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The hype!



My mans OROSHImaru out ehre gonna steal some bodies before he dies

Myles Guy

Not y’all both shooting😂💀


Are y’all gonna be doing moon knight??


Damn Roshi keep pumping out these patreon vids early 🔥🤝

joshua rosario

somethings i just want Lupa to punch me


The thumbnail for sheera face already got me frustrated lol I can tell she doing some uncall for screaming

mitch anderson

This episode was pure fire


Final Flash!!!


"How much anime y'all watch??" Funny you mention that


One more to go


I love how anime this fight was. And hell it should be. Most of the players/voice actors portrayed the voices of some bomb anime and videogame characters.


Animators went off this episode

Jeremiah Nunez

I think they should just wrap the series up today all in favor like this.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Grog got his Goku moment here. That scene was an homage to THE Goku/Raditz/Piccolo Special Beam Cannon scene. So The Whispered One was definitely not "setting them up". If you remember in a previous episode, they said that they have to do the ritual on the solstice. Vox Machina showing up made them have to accelerate their plans to summon The Whispered One, but you cant accelerate plans that have to be done on a specific day. It's literally just that they did the ritual too soon, so it didnt fully work. Like, the whispered one WANTS to be able to walk the world. He just cant at this point.


But but … I followed all the rules !? 🤣

blackfoxx98 012

Yeah there's only one episode left ya'll should probably just react to it this week


Don't tell me yall gonna wait a whole week to finish last episode

Smash Bran'Discootch

lmao all of the rules EXCEPT doing the ritual on the actual day she was supposed to do it. Like I've seen the OG stream and have a healthy respect for Delilah Briarwood, but I fully agree with you, that was some straight up CLOWN shoes hahaha

Asad Khabir

The first instruction in Roshi's book to bring him back would be 'Sacrifice Lupa.'


IIRC it was actually Vex and not Keyleth who took the hit (in the campaign it was the Finger of Death spell) from Delilah in the actual campaign. Not sure why they changed it, perhaps just to bring their drama to a close by having Vex have to try and save Keyleth? I believe the animation studio, titmouse is heavily inspired by Japanese animation. Additionally, since the cast members of Critical Role are voice actors and have done a lot of work doing anime, the action scenes almost certainly took inspiration from that. Sylas' voice actor does the voice of Levi from AoT, and McRee from Overwatch. Grog's VA also does the voice of Roy Mustang from FMAB and coincidentally happens to be married to the VA of Vex who voiced Lust from FMAB, Toru from Fruits Basket, and Kid Trunks from DBZ. Vax's VA is Gaara from Naruto and Captain Ukitake from Bleach. Pike's VA voiced Ellie in The Last of Us. Scanlan's VA voices Metal Bat from One Punch Man but he mostly does directing.


Could you imagine opening a portal like that and the next thing you hear is: My Name is, Eren Yeager!

Totally Thomas

Pike was MVP this episode! Martial AND magical duels against Sylas and Delilah. Keyleth coming in clutch in many ways is awesome too. I noticed the fight between the siblings came from Sylas messing with emotions and memories rather than complete mind control. That makes you question if Vex and Vax got some animosity between the two.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm gonna edit this cause I think i'm mixing up what happened in the show and the OG stream. Cause i think in the show they did have this event happen on the solstice. Regardless, it was still to early for the ritual to be fully completed, but as you saw from the spinning orb of death, it made SOMETHING happen.

Sole Observer

Considering the way the show is somewhat following the campaign, i believe it's safe to give a bit of insight on The Whispered One, considering it will be a while before he becomes relevant again. Not technically a spoiler but a warning. The Whispered One aka Vecna was a former human who, during his time alive, was regard as a extremely powerful wizard but desiring more decided to discard his mortality and become a lich, a powerful undead who were usually wizards or sorcerers, which basically live forever. But lichdom was only the beginning, through rituals and the spreading of his name and legacy to become object of worship, he became a lesser deity of arcane,death, and knowledge, usually evil knowledge. He nearly grew powerful enough to raise his god tier but was betrayed by one of his subordinate which destroyed his body and scattered his soul to a different plane of existence. Ony two fragments of his body survived, his hand and eye which later became power evil artifacts.


To clear something up that Roshi said. Korra was animated by Studio Mir, Vox Machina is animated by Titmouse. I think whoever told you that got somethings mixed up as Titmouse did animate the intro for Avatar the Last Airbender.


Not sure if I'm totally right but I'm pretty sure the flashing eyes is just a visual indicator for use the audience. While in game or rather in the show it seems like they just suddenly turned on you. If you didn't see them get charmed

Smash Bran'Discootch

So you may or may not have noticed, but now that Orthax is rearing his ugly head, have you noticed that he doesn't seem to need to reload anymore? They were very good about keeping count of Percy's shots this entire series. It's intentional that he doesn't need to reload when Orthax is doing the most.


Can't wait for yall to see next episode


Keyleth really hit Sylas with a Hyper Beam


Oh cool I wondered where the hand and eye of Vecna Magic the Gathering cards came from.

Jaime Ruiz

Honestly a lot of stupid shit happened in the series but this one to me is one of the worse. Why the fuck is he going to let Ripley go, and then blow his cover?!?!?! JUST SHOOT THE BITCH THEN???


She also didn’t have a sacrifice, so pretty much the entire ritual was flubbed.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah, youre pretty much on the money, the flashing eyes is definitely a visual indicator for the audience.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'm gonna totally butcher the spelling on this, but it was the Ma'alefa'ak joke they make a lot. It's a reference to Young Justice.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Him not shooting Ripley was about keeping cover, but whenever he was walking up on the Briarwoods, he wasn't in control. Ripley had to get away because reasons I won't spoil and they kind of had to rush it because there was a LOT of content they had to cover, but yeah thats the reason. When percy was refraining from shooting her, he was fighting against Orthax. When he walked up on the Briarwoods, its because Orthax was winning. Like, they made it pretty obvious thats what was going on lol

Ryan Hill

Did you not notice that Percy was not in control when he went up the steps?


This is making me want to see what ttrpg characters yall would play

Ted Cali

That Sylas/Pike scene was them going "you bet YOUR ASS we're using EVERY GODDAMN CENT of that Kickstarter money."


Basically there was a character in Young Justice season 4 that went by that name and not only did it sound ridiculous but it also sounded too close to mother fucker and they have made fun of it ever since

Ted Cali

If we're sticking to DnD, Lupa's definitely a Bard, probably College of Lore, and Sheera is for sure a Divination Wizard. Roshi's harder to pin down. Maybe like an Inquisitive Rogue?


Imagine Roshi came back using Lupa’s body. That would be a funny skit.

Charlie baker

because ripley was able to get away while percy and the demon were still struggling on whether to just shoot her which percy lost and then went frontal assault on the targets that were still there


great reaction!


speaking of young justice. its back.


Not Pike with with McDonalds wifi dropping on her at the last second! We hate to see it happen!


Piccolo could never handle it like Grog can.


You say just shoot her but she can deflect bullets with her magic anyway as shown near the end of the episode. Now what?


Roshi would be a melee based murder hobo. Fighter or barbarian class, most def.

Ryan Hill

Isaac, Dr. Anna Ripley is the one handed woman. The female mage using magic is Delilah Briarwood.


i want to agree with ted but youre right about roshi. he need some type of CE


that's one of the best fight scenes i've seen in a while


Fun Fact: In the actual game it wasn't keyleth that went down but vex the show does a good job of touching up some of keyleth's pitfalls. Also the shows many anime reference works with vex being trunks/ lust and grog being cell/ roy mustang.

Brandon Blue

For the love of all that is holy please release this final episode asap hahaha

Josh Knoebel

I desperately hope we get Joe Manganiello's moment. I need to see them react to that. Won't be for a couple seasons, probably.


Super random how I JUST started Castlevania, and this is Lupa's, like, 6th reference to it throughout this reaction 😂

Lamaree Jackson

We’ll know the world is over Elden Ring when Lupa stops name dropping it. He’s the sample.

Brandon Rodgers

Sylas really got hit with Sunny D


Bro i tried but i did nit understand the references you speak of why trunks cell or lust mustang ??

Malcolm Washingon

Fam wasn't she supposed to sacrifice a whole human? All she did was give up some blood!!


the voice actors for grog and vex also voiced those characters. The cast are all voice actors who've done work for the english dub of anime.

Joseph Michael

Astral projection to go to the grocery store is actually a dope idea don’t let them hate I hate standing in those lines I feel like I always get the person who is sick standing next to me

Eli Kisamo

What is Sheera talking about? I can't understand what she's saying. Mohalla Fuhalla???? xD


An insight check might reveal that if paired with a high passive perception. However I am still only half way done with the first campaign. SOOOOoooo much content lol.