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This show is ridiculous lmao



I have perfect timing. I was looking for this upload just as it got uploaded.


*Fastest click in the west*

mitch anderson

petition that when they finish one of their comedies or whenever space is free for Ghost Stories DUB

Damion Middleton

I was about to watch Gintama, then I saw this notification lol


I love that the thing that pissed Harley off the most was Robin calling her old lmao


finally y’all meet the best character in the show


Fun fact: Joker is canonically in love with Batman. At least what he perceives as love

Devin B

This show literally gave Damian the complete opposite of his actual personality.


Yall missed the Harley & Ivy joke that popped up when they were on top of each other😭😭

rickie woodson

that was the notice, now its time to lawyer up and go to court. he also gave her a warning at the beginning of the ep. her fault for letting her bad friends crash. i could never. my first and LAST roommate ever did some shit like that, having folks in my house fucking shit up. called the cops and got all them criminals arrested (all of em had warrants out for their arrest cause of course they did). i love the crew as much as anyone but thats for the SHOW not in real real. now if she wants to rock with em steal a mansion and no worries about leases or evictions. sy borgman is hilarious. i love old jewish dudes, they are so funny


lol I think the shark repellent is a reference to the Adam west Batman show


Straight up, this show just hits aalllllll the buttons of comedy gold.

Smash Bran'Discootch

YO THAT SHARK REPELLENT JOKE SLAYED ME! Back in the Adam West Batman, there is literally an episode where he pulls out shark repellent.


I was sitting here wondering why damian sounds so familiar and i realised he sounds like Milo from legend of korra (not sure how to spell his name)


trisha Campbell is hilarious In this episode.

jesse almonte

You know how funny the series is when they crack up remembering jokes from a week ago


Man I love the harley reactions and I love that they are just once a week and a single drop because that makes me enjoy the episodes more and kinda hypes me up.


The show is too gold. I didn't expect Damian to show up and they made him too adorable to add on to the fact that he's legit just a little boy and they actually had a little boy voice him to make it authentic. Also I do believe Tawny and her show is suppose to be like a Wendy Williams parody because Tawny has no DC comics history, she's the only original thing this show made.


Batman with Shark Repellent is such a treat for anyone that knows the history behind it, but still works as a joke if you don't know the reference.


Been waiting for ep 4!


"Kiss ya? Ive Harley even known ya" 18:16 I'M DEAD

Anthony Peralta

Anyone think they’d like the Mike Tyson Mystery Show?


Robin busting through on the hoverboard had me DYING


i love how this whole episode is just a play on dating apps and hookup culture its hilarious

Brandon Gibbs

Ya know that thing they were having with Robin/Damian was something like a "Leave it to Beaver" thing in a way! lol

Baron Salt

In the comics, harleý is insanely smart and competent when she wants to be. She has accomplished a lot of horrible things as a villain.