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The Reaper is coming!


naomi obi

i hate to break it to you but it is indeed a shounen anime. shounen animes can be that dark, not every anime from a genre has to follow a strict protocol.


i think season 2 is way better then season 1


Don't watch the second intro this season. It has major spoilers in it


You're thinking of the second intro of this season (or the last one if there are more than 2). It has info for that specific episode or the one directly afterwards I think.


Don’t know if this is true, but you sound confident. So I’ll trust.

Jdogzero Silverblade

im not ready for the ending and i know no one else is


I still not recovered from it even years later


Yeah, the second intro happens on EP 15. That's 9 episodes until the last


Actually assassination classroom was part of the weekly shonen jump but as u saw they make mad references to other manga too that are not from the jump like Attack on titan and its mad funny This season is fire cant wait for the finally 🔥 yet i dont wanna reach it a 2nd time 😭

Donovan Doyle

Those restaurants remind me of pokemon stadium that fucking lickitung game 😂

Alex cleveland

S2 deff got some crazy wild shit in it🔥🔥


All fun and games until lupa starts flickering


ooo boy here we go


As trope-ish as Red vs. Blue is, you really start to see the Karma/Nagisa relationship ramp up this season. It is definitely one of the better dynamics of classic anime storytelling.

Chef MellowD

“It’s time for Luuuv 😏” took me out 🤣🤣

Deshawn Smith

Aot wasn't published in Jump but technically it's still considered shonen. It was published in Bessatsu shonen magazine


Lupa and Sheera don't exist, it's just Roshi moving at Mach 20 speed changing clothes and wigs to fool us.


Really ? I guess u could feel that in the manga when it came near the end but in the anime i felt like it was well done

RavinFox .

Sheera's outfit is awesome! Ended up fitting the episode in a way lol You all always dress so well. I haven't seen the second season yet so I'll be watching along being just as surprised as you guys! Definitely loving the new intro! Fun lyrics for sure.


sheera GOATED for the courage the cowardly dog reference


AOT is a shounen


AOT and Ass Class are both from Shounen Jump


@Lola lowkey the reason I don't rewatch this show legit the first anime to get tears out of me


Sir yes it is there is a whole shounen magazine look it up


AOT is not a Shounen Jump manga, but it is a shounen

Stanley Labissiere

Not technically, it IS shonen. Fairy Tail isn't Jump, but is shonen. Shonen isn't a Jump thing.


Eh, it's on Shounen magazines and such due to popularity but it feels more like an action-heavy Seinen, like Vinland Saga. If it weren't as big as it is, it probably wouldn't be there.


AoT is a Seinen. Like Vinland Saga, Death Note, etc. It's a little too dark to be a Shounen. Gore, violence, and deeper themes like politics are all staples of Seinen series, even if it's published on a Shounen magazine.