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AYOOOOOO that ending!!! 



Perfect timing just got back from buying pizza


i was waiting for this tnks

Art of Trolling

I only watch them while I’m eating 😂

Big Daddy Dre

The more i watch this show the more I’m convinced James gun took inspiration from parasyte 😂😂


Right?!?! I know of at least four: Gorilla Grodd, Monsieur Mallah, Solovar, and Ultra-Humanite. And then there's the whole city of hyper intelligent gorillas creatively named, Gorilla City

Devin B

What Peacemaker was doing in the beginning was making a hangover cure


That Kite Man News headline had me DEAD, chief 🤣🤣

Kyojin Kirā

what he drank in the beginning is a prairie oyster, same thing spike drank in cowboy bebop. its for hangovers


Did he just say is that gorilla grod man he anit know alien 😂


Lmao their screams at the end and Lupa's face💀💀

Teyon Alexander

I'm pretty sure Murn is just going to come clean to her. He only knocked the gun out of her hand and threw her down so she wouldn't try to run or kill him.

sotonye ogan

Lmao the way murn zoomed the fuck out of his chair when he heard her screamed😭😭

Mr Hill

The sheeragan never fails

Not Dual Wielding

Sheera's gotta have some potent ADHD with these spoilers lmao

Devin B

Idk cause as soon as Leota saw him with the helmet he just did what the other butterflies did and screamed before he got violent

Alex Omega

Sheera's eyes have finally evolved into the Eternal Mangekyō Sheeragan lol.

Claudy Philemon

Lol. The screaming at the end had me dying. Lupa's contorted face was hilarious.

Jaime Ruiz

I don’t like Peacemaker, I still want him to die. I prefer Vigilante. He knows what he is and doesn’t make excuses for it.


Damn.. I love him. Why don't you like him? Because of Rick?


That X-ray vision has nothing on the Sheeragan


What else was he supposed to do? Letting her just go will get him killed due to her panic

rickie woodson

the diary isnt peacemaker's. he doesnt keep a diary. its all a forgery to frame/set him up for something. maybe the whole butterfly thing since they dont want it to come out they will set him up as a nut case going on a killing spree. i dont know whats written in it but its not his so he will never go "hmm its missing". her mom clearly said in episode one "put it somewhere he will never find it" and "did my forger make that diary for you?". its all game

rickie woodson

agree with loving vigilante but i love peacemaker too. the show is about him learning about himself and discovering who he truly is.

rickie woodson

this episode was so off to me. james gunn directed the first 3 and the director for episode 4 did a good copy and paste job. she captured the style, tone and vibe of the cast setup by gunn, this just felt weird. a lot of the chemistry was off and so was the acting. i even rewatched episode 4 and cena is so good there but not here. could be the director or the reshoots or a combonation of the two. you can tell with dye beard's obviously dyed beard being darker in the scenes on the van than the opener. they had a different vigilante actor who did 5 and a half episodes before leaving cause he and james disagreed with how to portray the character so stroma (new vigilante) came in late and had to redo all the scenes where he isnt wearing a mask and james gunn directed all of those scenes. it was all smooth editing til this ep, the vibe was just off. hope it gets back since james directs 2 more eps this season

rickie woodson

im with lupa. i dont know if its all cg. i think some of its practical. but google says he is 100% cgi

rickie woodson

they all live at the same hotel/apartment so thats why they all look the same. not leota's place but there is a reason you thought it was hers. more like a minor clappation, a total honest mistake

rickie woodson

christopher heyerdahl NEVER plays a good guy so when he met up with murn i was like "and the villainy begins"

rickie woodson

yeah, so far, all the helmets have a different design. you can see how the top of this x-ray helmet is split into two at the center compared to the main one which is whole, just one complete arch.


I was surprised by how good that Gorilla looked, not sure why considering the budget this show has. CW's wonky CGI had my ass traumatized I guess lol.

Teyon Alexander

He needs her. He was literally telling them how everyone - even Vigilante - is essential since there's so few of them. I think he's going to explain things to her and she's going to decide to keep the secret. It will solidify her path toward taking over her mom's place. I also kind of think Harcourt is one too, she was really out of character after the encounter with the gorilla and I'm not sure why she'd need to be "cool" with Murn, as they didn't have a problem with eachother. Besides, the season's almost done, they've got to start shedding some light and introducing new questions for season 2.

Jeremiah Wagner

How? Peacemaker is genuinely a cool dude. I don’t want peacemaker to die. Peacemaker is the way he is because of his dad. Peacemaker hasn’t made excuses for what he’s done either .

Earphone Jack

Wow that ending! I can't wait for the next episode! I need to see what happens next!

rickie woodson

i dont know what that was with harcourt and murn "we cool?" but peacemaker is definitely not suspicious. he just doesnt like/trust murn because of murn's past that he mentioned in episode 1. could be that now that she is finally bonding with people she is no longer vibing with murn and his "work work work no human connections" schtik. if there was more to it than that i think instead of her looking at the pic they took that day she would have been going over all her interactions with murn and then follow up on those suspicious by confronting him in some way instead of the ep ending with leota and murn.

Darrius Oliver

Has anyone thought about why that butterfly said “you guys are on Charlie side”.

Adrian Neal

Sheeragan still the most unstoppable jutsu


They actually reshot all the masked Vigilante scenes as well. Chris Conrad and Freddie Stroma are 2 very different ages and are 2 extremely different body types, even in a costume with pads lol. I love Freddie, but part of me is a little curious to see how a middle aged alternate Johnny cage from MK: Annihilation would be in the role lol.


i think he was referring to the gorilla cus he said “your friends are on Charlie side” but idk i could be wrong


To be fair CW has a both an extremely limited budget and extremely limited time. It's a miracle those teams get anything done. lol


i would have never understood the episode title until i heard someone say it out loud lmao


Yeah Sheera has to be an executive producer for The Simpsons or some shit


Patiently waiting for Cena to hit an Attitude Adjustment on a butterfly


What he made in the beginning is a prairie oyster its for hangovers. Also I only know this because of Cowboy Bebop.


Yeah Charlie is the Gorilla... they literally said on the TV in the previous episode "Charlie, the silverback gorilla escaped from the zoo"


Lupa... that is the most CG of CG birds i have ever seen.... put your anime subtitle glasses back on lmao

David Emerson

I swear bro that Hawk was not that CGI in the beginning of this series lol. Looks horrible


sheera and lupa screams kill me everytime 🤣

David Emerson

That Murn Turn was hilarious. I rewatched that shit like 10x

Robert Solis

its for hangovers...


Yay, Sunday content for me


@Ohais Mallah was the one who worked for The Brain in Teen Titans, right? I think Humanite was the albino one, I never understood the difference between him and Grodd


Leota confirmed not pregnant


"healthy ass protien drink". Bruh, thats straight up a prairie oyster. I first heard about that from Bebop. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prairie_oyster


39:55. This is a reason why reacting to horror is so much fun. I love these moments.


Am I the only one who thinks harcourt has been butterflied?


Apparently every intro is different/different characters dancing.

Caleb Washington

I come back to this reaction all the time 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂