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He's back and upgraded!



Y’all aint ready

XWF Outlaw

So no Episode 1.5?


Yoooo y'all watched Baking Impossible too? That show was really good


roshi's face when the ep ended is sending me

Benjamin Moore

Assassination Classroom was Shonen Jump btw


The limber minds thing was a reference to how this idea was based on the island assassination attempt.

Alex cleveland

wtf be Sheera on bruh???? Rub my pun on this pudding 👀🤦🏽‍♂️. Thats prob the wildest shit I've heard all day bruh lmao

Alex cleveland

BTW this season is 2x funnier than the previous season. Shit had me dead bruh when watching this season 😂😭

Don Keedick

Please add Hinamatsuri to your list of Anime Reactions. Would love to see y'all react to it.


Think you guys are really gonna enjoy season 2


Kayano finally getting some spotlight. Also, Nagisa has some of the most left-field expressions sometimes (especially when they are different from the rest of the class) noticed this in the last ep too.

HP Parker

please start watching Food Wars after this. XD


The interest I have in Itona: non-existent.

GMZGaming .

Still waiting for ngnl 😣


They missed a line that had crazy foreshadowing

XWF Outlaw

@wavyesper yes there are. Episode 1.5 & Episode 20.5 of S2. They are on YT if you search for them.


how do you know it's next week? Coz they announced it for Wednesdays last week so we assumed it was this week


the cops and robbers game had a deeper motive in the manga. Whenever Koro would release prisoners Karasuma noticed they were getting better at hiding their tracks and moving around. While in prison Koro was giving them pointers on how to avoid being captured, and once they got captured in a new way he would give new tips. Both teachers were teaching them efficiently.

David Emerson

i had to reread that post several times. They said schedule will be in full swing the week after. its in the post if you wanna see for yourself


Damn just realised how crazy the foreshadowing was in this episode


I love Assassination Classroom, don't get me wrong, but the anime adaptation feels like such a rush at times (especially during Season 2). I never read the manga, but I've heard that some episodes adapted up to 5 - 7 chapters.


I've heard that the final season of Food Wars is atrocious. Any validity to that claim?

HP Parker

@Merfhew Yep. That's correct. The last arc is no good. But up until 3rd season it's absolute entertainment. And I just want them to enjoy the heck out of it, knowing Roshi, he's gonna go nuts XD


It's a shame when good shows end on a sour note. I'm still bitter about season two of Promised Neverland.