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TIme to bust Simon and Viral out!

Give me  a bit to get Harley Quinn and Kaguya up as well!



Piccolo did it one shoot

Anthony Chase

Yeah he was an absolutely stupid person who became exactly what he sought to destroy and ended up speeding up the event that led to this and blamed his best friend for it and sentenced him to death as well as keeping the disembodied head of the very man who caused them to be forced underground and enslaved around in complete secrecy. That’s fucking bullshit and he deserves exactly what he gets coming to him

Anthony Chase

He also fucking rigged Simon’s trial so that he was guilty from the start.

Jeremiah Neely

In our reality, if the moon were on a collision course with Earth, it wouldn't smash into the surface. Due to the Roche limit, the moon would simply break apart, shatter, and the debris would begin to orbit around us, and the Earth would have rings, just like Saturn. We'd still die though. Tsunamis higher than Everest would flood the surface, and the occasional meteors from the debris ring would obliterate anything else still standing. Earth would become a massive hellscape of water and fire.

Mozart Waddell

Are we getting Harvey tonight Edit: Im chill I just seen the message about Harley you left on the vid description

rickie woodson

patiently waiting for harley. late dinner time




i fucking love Viral "you naked ape"

Just Another Josh

I do find it funny that you're all convinced that Rossiu had been planning this for 7 years and manipulating everyone, that's actually pretty far from the truth. He's not the villain of this arc, he genuinely believes he's doing the best for humanity and the people who are loyal to him also agree that he's making the best choices. He's not deceiving them, he's just misguided. He's technically correct in most of his decisions and, in a more realistic world, he'd probably be the hero. Simon IS being overly reckless and rushing into fights without plans, it's just that Gurren Lagann exists in a world in which such recklessness and confidence is rewarded FAR more than it really would be. His biggest mistake is that he's too quick to give up on the team. He believes that there's only one possible way to save humanity, the "logical" solution, and anything else is too reckless to even attempt. Every one of his mistakes so far have followed that exact pattern. He learns of the 1 million population prophecy, so he tries to enforce a strict census and keep the population below 1 million. Simon's attack destroys the city and there's massive public outrage directed towards him, so Rossiu offers Simon as the sacrifice to the public's anger. He realizes he can't even save people in the shelters, so he puts as much as he can into the arc to let humanity survive for a year to repopulate. He orders the gunmen to be scrapped, assuming them outdated, and replaced with more modern Grapearls that he believes would be more powerful (as they are in fact mass-produced Gurren Lagann's). Technically, Rossiu isn't making bad decisions. He's just blind to the fact that the logical solution isn't the best in an illogical universe where willpower can create actual miracles.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

In a more realistic world Rossiu's actions would honestly be a lot more practical all things considered rather than foolish or scummy, they're trash options but at least he's taking the responsibility of making those choices on himself in the middle of crisis. Thankfully this is Gurren Lagann where we kick logic out and do the impossible! FIGHTING SPIRIT!

Vincent S Deluca

Oh baby this is where the second half REALLY begins

James Woodson III

Y’know having seen Darling in the Franxx before this made me realize Gurren Lagann did it better. Like seriously better



Brandon L Thomas

It's for this reason that I had to stop watching Darling in the Franxx, even though on paper it was my kind of show. Gurren Lagann did it better


im waiting for kaguya impatiently i don’t want to eat and be food less as soon as it finishes uploading 😐

Jdogzero Silverblade

yep. also the fact that he never understood or actually knew who the spiral king was. if he knew then he would kind of guess that he tried to fight them before. he gave the warning of their attack meaning he knows about the anti-spirals. hes also a warrior so if you put 2 and 2 together he fought them lost and put everyone under ground as a result. so the mechs should be able to fight them since he would have no need to alter anything about them. just a string of easily forgettable facts. the only thing that was superior was the weapon that was able to contain the explosions. but the spiral king could have invented that if he needed.

Malachi ☎️

His gundam is actually a star ive been watching week by week waiting for yall to realize it LMAO

Viela Guay

Yeah I personally like how Rossiu is apparently the villain and not the literal doomsday race trying to genocide humanity


Viral’s character design is awesome

Joey Zero

Y'all are disrespecting Rossiu way too much. He has had his back against the wall this entire time with the public demanding someone to be blamed. He has to make the impossible decision to leave hundred of thousands of people to die in order to save the human race. If you noticed the look on Rossiu's face this episode, you'd notice he hates every decision he has to make and blames himself, but he believes there's no other way. Rossiu the goat.


Adding more to the Rossiu support brigade. I can understand many peoples' hatred for Rossiu, both because of the actions he takes and the consequences of those actions. However, whatever else you can say about his actions, they are cold, harsh, logical, and pragmatic, designed to save as many lives as possible with the little information he has. A mindset ingrained in him as a child in Adai, and one that he never grew out of. In any other universe, despite how they turned out, I couldn't fault (most of) the choices he makes with the information he has. We have the benefit of hindsight, as well as knowing that the GL universe doesn't run on logic. It runs on determination. Rossiu doesn't know that. Especially after the threat of the moon, he takes the actions that would logically seem to result in the most lives saved. He's Father Magin, or Lordgenome, all over again. A lot of people find it weird that he would adapt such a mindset after piloting Gurren, thinking that he would've had to learn that determination, and the Gunmen's(and Spiral Power's) sensitivity to emotion. He seemed like he was a warrior like Simon and Kamina, and to forget that and go "LOGIC PRAGMATISM SAVE LIVES" is a huge regression, and to completely forget how Gunmen work seems just asinine. But... did he ever really learn that? He wasn't Gurren's pilot for that long, and he never really stood out on his own in battle. The only time he would've had to develop that ability and mindset on his own was during Simon's Heroic BSOD after Kamina's death, and during that time, Team Dai-Gurren were getting their shit wrecked. He never had that realization. And after that? All of the major battles after that were done as Gurren Lagann, with Simon taking full control. Once merged, Simon is able to pilot the whole thing by himself(and does for a little while, when Yoko was the co-pilot and got out to take potshots). Rossiu's ability and mindset didn't matter anymore. The only time I can think of that they show Rossiu in battle in Gurren(separated from Simon) after that is in the battle against Lordgenome, and he lasts all of five seconds before getting tossed aside like trash and just disregarded completely. He isn't a warrior like Simon or Kamina, or even Yoko or the Black siblings. He's still the scared little kid from Adai Village, the village that raised him allowing individual people to die to preserve the Village as a whole. And he still had that mindset without any of his own experience to work against it at all after the Fall of Teppelin, where he gave up being a pilot completely to work in the government. He no longer had something relatively safe to test his beliefs and verify if they were actually correct. So, he still maintained them successfully, for seven years, right up until things went to shit when Anne was born. And going back to the Lordgenome comparison, that's the same mindset that Lordgenome wound up taking, even after he was the most powerful Spiral warrior there ever was! One that managed to take the battle to the Anti-Spirals themselves, before losing faith, and accepting a harsh, logical existence as a compromise. He's just in the wrong universe. He's got the genre of show he's in backwards.


Chalk another one up for Rossiu support Like others have said above, in a more realistic show, Rossiu's actions would be necessary. His biggest mistake is being genre-ignorant and forgetting that this series literally runs on the Rule of Cool and Fighting Spirit. And he's not someone who is reveling in the hard decisions he has to make. He knows that whatever decision he makes, people are going to die. I think Kittan is good barometer on this. He's disappointed in Rossiu and hates the current situation that they're in, but he can't think of a better solution. Of course, this is when you kick logic to the curb and do the impossible. That's how Team Dai-Gurren rolls. Row row, fight the powah. In conclusion, Rossiu is good people.


Isnt the blond guys gunman a star?

Darren Banks (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 17:31:56 Rossiu is okay. The several years of secret scheming a coup by creating his own loyalists in the background, expediting the 1000000 person count by dragging everyone to the surface, & the constant attempts of mob and crowd control is what gets Rossiu the hate. He gets no blame for how his decision making also caused the citizens to distrust the government. Would you trust any power that forced you out of your home?
2021-11-11 11:59:46 Rossiu is okay. The several years of secret scheming a coup by creating his own loyalists in the background, expediting the 1000000 person count by dragging everyone to the surface, & the constant attempts of mob and crowd control is what gets Rossiu the hate. He gets no blame for how his decision making also caused the citizens to distrust the government. Would you trust any power that forced you out of your home?

Rossiu is okay. The several years of secret scheming a coup by creating his own loyalists in the background, expediting the 1000000 person count by dragging everyone to the surface, & the constant attempts of mob and crowd control is what gets Rossiu the hate. He gets no blame for how his decision making also caused the citizens to distrust the government. Would you trust any power that forced you out of your home?


wtf are yall arguing...this nigga rossiu literally straped the girl that loves him with a bomb and then wanted to kill the guy who saved him just to save face,you can definitely unde4rstand where his coming from in some ways but yal are not gonna act like hes an ok guy...hes literally a piece of shit

Devin B

Yeah it's a star but we see it from the side most of the time so from that profile it resembles a banana

Son Gokhan

You guys are being too hard on rossiu he literally has to save humanity and as far as we know thats his only option since an entire army of spirals tried to fight and lost so what hope do they have and with all the bombs first kino was willing second he needed to use Simon as a tool to unite people so he needed to do something drastic so he would come back no matter what Yes he's made mistakes but he's is the only one trying to do something while everyone else just sat on their ass complained and didn't give any helpful solutions simon literally didn't care about the panick in the city and went to look for nia instead of calming down his citizens every action he made makes sense While all the officials where enjoy peace at the start he was literally the only one working to preserve it

Devin B

I don't blame him for most of the decisions that he made but some of them are definitely questionable. He got rid of Gunmen just because he believed them to be of no use but in fact is the best way to fight the Anti Spiral, he had Simon take the blame and sentenced to death just to appease the masses even though this situation was unexpected, and he was willing to blow up his right hand just to prove a point. He makes the hard choices but most of them are shady asf.

Lord Winters

Rossiu is basically a serious mecha character transported into a hot blooded super mecha show. If this were the real world his plans would be the most realistic and reliable things to happen. But Rossiu also represents a fundamental part of the show and humanity that becomes even more important as the series reaches its conclusion.


Lol all these mfs want to come in and "support" rossiu like nigga I don't care if he had good intentions the mf was doing some shady shit. He is a dick for letting bros sister get strapped to a bomb to "prove a point" and she is a dumb simping bitch for agreeing to do it. ALL THAT just so Simon couldn't escape

darnay mayberry

damn people are actually defending rossiu? thats crazy lmao


Nia Enoshima the Ultimate Despair

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Perspective is the keyword. What was shady about Rossiu's actions with the full picture? He was honestly the only one with Leeron taking the doomsday prophecy seriously where most other members and Simon were lax the past 7 years until it all came crashing down. The only questionable one that was too far was Kinon and the bombs admittedly. But even then it was all for the ploy to quell the literally rioting citizens. Sometimes you got to play the position your responsible with even if it makes you look like a dick.

Dontsop Keran

You guys calling him a piece of shit for being the most realistic character in the show. He did the only action that guaranteed saved lives. I fw team gurren but they were battling just to battle risking the fate of the world on CHANCE. So they the real POS


Happy to see people not blindly hating Rossiu just because he opposes the main character in the comments lol, he's misunderstood can't believe they think Rossiu was planning this all along do they know how politics works? They don't see the entire population with pitchforks for Simon? They already forgot that Simon recklessly blew up a huge portion of the city because he was too stubborn to listen to Rossiu? Rossiu in this part of the story is a good counterbalance to Kamina and Simon's philosophy of "doing the impossible" while Rossiu can't be as idealistic and tries to do things the most logical way, unfortunately in these circumstances Rossiu is forced to make tough decisions for the greater population.


It's okay to not like Rossiu but stop saying he planned this along. He's only doing this because the population wants someone to blame and he rather Simon take the fall then the entire government.


Kittan the true MVP yo!


And I understand this fully the problem is mfs are talking as if others aren't allowed to talk shit about him or not like him. I'm absolutely allowed to not like him even if he had good intentions.


I will say that DITF had the strongest batch of episodes at the start (1-10ish) where the mystery and overall tone of the show was very compelling and had me itching for more info about the state of their world. But, the last couple episodes really ruined it for me.

Preston Bryant

The ending to this episode is one of the best I’ve seen in anime and very memorable for me.


RIP Kittan


Y'all are being way too rough on Rossieu, man has to make a ton of hard calls, sentencing Simon to death was definitely a stupid one, but having to leave people behind is only natural, the ship wouldn't have been able to carry that many, it was said several times and even that one dude acknowledged it and said he didn't have to like it lmao.


Wasn't Simon the one who suggested to be strapped with bombs so he doesn't run away? She mentioned several times that she volunteered, it wasn't as if he made her do it.