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Nphirea bout to get the yams after 3 seasons

Peaky Blinders is still coming tonight, its exporting


Kyle Drayton

Not really, was only explaining why it's not a power fantasy is all


Why the hell were there so many comments under the last video??


We in here


It was like 2 people going back and forth for hours 💀

john segun doe

holy shit peaky blinders. I've wanted to get into it, i've watched some eps but never continued, I'd def love watchin it with y'all tho

jesse almonte

I woulda killed Npheria, that dude is hobestley a huge danger to nazerick


300 more comments lol


This episode marks the end of the first part of this season. Now you all need to prepare for despair.


guu was turned into a zombie by ainz, the troll ( the live one) was given to ainz by the snake


Can't wait for the next episodes XD


Can’t wait until episode 7


Enri's "strength" is those horns ... not like super strength

Randle Dandle

her her becoming physically stronger is supposed to show that she is gaining experience.

Randle Dandle

one of the few wholesome moments in overlord is Ainz being so charmed by Nemu loving Nazarick that he adds her to a protection list.


ify but that is not what roshi is referring to. it seems he is under the wrong impression just wanted to clarify


Nice. The fluffy serial killer of the group lmao


why? he is the only one (so far) who can provide something essential to Ainz. Once he establishes a formula then Ainz will have it and technically he won't even be necessary anymore (although obvi he will be staying and continuing to develop other stuff I'm assuming). But we shouldn't forget that Nazarick has a monopoly on power. How can an ant be a real problem? Right when they get out of line they can easily be stepped on


I just wanna know where he showed her in Nazarick? Like the more lounge areas, or the giant elemental biomes on the other floors?

Randle Dandle

I don't remember anything like that from the light novel but it's possible there's a filler chapter of the manga that has that.

Ryan Hill

I think he is referring to the time she said something and it had a magical effect. Like a command.


Enri's Goblins actually give her EXP because they are in her "party". Every time they went out to hunt for food Enri was getting passive EXP. She also has a special character class which will be revealed in a later episode.

Steven Fechter

Theyre gonna show Nphi and Enri about to lay down. Then it will switch to ainz who will make a call, and its gonna actually be the lizards banging instead.


I've been watching your content for a couple years(on youtube), Just wanted to let you know that I love your content and Overlord is one of my favorite anime.


Oh shit really? Never read the manga only ln so might check it out


Guy A was quoting Roshi’s old comment, saying the gang is behind on Overlord cuz the old “fans” that harassed them, guy B thinks guy A was generalizing the fan base over 1 comment made earlier in the last vid, but guy A wasn’t talking about that comment. The plot then turns into a shit show I dont recommend following 🤥

Bryann Kam

“Nphirea bout to get the yams after 3 seasons“ Too bad he doesn't have the “energy” to properly “compete with” (i.e.please) her. Hence his later devotion into researching and developing stronger stamina potions 😉

J Miller

Maaannn. All this world building. I can't wait for them to witness the power of Nazarick lol.

Brandon Rodgers

I forgot ainz was really out here being emperor palpatine playing both sides

Random Guy

Nemu is probably the luckiest human in this world so far. She got Ain'z protection without doing anything. Imagine all the children they killed during the attack on Re-estize. The rest of the humans under Ainz protections are only protected because they are of use to Nazarick such as Balear Family's potion, Enri's commander skill, Even Tuare is under Nazarick as a maid. Meanwhile nemu just freeloading.


He(Nepheria) can use the staff of ainz ooal gown, or any world class magic items.

Drake Rage

20:57 Good catch Sheera, Ainz added Nemu to the "VIPs who must not get clapped" list since she was praising Nazarick and Ainz's friends so much, lol.


********Very slight spoiler for S4 Ep1********* Read at your own risk or if u don’t care about spoilers ***********************************************


So the good news is it was mentioned that Yuri Alpha and Nigredo hid the children away after their abduction from the capital. So doubt as many died as we initially thought. Adults definitely did so rip. tbh tho its a breathe of fresh air for the series lmao, it’s usually always worse than we think.

Kyle Drayton

That's not what actually happened tho lol. I acknowledged him talking about the past but the problem is that he lied claiming he was ONLY talking about the past when his very next response was him specifically talking about the one comment from last video. He kept jumping from different points for no reason even when I told him there was no misunderstanding on my part. It got so bad he started making multiple other accounts just to make himself look more credible. I'm not pretending as if I didn't make things worse either but no where near the level as other dude

Dark Shogun

I think Ainz used the same skill on the hamster that he did on the troll. He used level 1 on the hamster and level 5 on the troll.


man this released 3 am for me

Rman Boss

Let the clappening begin


@kyle bro do you really think this dude paid $30 dollars per month for 3 different accounts, JUST to mess with you…? Like dude you’re not that special to waste money on, even if he wanted to badly troll you. Leave this shit outta future reactions please, so it doesn’t turn into a round 2.


I don't really have extra information that wasn't mentioned so here I will list the known classes and levels of Enri and Nefieria at the end of novel 8 Enri Emmot Humanoid The new chief Position: Chief Residence: Carne, the Emmott family house Class levels: Farmer 1lv; Sergeant 1lv; Commander 2lv ; General 2lv; -> 6 level Birthday: 10 Mid-Wind Moon it is also mentioned that at the beginning of the novel she only had farmer and sergant at lv 1 Nfirea Baleare Humanoid Genius alchemist apothecary Position: Apothecary Residence: Carne, the Bslesre fsmily house class levels: Wizard 3lv; Alchemist (Genius) 4lv; Pharmacist (Genius) 4lv; Doctor 1lv -> 12 level Birthday: 18 Mid-Wind Moon he also has that one inborn talent next time we start with Volume 7. just the rewarding for sebas and solution where already used from the 7th novel


Ainz this ep was like "BEHOLD!! MY STUFF!" and I'm here for it

The GoDKing 27

Ainz sus when he came back alone with nemu


we all are nodding yeah at that menu but the only thing I actually got was the apple part and water the rest sounded like another language


Yea anything above 2 year olds get yeeted into the rubbish bin, since they aren't "babies" anymore according to Nigredo's gauge


So hyped for the next couple of episodes


Only reason Ainz added nemu to the list was because he took a liking to her after meeting her. He is very proud of the things he accomplished with his friends and so when she showed genuine wonder and amazement towards the things he built with his friends it really go to him, which was why he showed her around for so long and laughed so much.

juan gutierrez

@Ethan I read the web novels a long time ago, so I forget the order but aren't the dwarves and runes arc before demiurge attacks a kingdom with a princess as the weapon

Spearbearer Josh

Shes actually pretty strong, id go as to say she's the strongest human physically in the village. Its between her or Britta


Still find it funny how the troll’s sword is literally the Dragon Slayer but with a round tip.


@Kyle lmao, you literally let yourself be played like a fiddle. Couldn’t be me.


The creator of Overlord is a D&D guy, so I think its safe to assume trolls use D&D logic - they'll regenerate as long as they're alive, unless wounded by acid or fire. Which will be why Lupisregina burned the meat pile, to stop it from re-forming.

Kyle Drayton

@Ethan None of his accounts are subscribed to Roshi....if you even bothered to check, you'd see they aren't supporting a single content creator. But rather than actually checking to see if what I'm saying makes sense, you immediately write my words off in favor of being a smug asshole.. Practice what you preach. You want to pretend to be on some moral high ground despite contradicting yourself by going out of your way to insult me nonstop. If I'm not that special, why do you keep going out of your to look for my messages to respond to me? Op asked what happened so I told him. Leave your shit outta these comments and future reactions as well because it's been been 13 hrs yet no "round 2".

Kyle Drayton

@YungZeus not really. It’s literally not hard to trick patreon into getting access to content creators without having to pay. That's been an actual problem for a lot of people who create Patreon but don't get any money because people refuse to give them money, but go ahead and believe that if you want. “Couldn’t be me”


He can use his staff and the world items? Wtf when was it mentioned I probably missed it

Devin B

@Kevinsog24 Npheria has a skill that allows him to use pretty much any item even if he doesn't meet the requirements to use it. That's why Clementine kidnapped him and made him use a crown that created undead in season 1 so theoretically it's possible he can use world level items.

Devin B

Compared to the people around her (goblins excluded) she's pretty strong because of the shared exp from the goblins but aside from that she's not taking down trolls or ogres.


If only you bothered to check that in everyone's profile settings there's literally a "hide pledges" button. Try it: My profile settings > account > privacy at the bottom If only you knew to comment on a video you'd need to pay to unlock the appropriate tier. I keep coming back periodically to check and see what new conspiracy theory you've cooked up bc it's fairly entertaining. But you're right it's getting dumb again so imma stop now, so seeya.

Stephen D

"Where is that even coming from there no windows here?" The light of 5:30 doesn't need windows. It can even reach to deepest depths of Nazarick.

Randy Petitmaitre

Roshi bro come on now you turned a heartwarming scene into debauchery SHAME on you for commenting on that shame on you .🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yep that’s correct. I was talking about the population kidnapped from the Kingdom, with the flame walls.

Kyle Drayton

@Ethen If only you could tell me why the accounts I'm referring to conveniently deleted their comments. If only you could tell me why there's a countless videos and websites about getting on patreon and having full access to content without having to pay for it. If only you could realize that by saying you keep coming back means I'm living in your head rent free. If only you could see the irony in trying to make me stop commenting to prevent "round 2" just for you to do that yourself. If only you could tell me why you liked your own response because it just makes you look ridiculous. But like you said, I am right, because there were no arguments in this thread until you came here. You want to pretend like you're on some moral high ground yet can't even see your own hypocrisy by starting the round 2 you talked about earlier because you can't look in a mirror(good try to whoever deleted my original comment) . Bye bye


the next episodes I can't write jucy infos because I have propably no wifi


Will you react to isekai quartet, Funny little Show and you watched all the Isekais that appear in the Anime


I was a fool and said I disliked Overlord at firs because I thought it was hareem power fantasy BS,. But we need these episodes to come out faster.

George Johansen

Oh DAMN this is the latest episode! Bruh here my hopeful ass was thinkin' "Aight, another episode down! Let's keep binging Roshi and Co reactions!". I can't wait for the next episode guys! Thanks for all the great content guys! your patreon is the first I've ever subscribed to, but it was most definitely worth it!

Steven Fechter

I mean it still kind of is that. I cringe inside out everytime albedo has screen time.

Steven Fechter

Almost all RPGs rip off DnD to the point where if you know DnD lore, you know everything else.

Kyle Drayton

@Steven Fechter It really isn't tho? A power fantasy would imply only the MC is op for no reason while he solves every problem with might makes right..but if you actually watched/paid attention to the show you'd know overlord is the exact opposite of what I just said. You cringing because a female character dare fall in love with a guy(This isn't even for the sake of having a girl fawning over the MC like an actual power fantasy either, there's a legitimate reason why she fawns over him)sounds more like a you problem than anything actually wrong with the show