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Aww this is wholesome


Jeremiah Ward

The Grandpa Is surprisingly chill.

Ramandeep Singh

gotta love how wholesome this is

Alejandro Pupo

They're now at the part where the wholesomeness levels skyrocket


Summary of this show: A wholesomely down bad ecchi rom-com


The true wholesome show bunny girl senpai died for this shows horniness to live


She was texting him, you can see it right before she visits his house with the food. He just wasn't replying.

Anas Ghadfi

8:30 she did text him.

Dezmond Broadway

I think he does have talent for the dolls. He’s just comparing himself to his legendary grandpa who’s been doing it for nearly THREE DECADES. You’ve witnessed his self confidence he thinks he’s mediocre at both but really his understanding and hard work for dolls. Is a similar skill tree to cosplay… He’s amazing at cosplay because he’s built a foundation and understanding of the basics through the dolls. He’s well rounded because he understands clothes, makeup, and the focus to get the job done.

Terry King Jr

So is it safe to assume we'll get 2 episodes every Thursday until completion? BTW I love that you two are enjoying the show, this adaption is doing the manga justice and I'm glad everyone is seeing the greatness.


Gojo out here looking like MAPPA employees! clutched up


Great reaction as always! Couple sidenotes, since they came up: Marin did try to text/meet up with Gojou, but since he wasn't feeling well/was focused on his hectic life, he just never saw the messages. It be like that sometimes when life coming at you fast lol. The whole sparkly sneeze bit comes from the idea that blowing your nose, spitting, etc. are considered super rude in Japanese/whole bunch of other cultures to do in front of others. Granted, these two are high schoolers and friends, so Marin doesn't care, but the sparkles was an attempt to "cover up" her blowing her nose. Glad you guys are enjoying it! The first 3 episodes got me hooked; had to speed-read the manga as well, we're in for a great story here!

Devin B

The problem with Gojo is that he thinks he needs to be at a certain level to do good work. Even if he's at that level he thinks he needs to be at a higher level. Basically he's never satisfied with what he makes even if other people thinks it's good. He's always going to think that he needs to be better and that kind of thinking actually motivates him to do his best everytime.

Devin B

One thing you notice about Gojo is that he takes in every little bit of detail to get the job done. He played two games just to get the character design near perfect while other people would've just looked up an image. He immerses himself into his work to the point he feels the need to get everything perfect and by doing so is able to produce great work.


Marin was texting Gojo, you see it when she went to visit his house with some food. He just didn't respond.

Dezmond Broadway

Yeah his research process is crazy lengthy. Playing two whole games to get it right and the research he does later.

Tyger Burch

Great reaction as usual. On top of the great comments others have made some additional things from someone who lived in Japan and is married to a Japanese woman: Japanese people culturally take sharing contact info and speaking to someone on a first name basis super serious. It's a degree of friendship/intimacy we don't really have an equivalent for in the west but pops up a lot in anime. So her sharing her contact throws Gojo off for that reason. Also as an artist I think your right about his stressing over his talent but I think it's also compounded by him wanting to be so much like his grandfather while going about it wrong. It's really, really hard to be good at any style of art but even more so when you don't interact with your subject matter. He's trying to create beautiful hina dolls and is good at clothing but faces are what alludes him. I would bet that this is primarily due to the fact that he is so isolated and has no real friends so he's not regularly interacting with people, let alone women. I bet the more he builds relationships and meets friends the more we'll see his personality and skill improve. Since they have been so detailed with every other aspect of the show, I'm just betting that this is a purposeful aspect of his character as well.

Tyger Burch

They bout to kill this poor man. His heart wasn't gonna hold up through four episodes, I can only imagine the rest of the season! LOL

Dj Josol

I mean it makes sense for Gojo, as a person who doesn't really interact with people, that he's not good at drawing faces. Yet.

Dj Josol

The cousin that made an appearance this episode also calls Wakana Wa-chan like the girl in his flashback. Only really close childhood friends or family shorten your name and add a chan at the end. So I wonder if the cousin is the one who traumatized Gojo or if it was another childhood friend? I really feel like it's the cousin

Dj Josol

well he said 48 years so damn near 5 whole decades now

Dezmond Broadway

I’m not going to lie I clearly remembered the 8 more. Than the first digit. That means it’s even crazier that he’s comparing himself to a dude who’s been at for 5 decades


i dont believe so bcuz she probably grew up seeing the grandpa do the hina dolls so i doubt his family members see it differently.

Dj Josol

"He can't make the perfect doll, but he found the prefect doll." Very poetic and beautifully put Roshi!

Vincent Samuel Price (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-13 20:18:51 love how earnest she is <3 big himbo energy
2022-03-11 06:16:12 love how earnest she is <3 big himbo energy

love how earnest she is <3 big himbo energy


Another episode demonstrating why Marin (mah-reen) is Best Girl of the season, S-tier.


BGS is an amazing anime, but chill out and get over it lol. Its time will come.


Next episode is the one i'm waiting for. Can't wait!


I’m plenty chill, worry about yourself instead of someone else’s joke comment

Tyrone Arcega


sotonye ogan

The more episodes to come yall will like marin more it only gets better from here.


Not a recommendation but more of a question. How do you guys feel about Magical Girl-type anime and would y'all be willing to watch one? It would definitely be the most far left thing you've done before.


Sheera she literally sent him like 7 texts and they show it right before that scene lol


So, what I got from this series is that Gojo suffered from painting good faces on Yona dolls. This stems from his trama as a child. So when he begins to make friends he can recognize faces and emotions which improves his hina dollas which were just replications of emotions previously

Davuan Flowers

hey, can we get a poll for a duo show with "Your lie in April"?


I personally think that show is garbo, but a lot of people seemed to like it, so maybe Sheera and Roshi would as well.

Davuan Flowers

Aye I respect that opinion, it definitely has its flaws, but im one of the ones who loved it so i hope they do it😭


nah that guy is tripping. I don't think I've ever seen anyone saying Your Lie in April is garbo, that's just a bad take. Definitely one of the best shows of all time


YLIA is my favorite anime of all time. 10/10, nobody will ever convince me otherwise


Just curious what part of the show do you not like?


Best girl this year, no doubt about it.

Zachary Provenzano

your opinion is trash because you only stated the show was garbage. Bad take be more critical then insulting a show.

Zachary Provenzano

i liked it a lot my only hot take was the voice acting sometimes felt off but definitely in my top 100 for sure.


Well you can’t see everyone literally impossible so you don’t know if everyone enjoys it or not


this episode always gets me to have watery eyes lol


if marin has flaws then your ideal girl must be like the virgin fucking mary lol