of a L" -Lupa 2022

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 02:03:27 well i think her main goal was to get him out of there which was her goal like the whole seasonn so it makes sense
2022-10-21 18:59:11 well i think her main goal was to get him out of there which was her goal like the whole seasonn so it makes sense

well i think her main goal was to get him out of there which was her goal like the whole seasonn so it makes sense

nami (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 02:03:27 it became pretty obvious Arthur was alive through Linda's reaction but I think it became more clear in the meeting with the mother where she talked about who tommy thought he was. Though thats less to do with writing and more to do with seeing a lot of shows
2022-10-21 19:00:29 it became pretty obvious Arthur was alive through Linda's reaction but I think it became more clear in the meeting with the mother where she talked about who tommy thought he was. Though thats less to do with writing and more to do with seeing a lot of shows

it became pretty obvious Arthur was alive through Linda's reaction but I think it became more clear in the meeting with the mother where she talked about who tommy thought he was. Though thats less to do with writing and more to do with seeing a lot of shows


Overall I really enjoyed this season, my favorite one so far for sure. On a side note (as a person who just finished GOT 3 months ago), I'm glad they didn't kill off John and Arthur on the same season lol. When they did that same shit in GOT season 4, the quality dropped drastically for me. Also at this point I doubt Polly is gonna take accountability/consequences for what she did in season 3, which sucks, but at least she was bearable these last episodes. I wonder what the other two seasons are gonna be about, I'm ready for the fuckery.


Next season is actually elite, primarily because of the villain. The villain is played by the guy who plays Finnick Odair in the Hunger Games and his performance in Peaky is phenomenal. Easily my fav villain of the series!

Mozart Waddell

It's still messed up because almost every Shelby will distrust Michael on some level. They can trust him to handle business but that's it.


Luca was the best villain by far. i dont know if anybody remembers but i remember noticed him because he was in the old king kong movie and mo town movie. i can't believed they name dropped al capone like dam.

Mozart Waddell

You make a valid point. When I watched the episode I knew as soon as Tommy found Arthur body that he wasn't dead. Deep down I wanted my expectations to be subverted, by the show making me believe that Arthur really died. It didn't accomplish this but it doesn't take away from it being an amazing finale.


I was the idiot watching this and not realizing that the opening song was the same song remixed.


Easily the best villain and most challenging villain for Tommy, even more than the priest was imo.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Nah, if you're not watching with the subtitles and aren't super familiar with the original song, you can't be faulted for not realizing it was the same song. You're good fam.

Smash Bran'Discootch

LMFAO you're calling Poll trash for that when it was Tommy's plan. What size clown shoes do you wear?

Mozart Waddell

😂 I understand that it was Tommy plan but Pol showed no push back and made a choice. I know who Tommy is at the end of the day. It was crappy of Pol because that she was Michaels mother.


As in, Tommy manipulates and makes plan without informing others.

Ky Williams

the production level next season is nuts!

Mozart Waddell

Thanks for explaining Sundays. I'm not excusing Tommy behaviour. Polly did this to her own son. The plan was good, Michael should've been involved.

Erica Collins

Luca was hot & a great villain. He had to go but he will be missed 😔🙏🏾


he's not the major btw, he got elected to UK Parliament. So he's basically a Senator/ Congressman

rickie woodson

come on lupa, you trying to tell me there is NO one in your family that never said "i cant tell she is having a boy because of xyz"? you know jamaicans got some oldwives tells as do african americans. i've heard it all. if the belly sits low its a boy. if the belly is hard or if the baby is active (kicks a lot) its a boy. and the thing polly did. something about the breast, depending on the firmness its either a boy or girl. its like how some grandmas can sense when a storm is coming

rickie woodson

more like he took two cheese sticks and made that into an L. and with there being two seasons to go, they can let this one end on an L and let season five be the resurrection of the peaky blinders: a rags to blades story

Kodyak Combs

As a Jamaican born and raised, I can say we do have ways to tell a baby's gender from touch and look. Some say they see the gender in their dreams

Antonio Williams

After basically almost binging the entirety of Gangs of London season 2 I can say this with certainty...IT'S A MUST WATCH!!!! Maaaaan...it's brutal. Like surprisingly so and it's...maaaan just watch it


Its crazy to me how they accepted Lizzie and Linda as part of the Shelby family but they never treated Esme that way despite the fact that she was married to John and gave birth to several Shelby kids. Esme was also helpful to them due to her connection to the Lees and at one point she did care about them and helped them out yet they never accepted her and treated her like shit. Esme deserved better


Seems like the only part of the fight that was fixed was Aberama's son trying to delay the knockout till the 4th round. I think it was a genuine fight and Tommy trusted he could win anyway.

Bad Karma

My take on it was that Esme had too much indivuality to be properly accepted. Lizzie follows her orders, Linda as well it just takes more convincing. Esme, on the other hand, is strong spirited and comes from a hard family so she takes nobody's shit, which makes her hard to integrate fully.


that acting when he relapsed looked too real.


Roshi and Sheera comparing real war and PTSD with video games if y’all don’t get the fuck outta here smh lol

Davon Thomas

My favorite part of any peaky blinders reaction is whenever they impersonate Campbell as a reoccurring villian from the grave

na -

imma need a compilation of the times roshi and lupa clown on Campbell 😂😂


the fukin robo campell shit has me dying every time


No spoilers here, but next season has my favorite scene, It's when Arthur goes "is blindin' taim" and starts peakying all over the the courthouse. Legend.

Abdul (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 02:03:27 that shit kills me lmao
2022-10-22 23:19:42 that shit kills me lmao

that shit kills me lmao

Kwaku Afari

I literally screamed at his entrance


last thing luca saw was a ghost thats some raw shit


"You been talkin to dat fat fuccć?" I don't care what anyone says, this is the best line delivered by the pianist.

Cleven Anthony

Yoooooo did y’all know the priest from this show was the same actor that played viserys ?????


Yhe well the black dude is their priest he has to be there to say the prayers XD


I think his PTSD flares up when he is not busy. In vacation his min is let loose and wonders back to it.


U also gotta remember Esme was basically sold off to the Shelbys by the Lee family to prevent more infighting. It was never her choice to be part of their family unlike Lizzie and Linda. The only reason she even bothered to stay around was literally John being loyal to Tommy, she was always looking for a chance to dip tf out and leave the rest of the Shelbys hanging.

Drake Rage

Remember Arthur said he wanted to be the one to kill Luca for killing John. And he did, he put a bullet right in between Luca's eyes.


I mean, they never treated her like family, so why would she wanna stay with the people who are trash to her. She got held at knifepoint by Polly when all Esme was trying to do was look out for her and have her back. When Tommy was outnumbered and needed allies, she got her family to help out even though Polly was talking shit saying she had no right to interfere since she's not family. Esme was more family than Lizzie was at the time since she was actually married to John yet they never respected her. She was married off to John but she did care and it showed when she helped out where she could. She just eventually got tired of being treated like the black sheep

Kay’s Kreative

Roshi, Could you all consider watching the show called Yellowstone?

Ramone Moore

That dog must of had a med kit or sum💀


Regarding what you said about hearing the sound effects from video games - me too! I don’t think video games turn us into killers~ but it is dodgy how our monkey brains can be trained to look out for video game shit when you’re not even playing. After playing Bioshock I weirdly found myself thinking stuff like “search that bin” for a good while lol.