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some closure!



Nah Geese was meaning what Sheera said, what if he found his kid DEAD dead. Not figuratively, actually just straight up dead. He needed to realize he should be happy that Rudeus is alive, if nothing else.


Me too, I think it's just that making your traditional "strong male characters" cry is so powerful. The same thing happens to me whenever I see that scene from One Piece where Sanji cries over being separated from his crew after fighting with Luffy... gets me every single time, because he's usually pretty composed (eccentric, but composed nonetheless). It just hits different when they aren't able to handle it internally anymore and have to cry it out. If THEY'RE crying, whatever is going on is surely heart-wrenching enough to get me too. Honestly a very underutilized storytelling tool.

joshua barnett

Regardless of if there's a 45 year old living within Rudy, Rudy is still a child. The 45 year old didn't even have the experience of an adult since he sheltered himself, so he was still, in a sense, a child. There are such things as children with experience beyond their years, which is pretty much what Rudy I'd. Facts remain, he was born 11 years ago. Chronologically, and biologically, he is a child, so any decisions he makes that may make him seem like a creep because of how the viewers see him, are irrelevant. Children can be perverted at that age, as well. I see this as realistic.

Asher Knight

This is a late ass reply, also light novel spoilers ahead. I assume that they are going to show what Happened with Zeniths sister way later on when Rudy goes back to Millishon. If not it kinda doesn't make any sense bc she is a huge part of the story later on.

Daniel Borrego

Thats why it would have been nice if they added it to the anime or ova. It will be kinda wierd later on.


Feel like to me Rudy is still a child this is just his second time being one


smooth journey is crazy like Ma'am aint watch the show lmao


Cobra kai s2 double drop starts tonight? 👀

Alex cleveland

YESSSS, lowkey I feel like this was the best ep MT has given us thus far!🔥😭


Hell yes

Emperor Sammy

I'm here for the intro! LOL! Keep it up, haters gonna hate.

Jeremiah Wagner

As a manga reader I did like how they changed it up a bit. Some people did for some reason but they’re weird

Creepy Killer

So i just noticed that no one was holding Aisha which means she might be by herself rip

Emperor Sammy

So they skipped over alot in the beginning. I was hoping they'd show that Paul is prepared. My man keeps a gold coin in his sword sheath for emergencie.Paul still has his adventurer card and took a quest. Because of his rank and the rank of the quest. He gets a horse to use for the duration of the quest. My boy took it and dipped!


Is there an Arcane reaction possibly?


Sheera's intro man lmfao


The father/son stuff hits extra hard for Ruijerd because he lost his son. Remember that's why he values that spear he carries around.


Next episodes gone be pure stress😭


One point that I heard made in Paul's defense was that he and Rudus didn't have a common father/son relationship. They would usually talk as equals to each other minus a few altercations.


The ending scene combined with the first scene between Paul and Geese paints a good picture of what was alluded to at the end. Paul gets mad because Geese has apparently been out of contact when Paul could really use his help searching. At the end Geese basically says that he's been searching the whole time and just hasn't found anything yet, but plans to keep searching. Kinda like "I would be helping if you asked me too or not, deal with it."

Junior Bello

the parallel between rudy's experience in his past life and the argument with paul in the present was my favourite part of this episode, was done really well


I read the manga and while you aren't missing too much, the manga goes into better detail about how Paul feels about his ENTIRE family, and Geese shows Paul how hard Rudy's life was on the demon continent.


It looks like Lilia is holding a basket or something I think that's where Aisha is because she's younger than norn so maybe she couldn't walk yet.


To the source readers out there, did they explicitly state who Geese is at this point? The anime skipped over it but if you look at something in Season 1, you would be able to connect dots on something. Not sure if it's supposed to be a big reveal or not but it gave A LOT of good context for Geese's character during this episode and better explains his conversations with Paul at the beginning/end of the episode.


Pretty sure they are roughly the same age. Remember Paul knocked up the maid while his wife just turned pregnant.


damn ruijerd's line hits even harder when you remember that his son is dead


If I had a sword sheath I’d definitely store gold coins in there. And twizzlers.

Jonatan Tercero

To clear up Paul’s letter. It was mentioned in detail in EP 11 in the 1st 3 minutes of the episode. I remember you guys talked over the whole letter.I was like wowww :// but yea roxy saw the letter


yeah i haven't read the manga but i did find the image on google from S1 while checking my suspicion and am unsure if i should just post it or leave it lol


I kept it vague in case but if it's not a big reveal later down the road I think it would have been really good to mention it here.

Emperor Sammy

Also the Geese conversation is a bit longer. Highlights are Paul apologizes to Geese for the closing the group, Fangs of the Black wolf. If you remember in the note Paul left behind, he begs his old group to help find his family and the thirsty elf chick and dwarf join Roxy. Geese is basically the Thief class, without a full group this dude can't really adventure. The others can at least set out on their own. Geese was royally screwed over. What was really funny tho was he's telling Paul the moment he realized Rudeus was his son. When he walked in on a naked kid who acted like he owned the world and bluntly said; Welcome to the final stop in the world. (I'm paraphrasing). That had me laughin so hard I cried.

kaeleb white

It kinda reminds me of the re zero episode where Subaru talks to his parents one last time, another great emotional episode.

Jonatan Tercero

Guys I really do suggest going back and reading Paul’s letter for those 2-3 minutes. It makes you respect his character that much more . And makes the impact of these last 2 episodes hit much harder.

Darren Banks

dang y'all. Geese was spittin.

Emperor Sammy

In the LN it has been revealed. I commented about it up above, but I didn't think about a big reveal later. I'm with you though, this would've been the time to mention it.


Well the manga adaption is really weird and way worse than the anime (for some reason they changes so much). The anime is adapting the light novel properly.


geese is the mvp of this episode


When Ghislaine was telling Eris about her adventuring Party there is the outline of all the members. Ghislaine, Paul, Zenith, Elinalise, Talhand and Geese. Talhand and Elinalise are the 2 traveling with Roxy at the moment.

Zachary Jackson

the last moments with Geese was implying that all this time he was actually helping Paul look for his family. He told Paul that he checked the entire great Forest and was now heading back out towards a new region where nobody has been before. Geese is travelling by himself just trying to find Paul's family

Emperor Sammy

What?! Her name is Elinalise? I thought it was Waifu Fa Laifu. LOL. Smack that all on the floor! Smack that give me some more! Smack that til you get sore! Bwahaha. I'm just playin. I get in that Rudy NEET mindset every Monday.


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mushokutensei/images/c/cb/Mushoten_06_10.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210218084016 This is from S1 when Ghislaine talks about their party, they are all silhouettes but at this point we have seen them all


Geese really got his pubes popping out no capp

Jose Ovalle

But rudy is an 11 eleven year old unknown to Paul he's a grown ass man.

Julian Walker

Can we take a minute to appreciate the budget on that bread.

lakewood145 .

My thoughts exactly. No one even remembers the child who's being raised just to be a servant of the family


Arcsys Mushoku fightan gaem WEN?


Worth noting for some people who don't understand this yet, but Rudy isn't a 35 year old trapped in a boy's body. He's been completely reincarnated, obviously, but retains the memories of his past life. He's no more his old self than Aang is to Roku honestly. But because he retains the memories, they have a more current effect on him like when he was younger and refused to go outside with his new parents because of his past trauma. Also, while he may have his old memories, he was a shut in for the majority of his life. All he did was game, eat, sleep and watch porn. He didn't know anything about the real world except the pain he was subjected to during his school years. Which is why he's very naive, childish and immature. He's only now learning about important and fundamental concepts on life and society, which is cleverly portrayed through his newly reincarnated form, now at the age of an 11 year old boy.

Oh Alone

Geese was the member of Paul adventure party. If you watch back EP 6 minutes 9, They show his shadow on the top right conner


some things got lost in the anime vis a vis the light novel (which makes a lot of sense) but some of it helps really understand the conflict between Paul and Rudeus, even without watching this episode, so here it is: - Paul and Rudeus's relation was never a normal one. From Paul's perspective, Rudeus was never a child. picture yourself with a kid who didn't need to be potty trained, taught how to write, read, count or do anything. a kid who could do saint level magic at age 5 and who could comfortably talk about women in a 'knowledgable' way. from the beginning Paul and Rudeus's dynamic was more of a friendship then a father-son relationship. when Paul thought that Rudeus hit that kid who was bullying Sylphie, he went extra hard because he jumped at the chance to be a 'father' for once and Rudeus is a saint level water mage, which is a huge responsibility. some rough housing on his part could end up destroying a city, so he felt it was important to be strict. that severely backfired and that moment taught him 'never to doubt Rudeus again, he's a genius who never disappoints' - Cut to the present, Paul just teleported in the middle of nowhere with Norn. He can't even freak out because he doesn't want to upset his kid, so he tries to travel back to the village (while keeping a toddler healthy and happy, not easy) only to find nothing. While searching for his family, he finds others too. He also probably meets people who lost their loved ones, fearing his family is already dead. what if Aisha is alone? what if Zenith was teleported in the middle of the ocean? he keeps torturing himself with these thoughts all while trying to raise Norn as well as possible, but his self esteem plummets. Finally, his son returns, surely he saw the letter Paul put around all the guilds, and so he came here. Finally, Paul did something right, he guided a family member back home. Wait, no, he didn't even see the letter. he came here for random business. Paul still didn't do a single thing to help his family. And meanwhile Rudeus, his son he always believed in, didn't look for his family and had a fun time around the demon continent (this is from his POV, and remember he's super drunk and depressed). Surely, if a screwup like Paul was able to help a little with the deplacement, Rudeus should be able to do much more since he's so much better. Then Rudeus makes a crack about Paul sleeping around when his wives were probably haunting him for years and he just loses it. was Paul wrong to blame Rudeus and to expect too much of him? absolutely. did Rudeus deserve that welcome? of course not. But did it make perfect sense for him to act like that, and is his behaviour even understandable? i feel it is. This show is great at making morally grey moments and realistic situations (if a guy is depressed and drunk of his ass, he ain't going to act like a saint). I feel like Paul is a great example of that. For all his faults, this guy has been tirelessly working to find his family, and he puts his own wellbeing as a low priority.

Jdogzero Silverblade

imagine how bad it would have been if they all got teleported during winter. most of them would be dead and not just lost.


Ohhhh that makes so much sense why he was able to talk straight to Paul without him blowing up about it.

Jdogzero Silverblade

no matter how much people justify rudus being 45 years old its wrong. thats only his mind as a 45 year old. that and his past life he did nothing with it and chose not to learn things. he was a high school drop out bum at around 14 or so he shut himself in for 20 years. died at 34 and grew up for 11 years making him 45 mentally but only knows things a 14 year old would plus shut in life. maybe the knowledge of a 16 year old or 17 year old. so yea if anything rudus is 17 years old mentally not 45. its age is 45 but thats it. once he broke out of his trauma thats really where his actual life started. so everyone saying rudus is 45 can shove it because in reality he really isnt. literally yes but not logically.


Btw to maybe explain why geese was winking at the end, is in the beginning of the ep geese walks in and paul asks where have you been, and i think at the end paul realized geese has been searching on his own for paul's family in the forest and now he is off to the new place he said no one has searched.


He isn’t really grown tho, he was a shut in for more than half of his life and has the emotional maturity of a middle schooler.


Geese isn't God. The reason Geese was acting like that in the end is because he's been secretly off searching for Paul's family on his own. Paul just realized that when Geese mentioned he was going on another trip to a place that hasn't been searched yet.

Osiac Adrian

"What am I supposed to do, eat grass?" "Where the water?"


To add to this, he may have been "an adult" in his past life, so his rationalization and problem-solving is mature, but in this life he's still very much ignorant to the workings of the world -- much like a kid would be. There is so much about this world he doesn't know or was never taught.


So up to this point in the manga, we know a bit more about Geese than we do here. When the three and Geese are on the cart entering this city, when Eris wants to learn to cook, Geese tells a story about how the last time he cooked for a girl who wanted to learn how for the sake of a guy, it led to his group disbanding. He didn't name anyone, but we see Paul, Zenith, Ghislaine, the gangbang elf girl, and the dwarf there. The reader learns that Geese was a part of Paul and Zenith's old adventuring group. Also, Geese and Paul weren't as buddy-buddy in the manga when they first met. There was definitely tension between the two of them. What happened was Geese took Paul on a mission to kill a level B monster in the sewers of the city they're in. They have a really tough time, and Geese basically says, "Yeah you think this was rough? This is nothing compared to what Rudeus and them went thru on a daily basis." Instead of that, here he mentioned in their convo that he was from the Demon Continent, and that he knows from experience that it's way worse than Paul's experienced in the Central continent. It didn't mention Geese was from the Demon continent, so that was an interesting bit of info I didn't know. But yeah he's just looking for Paul's people, bc despite past tension and how when they interact that tension is still visible (in the manga at least), Geese does care about those in his former adventuring party and their loved ones.


not Lupa drinking the same drink from last week😭😭


Lmao people going to such lengths to defend grooming. lmaoooo pedo show


They better have left that bartender a fat tip

Mozart Waddell

Shout-out to the barkeep the real hero of the episode

Bob Denver

Geese is the MVP.

Runner Up

@Bob, don't think he mentioned a single thing about grooming with regards to this show. Maybe reread his comment lmao

Taylor Moon

Completely agree but I don’t think u worded it the best but I get what you mean :) I was about to post something similar and then I saw your comment


yeah hes still got all the hormones and childish tendencies of a preteen or a teenager just with the extra baggage of a 30 something shut in


This show is so gosh darn good!!! Definitely has reached top tier for me after this episode. I already thought very highly of it since the first part of the season but man....this episode brought tears to my eyes. Then I found myself laughing at Eris and Ruijerd shortly afterward while wiping away those tears lol. I'm SO excited for this anime going forward!


I love the intros


Could you imagine giving up on episode 6 or 8 because of some immature actions Rudy did Y'all were not worth being here in episode 17

Mozart Waddell

You guys probably been spoiled by someone who read the light novels. Don't worry this is my assumption I watch week to week also. I personally don't give much credit to these theorist when an anime has source materials someone will always know more than others while feigning ignorance to look big brain. When you guys talk about what others told you about the show or characters in the future I am muting. No offense to you guys I just don't trust these other people intentions.


In the words of roshi "ay people die every day".

Hello Darkness (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 17:53:11 Great episode, but it's a shame they cut out the details on how rough the search was for Paul. That montage for the OP should've been like half the episode at least imo. They also cut out the meal Dead end had with Paul and Rudy's sister, which has moments where Rudy and his sister both parody actions/personality quirks of their mother, which was not only touching but reinvigorated Paul's efforts to find her and helped him escape from his depressive state.
2021-11-14 17:53:11 Great episode, but it's a shame they cut out the details on how rough the search was for Paul. That montage for the OP should've been like half the episode at least imo. They also cut out the meal Dead end had with Paul and Rudy's sister, which has moments where Rudy and his sister both parody actions/personality quirks of their mother, which was not only touching but reinvigorated Paul's efforts to find her and helped him escape from his depressive state.
2021-11-09 06:56:56 Great episode, but it's a shame they cut out the details on how rough the search was for Paul. That montage for the OP should've been like half the episode at least imo. They also cut out the meal Dead end had with Paul and Rudy's sister, which has moments where Rudy and his sister both parody actions/personality quirks of their mother, which was not only touching but reinvigorated Paul's efforts to find her and helped him escape from his depressive state.

Great episode, but it's a shame they cut out the details on how rough the search was for Paul. That montage for the OP should've been like half the episode at least imo. They also cut out the meal Dead end had with Paul and Rudy's sister, which has moments where Rudy and his sister both parody actions/personality quirks of their mother, which was not only touching but reinvigorated Paul's efforts to find her and helped him escape from his depressive state.


I'm so annoyed at the author's choice of the person who ends up marrying and having a child with Rudy's sister. It's so effing weird man.


Dont know how you guys didnt cry, Ive seen it 3 times over and couldnt stop crying


yeah its weird, and theres nothing wrong with Roxy and rudeus, Roxy may be in her 40s but her race age differently so shes barely older than Rudy in biology


I'm happy the way this went with paul being 90% in the wrong because I was so pissed off at him last week

Leon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 04:11:35 Also he died and reborn as a baby into a new world
2024-03-11 04:11:35 Also he died and reborn as a baby into a new world
2024-03-11 04:11:35 Also he died and reborn as a baby into a new world
2021-11-09 12:01:50 Also he died and reborn as a baby into a new world

Also he died and reborn as a baby into a new world


Ruijerd telling Paul that he can have his grievances, because his son is still alive. Has double meaning as Ruijerd killed his own son who saved him from that "berserk" state all of the superds were suffering from because of those cursed spears. So he will never have the chance to resolve those grievances.


And this whole comment lines are all spoilers and shouldn't be talked here. F:ing idiots.


I disagree totally. They were both wrong, Paul would have been much more wrong if Rudy actually was a normal child, but he isn't and we viewers know that. Even Paul has felt his son being totally different from other children when he last see him, no 7 year old acted so adult like if they were normal. So him having expectations more of Rudy was valid reason to be mad and it showed how little Rudy in all those 1,5 years hadn't even thought about his parents at all.


imagine criticizing someone in some other creators page for doing what they want instead of what the people want .... grow up kids everyone can do what they want with their life... why not make your own reaction channel if it bothers you that much lol ?

toptier sagat

Holy crap, I looked it up and...wow. Like a lot of things in this story, weird af hahaha


Lol yall misunderstand me. I was specifically clapping back at people in here that were waiting to see Roshi's reaction to see if he justified their outraged, which they were not

Devin B

The only difference I would say between Rudy being reincarnated and Roku being reincarnated is their reincarnation's sense of self. Aang was able to develop his own sense of self without Roku's memories affecting how he is too much but Rudy came out the womb self aware with the consciousness he had before he got reincarnated so unlike Aang Rudy never got the chance to develop his own sense of self aside from his past life so it's basically a continuation of his old life in a new body and setting. Rudy is mentally 40 something at this point but he has the maturity of a teenager at most.


Being different or not, rudy wouldn't survive that long regardless of how mature he is secretly. Based on how he's been second guessing himself from season 1 and from a few bits in season 2.


Not sure if you didn't understand what Geese was explaining to Paul but it doesn't matter if Rudy is a prodigy or mentally more mature than other people. At the end of the day Rudy is still his son and whether or not he had it easy or not he should be happy his son is alive and well. And while the viewers know Rudy is actually much older, Paul doesn't know that he should still treat him like an 11 son from time to time. Also Rudy was in the middle of mana blast so from his perspective he didn't think the radius would expand so far. Like Rudy has his flaws but Paul is 100% in the wrong here. He even had to be told the demon continent is extremely dangerous and Rudy was lucky to be alive.


Geese is from Paul's ex-party, at the end he revealed that he was searching for his family all along - just like the people who are with Roxy.

Weltall Gaia

Having read all the books, boy am I seeing A LOT of foreshadowing in this that I missed the first time around.

Zach Saltou

I thought geese told the story of meeting rudy to paul, wish they threw that in there cuz that was funny as fuck.


They put in a TON of animation for that bread lol


Geese was a member of Paul's party back when they were adventuring, you can see his silhouette when they show them in season 1.

Scott Tyson

I can finally like Paul after seeing him go into super dad mode for his daughter. Still a scumbag, but he alrite.


Did what your talking about happen in the manga or light novel because the ln is what their following but it’s a given many things will be cut with the deatail in the series


Nah they could delete the whole idea of him being reincarnated and it would improve the show. A pervy kid would be much more tolerable than what the author gave us. Also this is nothing like Aang and Roku wtf? Aang only has access to roku through meditation or the avatar state. And even when he has access to his knowledge its usually roku showing him or telling him about the memories.


Man I hated Paul bc of his scum actions and I never wanted to see him again but this episode tugged at my heart 😭😭


what's crazy is that its not people, even the buildings teleported, that's why when Paul got back to an empty field, his house was gone

Daniel Borrego

to answer lupa's question, paul stole the horse from the guild. he took a low level delivery mission(even the people in the guild found it odd that an s ranked adventurer would do a trash mission), and the mission lends you a horse for transportation. (its one of the perks you get for being s-ranked) he didnt do the mission at all, just made for home right away.

Daniel Borrego

since we dont really know why or how everyone was teleported, its possible people teleported into rock, or into space or anywhere really. its why blind jumps (faster than light point to point ship jumps i mean)in sci fi are so scary.

Daniel Borrego

rudy sees himself as 45. everyone keeps pretending it isnt so, but thats why he appears that way infront of the man god. if he really was a kid mentally, he'd appear as his current body. rudy literally says hes an adult and older than paul and zenith multiple times. in his first fight with paul he says he didnt weasle his way out of unwinnable arguments for 20 years for nothing. The whole point of rudy's arc is that he starts off as a scummy dirtbag, and becomes a virtuous hero(well maybe just a good guy)

Daniel Borrego

one small change to the story in this episode from the light novel is that, although paul i think still gave rudy the money, rudy's aunt is the one who gives him the permission paper to cross to the other continent. Its a bit of a shame as his aunt is basically like zenith(though a kinda racist version :D in that she hates demons) So shes super bubbly and dotes on rudy. You also meet rujerds friend in the city, but i wont spoil that as that MAY be in the ova about eris goblin slaying. also rudy, eris, paul and norn have dinner together, but nothing really happens and eris and norn just make it awkward, so its probably better they left it out. The anime does an excellent job of boiling down content into efficient segments. although i'd like to meet zeniths sis, story wise, it would just kinda bog it down for no real gain.


my favorite episode of the series. Personally it hits on so many levels. Plus that bread looked so goooood


I’m with Paul on this one


Roshi ... not right about the dead eyes thing with Paul. It COULD definitely apply to him but that wasn't it. Basically he was saying what, are you going to be mad that he had a "smooth" journey and came back safe and sound rather than coming home mutilated etc?


I've seen this episode 3 times, twice with yall and my bitch ass will still tear up.... smh