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That dog vision was wild lol


Charlie baker

Sorry to tell ya bro omurice is literally a fried rice omelet lmao

Charlie baker

Im almost positive ryuji made it like 3 times in toradora lmao, think theyve just never seen the rice filling of omurice, usually anime characters damn near eat the shit like ice cream


I know the background says episode 10. let me live

jesse almonte

"That dog vision" sounds so weird out of context


Literally refreshing the page for this. Thank you


spy x family is AMAZING but summertime render is better. spy family feeling a bit overrated this season. DEBATE ME


summertime render is better but spy x family isn't overrated


He said 'sir did you even try' to the kid who needed a cane just to walk, I'm fucking dead LMAO

Julio Morales

omurice is the omelette thing anya keeps getting for lunch/wants her dad to make at home. fyi. for roshi and them


imma bet the dog can see the future


“DEBATE ME” bro this isn’t danganronpa 💀


Not y'all focusing on the fact that she's just eating omurice x)

Antonia Moore

Those poor poochers,rescue the dogs 🐕


damn, this ep's subs are particularly bad in what's showing on the edit lol. I don't remember, if anyone else does: do we know the reason they don't put the same version in the react vid as what they watch?


y'all sleeping on rice omelettes especially with curry 😭

Kevin Kovacs

Dude... Spy X Family and STR is differenr genres like people saying so it's kinda unfaie to compare the those to. Spy X Family was ready popular before it got an anime... unlike STR. The story in STR is better for sure but the characters in Spy x Family are better. I like watching both of them.


I just love it when Shira predicted that Anya going to save the boy from drowning.Her power is real lol

Devin B

I'm just waiting for the dog to turn out to be a talking dog or a dog that can see the future or something cause everyone in the Forger house has a secret so the dog has to have one as well.


Yall been watching anime for how many years and haven't noticed omurice before?? 💀💀 its in like 90% of anime thats crazy


lmao it's omurice (omelet rice) so i mean...you're not wrong???


overlord this week?


They watch Crunchy, download usually from something like 9anime for overlay

miss millie.

yeah let me compare attack on titan with fruits basket. like those are two totally different things bro???


the omurice disrespect smh ya gotta try it

Omar Bautista

What's going to happen when Homelander Damien shows up on the show


Lol this man sleeping on omurice, go to Japan and have some and you wouldn't be saying that


Did y’all say that you hope the food “slaps”???¿😭

Ginger Dwarf

Roshi going to get clapped from this side of the planet to the other for that mad Omelet rice disrespect. My mans on the right even guessed the name.


"did you write this episode?" the sheeragan sees everything


2nd part will actually be 13 episodes. An odd split but 25 episodes total. 12 in first half


Tornado Omelette Rice. Watch this and tell me that wouldn't slap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voNCRUH9IAo By the way, the overlay still says Episode 10.


HOL UP! Did roshi just NOW find out about Omurice? 🤣


I can't believe y'all don't know what Omurice is. Y'all literally had a discussion about the dish back when y'all reacted to Grand Blue. How did you all forget?😂


Roshi u probebly already know but it says episode 10 when it's 11 lol


All these years of anime and Roshi disrespecting omurice xD I cant yall


Did you not see that part where it said kids drown quietly, and he fell under the water instantly so he's not going to be able to scream fam. I've been through the same thing when I was around that age

Cedric Worthy

The way Lupa says STELLLLAAAA reminds me of Arash from Fate. Iykyk

Ryan H

Marin was also making it in My dress up darling.


I'm honestly surprised you guys don't know what omurice is from all the anime you've watched.

Charard Brown

when i was a kid i had the same thing happen to me as ken and in the moment i wasnt thinking" yo lemme swim out" it was more "holy shit what happened i cant see anything or breath" i managed to grab the ledge of the pool in time but literally no one saw me because i was dead silent


What's funny about the first scene, is that the lines in the Bondman TV show were 100% describing the vibe and Loid's thoughts lmao.

Isaiah Rodgers

i didnt know zacian was in this episode


Omg, it makes me feel reassured to see commenters defending omurice. As someone who is half Japanese and has it often... LOWKEY offended by the disrespect of omurice. Don't knock it til you try it (unless it's pineapple pizza, you can knock that all you want without trying it). You're probably imagining some generic cheap-ass rice you've had, with some generic american breakfast omelette you had. And as far as you're concerned, ketchup probably only goes with burgers and fries. Smfh. A shame. So uncultured.


Stop kidding yourself. I'm not one to impulsively insult others when their views don't align with my own, but respectfully, go fuck yourself. Omurice does hit different though. However, that's not the point. Patreon desperately needs moderation privileges for content creators on this platform. The toxicity is unruly getting overwhelming.


Every member of this family is S U S. Even the dog isn't normal.

mitch anderson

I can’t be the only person who thinks the dog looks like the one near the beginning of Full metal alchemist brotherhood


By the way, it was quickly shown in ep 1 but Anya was experimented on too and that's probably how she got her powers. I think her experiment is linked with Desmond. As for the dog, because he was experiment on too like Anya, maybe the dog has super powers as well.


I think the dog just looked into it’s own future. So this dog is about to be some guardian angel for the family.


My guy...fried rice with egg is a staple in Asian cuisine. It's like comfort food for us. How do you guys not know Omelette rice after watching so many animes??? That ver is just a Japanese version of fried rice with egg.

Jazmyne Mattucci

Omurice fucking slaps. These uncultured ass weebs dont know what they missing out on. Like its basically fried rice with the omlete on top of it and ppl that complain its nasty are the folks who prob never had it made right or cant cook for shit. Callin them out. L ass tastebuds tbh


nah bro they might leave you alone for the episode slipup but you getting clapped for the omurice statement lol


I feel like the dog can see the future.


Half these comments are about Omurice.


Somewhat hurt by the disrespect on omurice! ngl!


So cause they might not find it as good as you do, your going to insult them?, L comment


...So Sheera finally got her sharingan back?


bruh it been gone for a minute but i wasnt gonna say nothin


that kid should have died already, he definitely has plot armor


I missed it the first time I watched but Anya asked Becky if her family were ops 😅 she bout bad as Loid!

Zachary Jackson

drowning isnt the fast death you think it is. It's a slow and very awful way to die. There's a reason that waterboarding is so effective


No shot you niggas making this big a deal about egg rice


lol it's called Omurice. It's basically a Omelette with rice inside and ketchup on top

Marshall Lee

Y’all ain’t ever had ur fried rice w egg?? That shit slaps. It all depends of what type of rice it is.

Marshall Lee

Confused cuz I don’t remember anyone saying shit about ketchup… and sum ab this comment is rubbing me the wrong way like 🤨

Shaquille Hinds

Lol all of y'all went to Japan and never had Omurice?


Well. This is the first time I actually agree with Osenbei Sensei. Although I've never had Omurice, it looks delicious every single time I see it in anime and on cooking videos on YouTube. Kinda rude to trash a food that you haven't tried. Especially since food is inextricably intertwined with culture. You can learn a lot about a people by examining what is native to the region, what they chose to keep from trading and export, and how they cook it.


I’m genuinely surprised they seem to not even heard of Omurice, not the fact that they think it doesn’t sound good, it’s been in quite a few anime they’ve watched lol


It's basically the default food in every single anime.


Lupa: *sees a kid hobbling with a crutch drowning* "did he even try?"


Maybe that's just anime time. Ben looked like he just reached the bottom of the pool by the time Anya jumped in so unless the pool is 20 meters deep, not much time has passed since he fell in.


All that kid drowning had to do was wait for the scary music to play then find a bubble to breathe in, hedgehogs do it all the time.


I know some people dont like Omurice, but what threw me and I think a lot of people off was their reaction. I mean they have seen Omurice in several anime but their reaction about this dish was not negative like that, it almost liked it came out of nowhere.

Leonard Mereigh

i find it shocking you guys watch this many anime and this is the first time youn into omurice

Omar Bautista

Now we know Roshi and Sheeras Japan trip was just a tour of downtown Japan town with no Omurice


Omurice slaps hard. When I realized how good ketchup tastes on eggs, I was sold. I can't eat scrambled eggs without ketchup sometimes.


The way everyone is defending omurice 😂 Food really brings folks together. And yes, I love omurice, it hella slaps.

Omar Bautista

Lupa now owes us 1 drum solo


Wish I could put the “damn im getting cooked” meme in here cuz these niggas getting cooked like omurice😭

Mozart Waddell

The shelter scene was low-key hard to watch. It honestly looked like a kill shelter. The dog handlers really triggered me. Yeah assholes you won't feed the dogs who're crammed in a small kennel unless they quiet down.


sweet, time to throw 7 more kids in the pool and we're set


drowning in real life is actually very quiet, in fact its completely silent. especially because those people over there kicking their legs a bunch so you wont even realize the kid fell in even if he made a loud splash because they are splashing the water loudly


Yeah Lupa was basically right, a rice omlette. Roshi wild for the omurice slander, he needs to pull out that wok and try making some, get some practice in lol

Liam Wave

Omurice slander got me awake

Jak The Rifter

200 % food wars lupasan, speaking of that why have you not reacted to it, that would be funny AF.

Mellow Cho

she was having omurice. Its popular with kids. You see it in almost every anime.

Jake White

How tf have you guys actually been to Japan more than once and still clap yourselves by having no clue what omurice is? Lmaooo all 3 of y’all lose a weeb card for that


That dog just got a D-mail lol


Melted cheese on fried potatoes and eggs. Breakfast sausage with pancakes syrup. Chicken and waffles. ...An omellete stuffed with fried rice is automatic disgust. Lemme go cry in the fields really quick. We cannot be having omurice slander here.


Can you watch Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Vow in the Snow

Nefarious Nox

Well according to what was said in the show, those dogs were sold to be used as suicide bombs for some revolutionaries. or just lab animals... So yeah pretty bad.


I'm so iffy about the Prisma Illya series due to them really sexual kissing scenes...


Bond thr goat


Remember, Anya is around 4 years old and she's trying to keep up with 6 year olds at the most prestigious school in the country. A night or two of extra studying isn't going to circumvent that. Especially with a girl that gets distracted so easily.

Jorge Viera

watch aoashi please

Brian Williams

If she's reading minds and failing, there must be a lot of kids just as bad as her. I thought the others were suppose to be "elegant".


go rewatch episode 1 where she's introduced. Twilight says he needs a 6yo and she looks like shes only 4 or 5 and she immediately says 6 in response to that.


Idk what he was expecting with the violin, it takes around a month to learn how to hold it decently.


Clairvoyant dog? Dog reminds me of the space dog from Gintama for some reason. Broccoli with the two tomatoes look like a dick…


I don’t think any anime ever mention what it’s called. Nor did it show them what is inside. Except maybe food wars, I don’t remember.


Why are you always in these comments with clown energy?

Mirz Mirz

kids at prestigious schools can be very dumb lol all abt how they look in those interviews

Drake Rage

I think you get brain damage in about 2-3 minutes without breathing. It is definitely an awful way to die, and it is not quick.


I adore Summertime rendering but let's stop w/ SpyxFam being overrated anime community loves to throw out a show being "overrated" because its popular & mainstream. Y'all are gonna say the same when Chainsawman comes out I already know


@YungZeus I swear Osenbei always saying something buddy takes everything so seriously and writes a whole paragraph like it's never that deep

Drake Rage

Yeah, Loid made the observation of her being 4 or 5 when they first met. In response, Anya tried to stand on her toes to make herself look taller and said 6, because she read his mind and knew he needed a 6 year old to get into that school. She is 1-2 years younger than everyone in her class, and it shows with how she can't talk properly or hold conversations with full sentences. Her classmates all talk properly since they are older.

Jake White

“Higurashi is better than Haikyu!!” soundin headass 🥴 lmao


Came to the comments just to watch the clappening for not recognizing omurice. Something that's been in almost every anime in existence.


I swear they called him an alien. Haven’t watched Gintama in years.


no way they don’t know what omurice is 🧌


you just know these three are the type to order chicken wings and fries at an asian restaurant


Drowning incidents with kids are scary af. You gotta be so cautious & observant with the kiddos in the water. As a kid, I almost drowned & remember all of that shit, and I was super young. My life jacket flipped me over & I was too small to touch the bottom. Ig even in the kids' pool it gradually slanted to the deeper side. I was swimming in the shallow end but couldn't lift myself up for air bc of the lifejacket & I just start to float away. I tried to swim backwards(?) to the shallow end but it just made it worse & I kept floating farther into the deep end. Ngl I went through the five stages of grief as I slowly drifted past other random people playing in the pool, hoping that someone would notice. In the end, I just remember accepting my fate lmao. Ig my mom finally noticed but I'm pretty sure she just noticed when I finally stopped moving. Idk ig she thought maybe I was playing/scuba swimming bc I was splashing for help & first, especially cause there was a lifeguard right there, who did not help lol. Not afraid of water but I did lose part of my faith in humanity that day lmao.


Omurice 👍🏽

Joey Zero

Not tryna toot my own horn, but I called it the moment they showed the pool sign.

Joey Zero

Nah I'm not officially calling it back yet. The kid was already walking toward the pool when she called it. Imma need something a little more unpredictable


Love seeing them clown on the idea of Omurice, not only not realizing that's exactly what it is but that it's something they've definitely seen countless times before lol.

These Plums

Y'all better give Lupa his due next episode


"sir did you even try?" he says to the injured child lmao


Psychic dog??

Jake White

....what are you confused about? Pretty basic English tbh lol


CR has anti piracy. Hard to get around to download


bro how did this woman watch a clearly under 7 year old child sprint jump into the adult pool and do nothing?????? WHAT im speechless

Cian Perkins

Yeah, real drowning doesn’t lol like the movies and that throws people off. If you’re struggling to breathe, you can’t scream and flail. Drowning people usually quietly struggle to tread water and bob up and down for a while before slowly slipping under

Cian Perkins

Also, hilarious that you’re laughing at Lupa for suggesting that it was a rice omelette, when what she was having was omurice, a Japanese dish that’s name is a portmanteau of omelette and rice lol

Sulky Squirrel

explanation: its anime so they wanted loid to do it so it did it basically (even if it doesnt make sense)

Brianna Jenkins

So disappointed y’all didn’t know what Omurice but also LUPA watched food wars?! Would’ve loved to see his reaction to that!!

rickie woodson

specially since they went to japan. thats how i was introduced to it. right there in the 100 yen store

rickie woodson

yes you can have the nature talent to play a musical instrument. prodigies are a thing. you see it all the time with singers and dancers. anyone can sing or dance with lessons, but there are those blessed with the natural ability to innately do these things. mozart was a master pianist by 4 and composing by 5. anya can so do it!

rickie woodson

its quite good. whats the difference between eating grits and eggs and rice and eggs? a grains a grain bro


u watch anime but dont know what omurice is??? lol

Kristian Thaler

Honestly, they could have just called it season 1 and season 2 and it would be exactly the same as splitting it. AoE's been on the final season for like 3 years now? it's kinda silly.


or they shouldn't even release it till the entire thing is done


for all she knew anya could swim, she wasn't under for very long, and loid was already running after her, but mostly just because it makes for a better story lol


Yeah its something most people would never expect, but a lot of drownings, especially involving kids, are eerily quiet. There are loads of real life examles of kids drowning and dying a short distance from parents or other people, because everyone pretty much expects the whole screaming and thrashing thing to happen if someone is drowning. I was shocked when I first read stories about kids drowning like that.