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Baby shadows are gross



Loving these early uploads


Hey Roshi can you make an updated schedule??🙏🏾🙏🏾


So with the pink haired girl, Yuriko or whatever her name is. In episode 5 when the shadows did their thing at the festival she was saying she didn't mean for things to turn out that way and crying to Shinpei. So I'm guessing she's working with the bad shadows which is what she was going to tell Mio. Also why she told Mio to stay close to her at the festival. I don't think she is a shadow though, because she got slashed in the back and died in 5 ep. Also at the end of 5th ep we saw the dudes dad next to a shadow in a wheelchair so he's definitely up to something in that old hospital.


He’s most likely probably gonna make one soon, with all the shows ending in like a week

zILovePelmeni _

the people in the other timelines techincally dont exist anymore after shinpei dies so shinpeis view on that hell just loop again isnt wrong. shinpei is the observer, the timeline in which he currently is, exists. thats the best i can explain. they shouldve expalined that already. if not somebody reply to this comment if thats a spoiler


I’m wondering if that whole explanation for shadows copying machines, and guns. Etc will come back in to play later. They spent the time to explain it to us so it can’t just be for that one “Key” scene


dam I love this show

Drake Rage

Yep, it definitely seemed like she is working with the Shadows, and then gets killed when they were done with whatever she was helping them with. Sou's Dad, who is the Doctor, was also calmly hanging around with a shadow sitting in a wheelchair when the Shadows started expanding and absorbing everyone in the town, so he has some sort of dealings with the Shadows too. Still many mysteries to solve. My guess with the pink haired girl (Tokiko) wanting Mio to stay with her is... to use her as a bargaining chip to save herself from the Shadows? That is the only thing I can think of from what we have seen, and if that is the case, then it is clear as day the Shadows won't care and kill her anyway, lol.

Kwaku Afari

I think it plays into what we learned last episode that the Shadows kill the original so they can be permanent.


Y’all should definitely react to Monster by urasawa naoki


they need the author too help em they can’t by themselves tbh there just kids


They saw the shadow grab his arm, but they didn't see its face change. I've been suspicious of Sou's sister ever since they introduced her. And their dad! If I can't see your eyes, I can't trust you 🤣


So basically this dude's dad summoned an ancient female demon into our dimension and this demon gave birth to the shadows to replace mankind?


okay so basically that's the shadow's lair and that's where they breed and the statue represents the shadows basically. also this is ichigo's dad's place? (yes he looks just like ichigo) what does he gotta do with this then?


The real irony is Ichigo's dad running a clinic too though. I'll never look at Sou the same again 🤣


"A room full of black babies" I swear Lupa xD


I think it goes older than his dad. The Hunter said he heard old stories about shadows from before/during the world wars when the fort was built on the island.


Might be the family lineage since the clinic is super old, but the dad definitely didn’t start the process. Seems like he inherited it.

Simone Resni

Yooo now i'd really love to see their brain get folded watching Higurashi (since Summertime takes more than one thing from it)

Devin B

Maybe they can replicate a certain object's shape that has to deal with beating the main shadow. That's the most I can think of atm.


i swear when I watched this episode it took 5 minutes. i’m so into it lmao