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A wild Shinobu appeared



Enjoy your time at dreamcon stay safe yall


Not really sure , I'm assuming it's till Sunday


the was colonel mustang lmaooo


yup that was a wild fmab brotherhood ref u saw


Let’s go another early drop

Trent Ward

sheera rocking the anal beads braid well!


They showed Senjougahara’s dad before, he drove her and Araragi and they talked for a bit


Yeah that was Mustang, the book also showed Ed and Al. iirc Senjougahara is canonically a pretty big FMA fan (Hanekawa was looking at Senjou's notebook in this scene)

None None

Tsukihi's hair grows really fast because she can regenerate. It's why she changes hairstyles in every arc. Although girls' hair is just a recurring theme in nearly everything this guy writes. Some say it's a weird meta gag about how anime girls can't change their hairstyle because it's their only distinguishing trait (he wrote a one-shot once where all of the girls had their hairstyle listed under their name in their introduction box). Others think it's a weird jab at how overused the dramatic haircut cliche is. There are also people who think the author just has a thinly veiled fetish. All three are equally likely with this guy.


Karen cut her hair back in Nisemonogatari. Roshi was incorrect! Clap him, boys!

Lores Tiralongo

Devenitly kaiki and kanbarus home 👌

Lores Tiralongo

As a cool fun fact, Tsukihi's hair and nails grow at a abnormal speed compared to other people, because she is a phenix wich regenerates constantly. So she features a pulefera of different hair styles and can be caught clipping her nails a lot ^^


Yes, kaiki wanted to know about kanbaru's lineage, the gaen family.


You on point about the lineage with Kaiki and Kanbaru. I can't say more than that without spoilers but you're smelling what they're stepping In for sure.

Deshawn Smith

Not relevant but, they all showered before they got in the tub so it's not really dirty lmao

Sebastian Stróż

So to touch on the bathing together scene. It wouldnt be weird in Japan actually. If you think about it, you guys did it as well, in onsen. In Japan you clean yourself before getting into the bathtub/onsen. So they are just chillin there.


Yeah, communal bathing is kina a big thing. I forget where i read it, but apparently its not super uncommon for kids to take baths with their parents till theyre like 10 or so.


There have been scenes of Goku taking bathes ( scrub down and soaks) with his sons. Japanese people soak/bathe together in as a form of bonding especially parents and their kids. Think of it like sleeping in the same bed. It'll get weird and uncomfortable when the kid gets older and physically too big to share. 10 years old is pretty much the typical cut off point unless it's a special situation.


Nice catch roshi, that was colonel mustang


yeah kaiki was outside kanbarus saying summing about 'the gaen child'

Taylor Moon

Theyr'e not sitting in dirty water cuz in japan they wash off in the shower before getting in the bath.. so CLAPPED. Also that's one of the many reasons this show is goat'd is because it goes to the effort to change hairstyle through season, ya know cuz people's hair grows and people get haircuts it's a cool detail (Just like the bath scenes)


dookie water sheera??? XD


I haven’t eaten dinner, and y’all haven’t uploaded


Monogatari characters shower more than monogatari viewers deadass

AlexXis Amadeus

Man, I'm not even gonna lie, but does that mean I need to shower more, or this show just really likes showers and bath scenes too much?

AlexXis Amadeus

Ya'll don't know how Japanese bathing works. The clean themselves BEFORE getting in the bath.