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Ahh cant wait for next ep when Clementine takes a trip to clap land lol



17:00 LMFAO! I literally was yelling "YUGIOH!" as soon as I saw that 😂

Random Guy

I don't think there's any point to him reviving them. Low level adventurers turn to dust when you try to revive them because of the XP loss and health penalty.


Fun fact: Clementine shares the same voice actress as Tanya from Saga of Tanya the Evil, and Tatsumaki from One-Punch Man.


Next episode since we didn't get neko?? :P


I can't wait for the next episode, shit about to get real disrespectful lol


Moon Knight, Shield Hero AND Overlord? Yeah, Thursday uploads are fire

moist mage .

Waiting for those neko drops


Ah, I see we're all chomping at the bit for Ainz to get hypocritical ~ !


They were just side characters, but it's one of the FEW side character deaths I still find annoying.


Also, Clementine is as annoying in jp as she is in en.

The Pebble

I'm not a very complementary person, but damn out of the many haircuts of Sheera, this is the best in my opinion; I'm a sucker for bangs lol


Lmao when Roshi & Lupa were clowning about Boomerang I legit got depressed for a bit ngl. Time movin too quick, feels like yesterday you are just sittin in front the big ass box tv watchin all those cartoons


shout out to boomerang

Kevin Kovacs

Narberal reminds me Soi Fon from Bleach like her face and attitude. and btw I hate Soi fon because she's a simp and she's so cocky when it's comes to fights.. I just dn't like her. Nerberal is MUCH better I like her alot!


Love the Jackie Chan Adventures reference lol, my brother and I used to quote that chant all the time when we were kids

Paul John Cunanan

Yow I think if they finished at least season 1 of Overlord, they can react to Isekai Quartet


Yeah, that's Boomerang for you nowadays, that's how I felt when Nick at Nite was playing Fresh Prince. Time is a flat circle.


@Roshi The adventurers who got killed by Clementine did understand instantly that they were outmatched, why they tried to hold her off while Nphirea and that girl mage would runaway while they tried to slow her down. Khajit stopped that plan totally coming from behind them.


Me: “Man what a great episode can’t wait for them to react to the actual fight, when is the next episode reaction? ….. NEXT TUESDAY DAAAAMN”


Clementine is literally that kid that just keeps talking mad shit and then gets fucked up


The thing is Clementine is actually mad strong, if it were any other high level Adventurer she would have killed them


If that kid was Luke Cage, but he didn't realize he was talking mad shit to Super Man.


Well okay but wasn't evil eye like the top adventurer or was there someone else can't really remember

Don Keedick

Sheera saying Clementine killed Momon's clout was fucking hilarious. It actually is so spot on


Always feels weird when Shera doesn’t have anything to say in the intro 😂


I can't stop thinking about what they'll say about the baby goats or a S2 certain visit.... I can hear all the jokes coming out of lupa and sheera and roshis WTF reaction 🤣🤣


Jackie Chan adventure reference at 17:17?!😂

First Sur

why are there no reactions for season 2 and 3?


They are re-watching season 1 because it's been so long since they reacted to it. Afterwards, they'll move on to season 2 and 3.


There will be, people were being mad toxic last time they watched S1 so they stopped after they finished it. Since Overlord won a poll they're gonna watch those now after a refresh of S1 and hopefully S4 when that drops.


Light novel facts: Clementine left a few fake hints about their position. I remember something about sewers 2. The Graveyard stuff was a bit different. They noticed the Army because someone of the patrol came back and allerted them. Also during the fight someone was dragged down and the Novel described how he was ripped appart 3. Clementine has a few more weapons than just her Stabbies xD. I remember her having a Mace too but she still uses the Stab weapons Next time I will talk a bit more about Kaji


May I ask what visit you mean? And yeah the goats. 2 pages of "SPLAT" i had to read


She was part of a script from Slane. She is strong. Her listing the 4 persons who can beat her is no joke. Kaji is also no joke @Mazaali tbh I am unsure. I do have a bit Novel knowledge but not enough Hmm I would say Evileye wins because she is one of the best Blue roses


She has a really big Ego. And she has the right to have it. Clementine is strong for this worlds humans


Annoying in like you didn't want them dead or different? If its the first I would say Overlord has a few of them. Because we learn more about them.


Bro sheera does this shit on purpose. I can't watch the episode while being distracted by the booba. She literally zipped down her hoodie JUST enough to see it all.


Its literally the furthest from the episode playing! WTF just dont look at it then... actin like yall havnt seen Boobs before...

Sunshine Hall

Right? They can just glance and look away it ain't that hard to not stare.


while being distracted? nigga how old are you. she's in the comfort of her home bruh, she's not being lewd. you're being horny. relax, take a breather, go bust a nut, you'll be aight


you are mentally ill and need to be blocked from this page


Hot take, Ainz should've just resurrected the party. I'm new to the series so I went looking at older discussions on Reddit etc. to see what people had to say and none of their excuses made sense to me. "Because he doesn't want to attract attention" - he already talked about memory wipe magic and only the party + grandma would know anyway. "Because even if he has a ton of ressurection staves he doesn't have a way to get more" - 5 wouldn't be a huge dent and he's so OP that it's hard to believe he'd be losing out on much. "Because he's morally grey and that's the point" Okay? That doesn't automatically make him interesting. They bring up him losing his humanity but then constantly humanize him and have him show emotion so it's inconsistent. And apparently Ninya wasn't a girl and didn't die in the original Web Novel so the author changed her to a girl and killed her off in the Light Novel just for the sake of drama. I'mma call it what it is - mediocre writing.

Cameron Eldridge

not really a hot take, they are nice people and it is sad they died, but he doesn't care about them since they met like 2 days before this and they are super weak in his eyes so it really is a waste of resources. Yeah he probably has as shit ton of the wands but he hesitates to use ANY item at all since he is overly cautious. And the part about him losing his humanity is inconsistent because his emotions are more muted at this point than actually gone. Also if he was going to use them on someone it would never be as Momon because that would most likely give away his identity. I do kind of wish he had done it just because I liked them, but even if you put all those reasons aside it's pretty clear he never really cared about them at all and that alone is enough reason. This show/ln is super unfair towards "normal people" especially when they cross paths with anyone from Nazarick. I'm not acting like its god tier writing or anything but reviving them was never even something I thought about since it just never made since for him in my mind although I do love the ln and think it is done MUCH better than the anime since you get alot more of Ainz' inner monologue, he is a very flawed person but that makes me like him even more