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This movie was *chef's kiss* and if they keep up this quality level of storytelling and visuals it can be on the level of Lord of the Rings!


Jarren Jenkins

Dune is one of the most complex pieces of media I've dove into. The amount of detail they cram into a 2 and half hour movie is insane. There is so much going on. The biggest thing is Paul's visions are like having multiple paths laid out before you. He can decide which one to go down, and it alters all the other paths. There is no 'one path' so to speak, only Pauls' path and how he decides to get there.


You make a good point, I think it's difficult because all of his thoughts are explained in the book, but it's important they also show the control he has over himself that Jessica has taught him. After all...he's a human not an animal. He's not allowed to react emotionally.

Plz Help

The most insane thing being just how much material was removed for the adaptation, and it still retains the high density of detail.

Christina Scarfeo

To me, I took it as he has to die to be reborn and in taking a life he takes his own, as in killing the person he used to be.


Its important to know that the stillsuits also recycle piss and shit, not just sweat

Thomas Juino

Waiting for the reaction of Dune Part 2 now !!!!!

Noah Ilicic (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-11 02:21:51 hell yeah haha
2024-03-03 22:25:33 hell yeah haha

hell yeah haha

Thomas Juino

Yeah XD I’m going back to theater to see part 2 again !!! It was so good !

Tyshawn Evans

I hope they do a reaction for part two 😭

Des Bethea

it was GREAT! I might have to go back to watch it again in the theater

Des Bethea

PLEASEEE DO A DUNE PART 2 REACTION! Zendaya and Timothee Chalamet really did an amazing job. Please react to it when you guys can!


They probably will when it hits streaming services. Sure its only in theaters rn


cant wait for that pt2 reaction

Briana J

Same. I rejoined just to rewatch this in full with them.


Wait this is peak holy


coming for a rewatch bouta go see dune 2 tonight

Christian Owusu

Bro how did Sheera guess the story of dune like an hour into it lmao


Need em to watch Dune 2 as soon as it drops on digital


there are so many scenes from that movie i cant get out of my head lol probably one of the best movies ive seen up there next to Oppenheimer


Who knows if they gonna react to it, hopefully they do. I mean I'm pretty sure they said they were going to react to Oppenheimer but it never happen.


I’d love for them to watch Oppenheimer, and dune 2 is rumored to come to digital in May or June so we will see


It’s funny seeing how many people came back to watch this in preparation for dune 2 😂😂


Here again lmao. About to see Dune 2 for a 3rd time tomorrow! These movies slap so hard


bro that was like 20 minutes in lmao shook me to my core


I NEED a dune 2 reaction

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

late ASF but i believe the vision paul had about Jamis killing him is still technically true just not how we pictured it going down. Whoever was talking during the visiion said once you kill a man you kill yourself. Paul killing Jamis "killed" the old paul and gave birth to the demon he bout to become.


I need Dune 2 and Oppenheimer reaction.

Im Kalikk

From a reaction standpoint oppenheimer wouldnt be that great and would only perform well off name alone. But d2 is coming after it hits digital


Weird way to think Oppenheimer has no reaction value. I think Dune part 1 has even less reaction value and somehow Yaboyroshi made it interesting.


I love how everyone is watching this cuz of the second movie


I want to believe you but have they confirmed they do it and not watch in cinema


I have no idea. I don't remember seeing any post about it.

Matthew Barrett

No one noticed but I see you Lupa, that was a sick Bioshock Infinite reference during the Sandstorm

Tokyo GxS



Ummm has Sheera read the Books wtf😭😭😭


on Digital from the 16th


i dont think so since she was off the mark with a lot of the stuff going on.

Alexander Szabo

The plot of Dune is very predictable, seeing as it is basically just following the "white Messiah" premise. The whole theme that the movie is, not necessarily making fun of, but kind of criticizing


I just watched Dune for the first time and it felt a bit predictable ngl. fun watch and worth watching.


The fact that Oscar Isaac's character said, "I wanted to be a pilot" when in Star Wars he was Poe frickin Dameron LMAO! I loved that little line

Azizullah Rehimi

The visions are not cleared right now .


wanna let you guys know part 2 is coming october 2023

Mozart Waddell

Just what I needed after pulling a double at work

Werner G



Hopefully Zendaya has more than 5 seconds of screentime in the next one


after that shit show yall had to experience yesterday its great seeing yall watch this movie

shamefur display

I know it's a long shot, but consider checking out Blade Runner 2049 too, in case you haven't watched it

Jose Ovalle

Bro I literally went to watch this last week

Jose Ovalle

Yall talking bout star wars, clone wars maybe??


Yassssss👏🏾👏🏾🥳 I was literally listening to the movie soundtrack while waiting for this reaction!

Ky Williams

already a big fan of the series think im gonna go watch it again in theatres lol

Deric Jackson

I work at an amc and holy shit watching this in dolby was incredible, definetly gonna see this as many times as i can before its out of theaters


yaay, i really enjoyed this movie!


Oh yeah I gotta watch this with y’all




yea after i watched this film i went straight into the new hugh jackman movie REMINISCENCE fucking hell the story telling on these 2 was amazing not the same level but it was just a master piece of a film the reminiscence and if i didn't know they were making part 2 of the Dune i will be made and disappointed in the ending and the film!

Champion Bescos

Let’s go! You guys had the best reaction to this film of all the BW, Normies, etc I’ve seen. Love ya’ll for doing this, fam.


Great movie with a lot of call backs/homages to the 1984 Dune film as well!

alec haggar

My favorite quote about the unbelivability of the most important resource in the universe being on one planet only "yes, who could believe something so ingrained in a society that a lack of it would be catastrophic, while at the same time it is extracted from a desert filled with religious fanatics" of course oil and spice drive our society and dunes, while the freman just have a different name in our world.

Jdogzero Silverblade

like how they just grabbed half the cast from guardians of the galaxy XD


part 2 is confirmed!!

Devin Witt

Part 2 confirmed! Can't wait for this to continue. Looks like they are keeping faith with the source material, definitely loving the aesthetic of the universe. Favorite part was the introduction of the Sardaukar!

Ara Araragi

Don't worry, she will. I was laughing when I saw her in the trailer, though. I had a good idea where they were going to end the first movie, and I realized that they already included most of her scenes in the trailer. Smart move by the Dune marketing team, but definitely frustrating for Zendaya fans.


One of the craziest things I find about this universe is the complete lack of computers being what makes the spice so valuable. Since all "thinking machines" were destroyed thousands of years ago the only way to get around is by way of the Spacing guild's navigators who use the Spice to help make traversing space possible. It's also crazy how the only place that you can get spice is on Arrakis.


I have been waitin’ for this!


i'l watch it later, need to go to work.

Faiz Khan

ah ah Jah bless y'all for the earlier upload of, now l can watch the movie AND sleep at a reasonable time for work


Villeneuve definitely loves to work with Marvel/DC actors 😬 Sicario (Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Jon Bernthal, Daniel Kaluuya) Prisoners (Jake Gyllenhaal, Hugh Jackman, Paul Dano, Terrence Howard, Viola Davis, David Dastmalchian) Arrival (Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker) Blade Runner 2049 (Dave Bautista, Jared Leto, Robin Wright)

john segun doe

Y'all the fuckin goats for this shit

Julian R

I watched this with my brother at home and then went to see it with a friend on IMAX. Was unlike any movie-going experience I've ever had. Completely elevated the movie. Can't wait to get into the book!


About the fighitng styles, Director Denis Villeneuve chose different fighting styles for the different Houses. House Atreides fights with Kali, a filipino martial art. The sardaukar fight using a mixture of viking and japanese samurai style. And the harkonnens are most beasty and wild. Pretty interesting.


Well anyone who read the books or at least know the first book. This movie was like 50% of that story.


that was Polkadot man from the suicide squad. the man who plays scarecrow is Cillian Murphy also from peaky blinders a show I recommend worth watching.


They originally planned on filming the whole thing in one go, but the studio didn’t think that it would sell well so the director went “fuckin watch me” and they just shot part 1. Because the reception to it was SOOO overwhelmingly positive they green-lit part two the day after the results came out.


Sheera was kinda right with the visions. His visions show him the future, yes but it doesn't show the "set" future. So far the only thing he has seen set in the future in part 1 has been the holy war. For example, when he saw visions of Chani and him in those caves he saw three different versions of that. One where they kiss, another where she stabs him, and another where they find those sand mice.

Jdogzero Silverblade

they are freeman. know what that means. they are the decedents of morgan freeman.


ok i'm just gonna make a recommendation, and maybe this isn't the place for it. I've been catching up with 86 season 2, and you guys really need to watch the anime called 86. Came out this year. Takes a surprise of a turn on ep 3. I personally wasn't expecting that... tho maybe I'm too used to shounen stuff where ppl conquer enemies thru the power of sudden power-up and friendship.


My issue with this movie is......THAT IT SHOULD OF BEEN A SERIES. I was loving the movie and could see the connections they wanted to build up. But i felt they focused too much on photographic scenery that could have been developing certain characters. 7.5/10


Im happy they greenlit cuz I was worried about them waiting to turn a profit.


I thought the vision showing the fretman and him being friends in the future was a play on how their battle was him showing Paul the ways of the desert. And Paul having to kill him in order to kill his past self aka him becoming a Fretman. That’s how I viewed it. Paul also comforted him as he was dying just as he did to Paul in his vision showing the respect he had for Paul.


Also how the Doctor commented how Paul was just a little boy in a hole when he said he wanted to become Emperor and it’s true he’s never had any experience up until the fight in the end, when he finally has to kill someone because his life was in danger. He’s a new man on this journey

AjohnJexy 123

Reminds me of the Woman of the Apocalypse scripture from Revelations 12.

Rex Perez

"When you take a life you take your own." In order for him to become the one he must die. By him taking a life he finally embraced who he truly is killing his former self. There were no other paths just one the man ment to be his "friend" is who he was ment to kill to be one with the fremen.


I haven't read the books, but my dad has and he told me that the reason the vision showed only a possible future was because Paul hasn't been exposed to enough spice yet, so his control of that power isn't refined enough.


I'm pretty sure that Paul visions are just potential futures like Sheera. idk much about to the story but I know now not rely on the visions to be fully true.


you guys are the best

Champion Bescos

They don’t make movies like this anymore. Lawrence of Arabia meets Star Wars (I know which came first). Films that have such mammoth scope and scale, but still manage to have genuine heart. I’m not talking about the overly sentimental Marvel moments either, like we get from most blockbusters where they spend fifteen minutes talking about their feelings with cliche music playing. Rather this film had small things like a father patting his son on the back before starting a meeting, or the fear in his eyes when his son was nearly assassinated, or his anger when he confronts his son for nearly getting killed, or the way a mother cries during her sons test, or the way the son begs for help when he sees the future and what he’ll become and what he’ll do. There is emotion aplenty in the film without handholding. In fact, there’s so much information to absorb as well and yet there’s very little handholding. A film that treats its audience like proper adults, like a Nolan film or the early seasons of Game or Thrones. Not saying it’s an incredibly complex story, no, but it is a film that doesn’t baby you. I’m beyond thrilled that Yoshi and the fam loved it so much. Can’t wait for Part II in two years.

Champion Bescos

Other than Bautista and Brolin, who else was in this from GotG? Hardly seems like half.


man's really smacking his lips loud af like nobody notices lmao

Kevin Campos

I thought by killing someone, he killed himself. which technically he was supposed to do, his old self died.

Ara Araragi

Paul's visions aren't always literal, so they don't necessarily happen the way he sees them. His vision of Jamis being a friend who would show him the way of the desert came true: Jamis taught him that life in the desert is harsh and death is a necessary part of survival. This was a lesson that Paul needed to learn, so Jamis was a friend to him in a way. In the same way, Paul doesn't literally need to die to become the Kwisatz Haderach. It's more the idea of "kill the boy so the man can be born." By killing Jamis, he "killed" the innocent version of himself so that he can become Paul the Kwisatz Haderach. Side note: The movie doesn't make it super clear, but Baron Harkonnen wears suspensors that make him float because he's too obese to move around easily. You can see that he's wearing some tech on his back in a few shots.


29:15 Thank God Sheera set a timer for her

Trequan Williams

Ok idk this may jus be me but the dukes son give me anakin skywalker vibes especially learning that star wars was inspired by this this is my second time watching it and I feel like he is similar to anakin and in the visions it did look like he was goin to the dark side but idk what do y’all think

kindomax kamara

the visions are different path's but whenever he is killed it is showing him changing his ideals

Jigga Man

Today I learned that Lupa is an acronym for Paul lmao I'm dead

Drake Chuckle

For the vision at the end - Paul did die, he killed himself by taking another life and became someone new.


That's how Villeneuve does it, and that's exactly why Nolan always praises his work and respects him so much!

Tirth Patel

I would highly highly highly recommend you rewatch in a theater preferably an IMAX or Dolby. The sound, music, and the sheer goosebumps you'll feel will leave you wanting to watch it again right after.

Sheraya san

Pauls visions aren't always as he perceives them. and as other have said they can be metaphorical, not literal

Sheraya san

also this story also inspired game of throne as much as lord of the rings did


We definitely NEED some more Denis Villeneuve reactions on this channel! Sicario, Arrival, Prisoners and Blade Runner 2049 are absolute cinematic masterpieces. The acting is amazing, sound mixing and editing is off the charts, and he almost always works with Roger Deakins, who is one of the absolute Goats of cinematography 🙌 Denis is one of the best directors in the business, and I'm so happy mainstream audiences finally showed up, and that the movie actually was a hit!


dune was dope


waiting for kaguya like 👁 👃 👁

Noah Marshall

the dude you said is scarecrow is actually the guy who played polka dot man in the suicide squad.


To be fair, David Dastmalchian was in The Dark Knight too, so maybe they got them mixed up 🤷‍♂️

jesse almonte

Yknow. After moving, ive been bummed i cant watch shit with my buddies anymore, but being able to experience it "with" you guys always makes me feel happier


Yeah they managed to get 50% of the book story to movie version very well without it being totally different from book.


Kaguya-sama waiting room


I think the vision he saw was a form of tampering from the high priestess. I think it was a trick.



Michael Bagasan

Hell yes! Would love to see their reaction to Arrival. That movie is my favorite from Denis. This one is possibly a close a second.

derick ako

It sounds like you're just nitpicking. it's a movie and they only have so much time. Stuff needs to be cut out and the things you mentioned honestly don't seem like that big of a deal but to each his own i guess


As with all adaptations, not everything will be in it. Some changes will make it better, some worse. Plus you're coming into the movie with prior knowledge, they went in completely blind. They enjoyed the movie based on what the saw. It ain't that deep.

Alex cleveland

This movie is legit gives off a prologue vibe. U kinda ODing saying that it has LOTRs lvl of content. This movie only showed the beginning of the actual storyline lmao...


This pretty much sums up my thoughts on Paul's visions. From Paul's test at the beginninng: Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother: "Do you often dream things that happen just as you dreamed them?" Paul "Not Exactly." and near the end before Paul's fight: Jamis (in the vision): "You have much to learn, and I will show you the ways of the desert" Paul kills Jamis, unlocking his growth towards becoming the Kwisatz Haderach and learning the lessons off the desert - a life for life, and there is no yielding or half measures. Jamis taught him, just like his visions said, just not in the way his vision showed.


Yeah they mentioned it in the beginning before they started the movie


There's more movies coming. They'll probably explain it then. Can't fit all of the lore into one movie


In the beginning when Paul was sparring. They comment "a slow blade penetrates the shield." So most would assume that the shield only blocks fast attacks

Edwin Melendez

Fighting Jamis and killing him showed Paul the way of the Fremen and how they live int he desert. So the vision came true. Jamis helped Paul by dying and he becoming fremen.

Thamor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 18:12:00 Just want to point out, that without trying to spoil. They said he can see the past & future, so everyone watching this movie don't think all the visions were from future situations or even Paul actually was in that vision himself even if he is shown =)
2021-11-03 04:08:42 Just want to point out, that without trying to spoil. They said he can see the past & future, so everyone watching this movie don't think all the visions were from future situations or even Paul actually was in that vision himself even if he is shown =)

Just want to point out, that without trying to spoil. They said he can see the past & future, so everyone watching this movie don't think all the visions were from future situations or even Paul actually was in that vision himself even if he is shown =)

Isaiah Gibbz

I’ve never read dune or saw the original movie. But I absolutely loved this film and all the lore in it, even if I didn’t understand some of it 😂 definitely a 9/10 for me. Got me interested in reading the books too

Asante Upshur-Benson

Tbf people have said the that what Dune book series did for modern sci-fi stories is what Lotr did for modern fantasy stories. And having read the books there’s a lotta content the Director had to cut for this movie.

Asante Upshur-Benson

This a typical thing to say but y’all not ready for Dune Part 2 lol. Part 1 was the tutorial of how crazy this series is, while Part 2 and every movie after this fully embraces it lol. I can’t wait for 2023.

Jaime Ruiz

That guy wasn’t scarecrow if you are referring to the dark knight trilogy. He plays an arkham escapee that becomes a joker underling. Scarecrow is played by a different actor who plays a character called Thomas Shelby. From a show called peaky blinders. Check it out. Also that guy is polka dot man from THE suicide Squad.

JunpeiFES .

*eats popcorn* soooo no kaguya sama? 😂


Has there ever been a dune movie before? Because ive 100 percent seen the scene with his hand in the box before. Literally the exact same scene, line for line, picture for picture. And I saw it years ago

rickie woodson

scarecrow???????? when and where? i know he played polka dot man in the suicide squad. the only scarecrow they have had live action is cillian murphy (not him) and some kid on gotham (not him).


There has been Dune movies. In the 80's with Kyle MacLachlan as Paul. There is also a Dune tv series in 2000's with syfy. Here's Dune trailer comparison from each series https://youtu.be/JfUYOZqCaEY


I'm so happy you all dug the hell out of this movie!


Damn shame we probably won't be able to see your reactions to Part Two, unless you all decide to wait for it to come out on home release before watching it.


I really enjoyed this film. Glad to see yall reacting to it. There's a lot of background info from the novels that isn't covered in these films: about mentats, the spacing guild, and the butlerian jihad, among many other things. Makes sense that they didn't want to cram this atmospheric experience with an info dump of details. We learn about this universe organically through Paul's experiences.

Lily Rose



I think technically Voice is supposed to be less like Force and more like extremely compent applied future psychology.

Jay rellim

kaguya-sama stays losing every tuesday lolol glad this movie/reaction is long af 😌


Well i really don't recommend both. The sole reason why Dune was made is because Star wars took off in 1977. The problem is Dune is very detailed and political heavy story. Something the Star wars crowd was never used to at the time. Second the movie is confusing as hell because they use terms like Kwisatz Haderach, Melange, Shai Hulud. Basically those who aren't familiar with the novel the movie will feel messy. The syfy tv series is the opposite of the movie. It's easier to digest the story. The problem it is tv series, it didn't have the budget to faithful remake the vision of the source material.


I remembered where I know this from and I am ashamed of it lol.


Respect to Roshi I think he's the only person who's reacted to this to instantly see through Paul. Fingers crossed we get Messiah after Part 2


With how stressed they got watching this I can only imagine them watching Prisoners


The voice in the vision at the end was saying Paul has to die for the Kwisatz Haderach (messiah figure) to rise, but to take a life was to take his own. So by killing the guy in the duel, he was fulfilling what the voice said, and it was time for the Kwisatz Haderach to rise.


Yeah Arrival is just amazing. Visuals and sound are on another level. That scene when they first enter.. the slow buildup, and then the music just blasts you in the face! My top 5 favorite cinematic moments.. When I saw it in the theaters for the first time.. pretty sure I didn't breathe for those 2-3 minutes The whole score in Arrival is one of my favorites. Rest in peace Jóhann Jóhannsson.. He was going to be the next big thing.


Prisoners is one of my favorite movies ever.. up there with Seven as one of the best Thrillers ever made. The acting in that movie is just nuts.. Hugh Jackman snubbed for a Oscar nomination. Jake Gyllenhaal is fantastic, and Holy shit Paul Dano is one of the most underrated actors out there. When you see Prisoners and There will be blood. You understand why he got the Riddler part. Dude is gonna kill it! And ofc.. Roger Deakins cinematography in Prisoners is disgusting. One of the best to ever do it.

Deric Jackson

The visions are interpretive, they show the path but it's in like code kinda. Basically Paul died and the messiah was born.


btw, that wasn't Scarecrow, that was Polka-Dot Man

Skebaba (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 18:11:46 I think the balloons are made out of Sandworm skin? Explains why they can survive the steel-cutting sandstorms that Arrakis has, rly Also, the dream shit is basically Probability Vectors, so you can essentially pick & choose the most optimal path to the desired outcome (with training, I don't actually think Paul is 100% capable of selecting the proper choices as of yet), so there's multiple forks in the Path depending on the points of it you are on at any given moment
2021-11-03 09:26:16 I think the balloons are made out of Sandworm skin? Explains why they can survive the steel-cutting sandstorms that Arrakis has, rly Also, the dream shit is basically Probability Vectors, so you can essentially pick & choose the most optimal path to the desired outcome (with training, I don't actually think Paul is 100% capable of selecting the proper choices as of yet), so there's multiple forks in the Path depending on the points of it you are on at any given moment

I think the balloons are made out of Sandworm skin? Explains why they can survive the steel-cutting sandstorms that Arrakis has, rly Also, the dream shit is basically Probability Vectors, so you can essentially pick & choose the most optimal path to the desired outcome (with training, I don't actually think Paul is 100% capable of selecting the proper choices as of yet), so there's multiple forks in the Path depending on the points of it you are on at any given moment


Just pretend like kaguya sama comes out on wednesdays lol


Something to note, when Paul used the voice, his voice sounded very female. So I think that's why the power is better in the hands of women because it's easier for them to find the right pitch and tone than it is for a male voice


Lord of the Rings level ? You have got to be kidding lol, saw it with friends days ago and lost it at the fat bald guy flying over the table; it's like Star Wars without any action and a bad storyline, even the fights were terribly done. Saw the first ep of the Mandalorian S2 afterwards and it was a hundred times better than Dune.

Ara Araragi

True, but it feels like the whole "Jedi mind trick" part of the Force might have been inspired by the Voice.


Not enough pew pew, giant robots and street racing huh?


I don't like Dune, but people like what they like, and that's okay.


You must be one of those ADD kids who can't stand silence in anything you watch lol always has to be action and fast pacing smh


So people can't like what you don't like now?

Benjamin Chen

YES! That was my reaction to the start of the movie as well. I was like "WTH was that sound?"

Alex cleveland

@Asante Upshur-Benson Hmm, interesting. I may gotta read the books then lol

Jdogzero Silverblade

for the most part i think they do. also this being a warner brothers movie it makes sense that some of the MCU cast was in it.

Desto Samuels

I mean an A list actor is an A list actor and Villeneuve has been working with people like Gyllenhaal long before. If you want a movie to sell and it's a block buster it makes sense to cast A listers. Just a common sense move


they dont make movies like this anymore Lupa said lmao. this is a movie like this


Wow didn't expect so much love from what seems to be a bunch of angry 16y old lmfao; i'm relaxed btw just giving my opinion, what's up with you ppl ? Did you invest in the movie ?

Keith Khembo

you guys should watch the expanse if you haven't done so already. Probably the best sci-fi show in the last 2 decades

Reckless Company

the movie was part 1 so i wasnt expecting alot of action anyways but i still liked it im pretty sure part 2 will have a lot more action plus everyone has different opinions gotta respect that.


This movie was a bit much for you. I'm sure there are some tiktoks you can watch that are more your speed though.


dude without eyebrows was also polka dot man in suicide squad

Totally Thomas

The visions Paul has are split between real and symbolic. So Paul thought that Jamis in his first dream would be a friend and ally by saying he will teach Paul how the Freman live. However; the dreams of the Kwasitz rising whenever Paul dies are all symbolic, saying that in order for Paul to lead and live he has to leave his old life behind. So essentially the vision of Paul dying to Jamis is actually saying, it will be Jamis who will have Paul's old life die and become someone new.


Hmm, quite funny, well shouldn't expect much from anime viewers i guess but you ppl did make me laugh a fair bit so thank you. Anyway, just gonna end it by saying i don't even really like Star wars, it ain't really good sci-fi; and no, you don't need any action to make a good movie or story, but you do need some depth; you ppl should actually read a bit, a good exemple would be Isaac Asimov books. And yes, comparing this adaptation to LotR is an insult to Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Have a good day anyway boys.


Paul got those inumaki abilities 😂

Champion Bescos

Hahaha. Dude is clearly just eager for attention. I find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe that the Baron using antigravity (the ‘fat guy’) made you check out of the film, but then you recommend something like the Foundation series by Asimov. WHAT?! It’s clear you haven’t even read Herbert’s Dune or Asimov’s Foundation or Simmons’ Hyperion or probably any great sci-fi for that matter and just googled popular works in the genre to sound enlightened. Pathetic. Oh, and the Lord of the Rings adaptations by Jackson are my favorite films of all time, and even I can say that this first half of the first Dune book was adapted just as faithfully. The things they left out, much like in LoTR, were totally fine by me. Also, way to talk about the Foundation series of books, something that was recently ‘adapted’ into a train wreck of a show in comparison to this film.


bro where my zombies on a train at?


How do i stream this movie on my TV like you guys? Please help


and hes mother told her about the dreams btw


Haha you're a funny one, still wondering why so many ppl are talking anyway since my comment doesn't concern any of you in the end, talking about wanting attention, huh.. I did say to go read it, not talking about the adaptation, didn't even see it, nor did i ever judge the Dune books since i never said i have read them, anyway :> The movie is trash, did see it recently, and if you think it's a great film; welp; you ain't difficult to please dear. Have fun buddy.


same i was hoping to watch it before going to work, i think its gonna be in a few hours.




omg. manifesting this. I need it while working

Joshua Shores

Isn’t Kaguya Sama supposed to come out as well or is that next week


*says he's gonna end it* *proceeds to come back and continues to reply to a disagreement*


As soon as i saw that scene it just triggered flashbacks lmao

Mar .

Wasn't train to busan supposed to be today


its a movie so its bound to be pretty difficult to upload

JunpeiFES .

No kaguya, no train to busan.... i want my cobra kai 😤😂

Antonio Williams

speaking of Jason Mamoa, if you all have HBO you should check out "See"

Breauna O

This movie is amazing!! I saw it in theaters and I am happy you guys did a reaction because I planned to go see it again lol

Fin brotherson

hoping train to busan drops tonight

Artem Kondratev

Paul had to die for Kwisatz Haderach to rise. "By taking life you take your own" - Paul, a man who had not killed, died the moment he killed Jamis.

Morgan Prophet

you guys should check out star wars visions if you haven't already


"yall sent ant-man in my room?" im dead 💀

Ranginald Vagel

I actually didn't know the famous as hell "Fear is the mind-killer" quote is from Dune!


This is giving me "Tower Of God" vibes but great movie though

Ranginald Vagel

I got one complaint, and it's Paul. It's too bad Paul, at least in the movie, is my least favorite kind of protagonist, the kind where they almost seem indifferent to all the events of the story until they're suddenly pissed off and emotive like someone flipped a switch and turned their brain/character on. I think it's because of how he's acted. It's like he can't process shit until the story says it's his turn, makes him unbelievable as a person. Basically, Paul is prequel Anakin headass. Other characters are great though.


Went into this movie completely blind, and honestly was shocked by how much it pulled me in. I want to learn so much about the universe this series exist in, hope it continues to deliver with the next movie!

MaraTheBara (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 18:11:27 If anyone wants to know more about the story and lore, definitely read the book or listen to a discussion/overview. Personally, I have always listened to CBG19 as she is extremely passionate about Dune and other things, so please check her out and listen to her Dune Book Club series to have her summarize all 4 books in-depth if you're interested. Link to her first playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryc-YQ_6Hvg&list=PLHZDkFt4F9fOkc0rtX7ainnR2qvQG3K4N&index=2
2021-11-04 16:44:07 If anyone wants to know more about the story and lore, definitely read the book or listen to a discussion/overview. Personally, I have always listened to CBG19 as she is extremely passionate about Dune and other things, so please check her out and listen to her Dune Book Club series to have her summarize all 4 books in-depth if you're interested. Link to her first playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryc-YQ_6Hvg&list=PLHZDkFt4F9fOkc0rtX7ainnR2qvQG3K4N&index=2

If anyone wants to know more about the story and lore, definitely read the book or listen to a discussion/overview. Personally, I have always listened to CBG19 as she is extremely passionate about Dune and other things, so please check her out and listen to her Dune Book Club series to have her summarize all 4 books in-depth if you're interested. Link to her first playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryc-YQ_6Hvg&list=PLHZDkFt4F9fOkc0rtX7ainnR2qvQG3K4N&index=2


This movie was an experience, first time in years i was stuck to the screen

Smash Bran'Discootch

I dunno man, it could have used some more metal underwear. If you know, you know lmao

Smash Bran'Discootch

They didnt explain the shields super well. The personal shields that the people carry on them are like kinetic shields. Anything traveling over a certain speed will be blocked by the shield. That's why they fight with blades and not guns. Even a blade swung fast enough will be blocked. It basically uses an object's kinetic energy against itself to block it. But if you go slow, the shield doesnt get enough power to block it.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Bro, Paul is like that because he's literally been trained his entire life by his mom to KEEP HIS SHIT TOGETHER.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Then you should read their announcements where they literally said "We're doing movies this week. Regular schedule next week."

Estelle Hana

Wow that sounds like a very important plot. Too bad they didn't explain it in the movie :( thx for sharing this info!

Smash Bran'Discootch

No problem! I may be getting some of the specifics wrong cause its been like 10 years since i read the books, but thats pretty much how it works. Its not like SUPER important plot but like in the first book it came into play with his fight with Jamis. Cause Paul has been trained and is a better fighter than Jamis but because he was used to fighting with a shield, Jamis initially had the upper hand because Paul was used to moving a lot slower and Paul had to realize that his way of fighting needed to change. Another really cool thing they didn't show in the movie was when Paul killed him, he actually cried(totally understandable reaction because he's young and has never had to take a life before). But because he shed tears, that made the Fremen respect him a lot and they saw it as him showing respect to the man he killed because literally EVERY drop of water is important to the Fremen. So the fact that paul shed tears for this man was SUUUPER huge for them. Again, i may have gotten a couple details wrong because its been over a decade but its pretty much that.

Stew V

His vision was correct when Jamis said he gonna teach him the way of the dessert and Jamis taught him through his death. The second thing is Paul need to die for the thing to awake( i forgot what it calls) but the voice also said that if you take life you take your own so Paul did die after killing Jamis. Die doesn’t necessarily passed away it could be that the old Paul supposed to die and “The One” Paul should awake.


Yeah, I don't think the visions he sees are necessarily events that will take place. He said to the old lady that his visions dont always play out the way he sees them. I think some are showing him possible futures (like Aquaman dying, and hanging out with the girl) and others are more just giving him guidance/feelings of a situation. Like when it shows him dying, I think it's more metaphorical.


Some spoilers and explanations. So the visions for Paul are sometimes exactly what happens, like Duncan’s time with the Fremen and his death to the Sardaukar but for the most part (until he does a massive amount of spice) his visions are metaphorical. Like his vision of being given a crysknife and of Jamis “teaching him the ways of the desert”. When Chani “kills” Paul with the knife, it symbolizes her giving him the blade and in doing so killing Paul so that the Kwizatch Haderach can be “born”. The blood on his hands and the knife symbolizes the blood of the billions (with a b) that will die in the coming Holy War. Jamis also taught him the way of the desert during that fight, that you can’t change things, as Paul was trying to do by giving him a chance to yield. Also until the duel two possible futures existed, one where Jamis killed him and Paul never launched the Holy War or became the Lisan al-Galib. Also, his powers aren’t well explained but when fully realized he can see the past, present, and future of everything, everywhere, every time and is meant to use that power to ensure that Humanity will reach so far amongst the stars that we will always be around. Dune is such a pillar of Sci-Fi it’s awesome to see how much took inspiration from it. If you guys enjoyed this you should definitely check out some stuff from the Warhammer 40,000 universe, specifically the series Astartes, it’ll blow Lupa’s mind.

Kwame Afriyie

Watch the Sci-fi series of Dune. Just start and it will help fill in some of the gaps. Don't watch Children of Dune because that's like cheating


In the vision before Paul's fight with Jamis, it says "Paul Atreides must die" for "Kwisatch Haderach to be born" this basically means that for Paul to become the Kwizatch Haderach, he must let go of or "kill" the person that he is. Paul Atreides has never taken a life so by killing Jamis he kills this former version of himself (Paul Atreides) and moves towards becoming the Kwizatch Haderach, "When you take a life, you take your own" as in when you kill someone, you also kill that innocent version of yourself and become something new.

Ranginald Vagel

Ok comparing him to prequel Anakin was too much 😂 I know he has a reason to be that way. He’s not a badly made character, I just don’t like Paul. There’s a fuzzy line between stoicism and lack of emotion, and I didn’t feel like he had anything going on under the surface. Probably easier to see into his head in the book. I at least respect his competence. The hand in box scene was rad. Let me put it like this: when a character that isn’t Paul makes a decision, I can be like, “OK they did that because X or they’re like X”. When Paul makes a decision, I’m like, “yeah, I guess he can do that?” The decision to kill Jamis fell completely flat for me because I don’t understand him enough to infer how he feels about having to kill his opponent. Was he just soft? Did he think having to kill him was barbaric or unecessary? Does he feel bad about it afterwards or does he just feel like he had to or that he was honoring him? Was I supposed to be informed by his training fight earlier in the movie? His conversations with other characters always make me feel like I’m learning so much about the other character but Paul is inscrutable. There are people he likes, and he has skills and goals he wants to do, and he has experiences, but those didn’t make him feel real like the other characters. Something is missing and I’m not eloquent enough to explain it.


I've been meaning to say this for a while now (and I'm sure plenty of others have already said the same) but you guys should totally react to The Expanse, it's one of my favourite sci-fi shows ever and I'm sure you'd love it too!!

Nikolai Cannady

It was Thanos aka Josh Brolin and Poe Dameron from Star Wars aka Oscar Issacs. Dope ass cast.

Nikolai Cannady

I think others said this but the visions aren't always from his perspective necessarily he learned the way of the desert by killing old boy

Sean Carrasco

Duke Paul Atriedes’ ability as The One is The Voice from The Bene Gesserit as well as Dreams and visions of “possible” futures. Not just one or the other but, other futures based on situations and events as they are occurring. He perceived the Holy War against the Imperium leading the Fremen under his command of his House (“A war spreading across the universe like unquenchable fire. A war in my name. Everyone shouting my name.”) for the reason of self conflict with accepting his role as The One. The phrase, “Find the friend” was related to Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa) Duncan and Jamis were friends while Duncan met and stayed with the Fremen.


the main goal of the Kwizatch Haderach is to see past, present and future timelines so that they can choose something called "The Golden Path." the golden path is basically the "Sacred Timeline" (like in marvel) where the chosen one decides what the best path for humanity is. Because the Kwizatch Haderach needs to choose the golden path, he is able to see different POSSIBLE futures. that's basically what we're seeing with Jamis teaching Paul the ways of the desert. if Paul and Lady Jessica went about things differently when they met the Fremen, Jamis and Paul could've been good friends. Another way to see it, is that Paul was seeing from Duncan's (Jason Mamoa) perspective when he went off into the desert before everyone else. Since the Kwizatch Haderach can see the "present" as well as the past and future, Paul was basically seeing things from Duncan's perspective. those are two different analyses/explanations for why Paul was seeing Jamis and then ended up killing him


I couldn't bring myself to like it, it just seemed to drag for me but I am looking forward to the next movies.

Delicious //LIFE wisdom in fiction, things, ideas

This is the meaning of the vision with the duel at the end: "When you kill another, you kill yourself" + You must die for the Kwisatz Chaderakh to rise means = Killing that guy Jamis = killing yourself and rising as the Kwisatz Chaderakh


I’m so glad you watched it and loved it 🥰


I feel like he died figuratively not literally because by killing he become someone else not himself so it’s still in line with the visions of him dying and then rising


Great reaction, as a book reading nerd there's some discrepancies but overall a phenomenal movie and adaptation

Alex (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-14 18:11:18 The fighting style was actually called “Balintawak Eskrima” or “Balintawak Arnis” which is the martial arts of Filipinos. Even the director himself said it.
2021-11-13 13:54:37 The fighting style was actually called “Balintawak Eskrima” or “Balintawak Arnis” which is the martial arts of Filipinos. Even the director himself said it. And I also recognise the sword salute of duncan, that’s the salute before starting a match. A way of recognition of one another, a respect of some sort.

The fighting style was actually called “Balintawak Eskrima” or “Balintawak Arnis” which is the martial arts of Filipinos. Even the director himself said it. And I also recognise the sword salute of duncan, that’s the salute before starting a match. A way of recognition of one another, a respect of some sort.


I had the opportunity to talk to Villeneuve yesterday, and he said he thought the most important thing to adapt was the bonds between the characters (and the most important of that, between mother and son)


you talked to villeneuve? damn lucky. Bladerunner2049 and arrival two of my other favorite films of all time, and i know by hearing his passion for Dune he'd do a good job. my two discrepancies were 1. The Sardaukar in the book were disguised as Harkonnen soldiers when they attacked, so it just looked like war between houses instead of the emperor openly attacking his own subjects. I understand cinematography wise though it would've been confusing for non readers. 2. Liet Kynes was left in the desert and his death scene was beautiful with him remembering his father, but it would've taken too much screentime. Overall still amazing though.

Lupa is Dadi

I'm so glad you hold LOTR in high regards


This will always be a good movie hands down the best movie for sure

Dougie Fresh

“Mom they said I have to die for Grimmjow Jaguerjacues to takeover.” I fucking hate you Roshi 😂

Kaleb Nunes Leite

You are right about Paul's visions. In the books, he always have visions with diferent results, and everything will change depending of his choices. Actually, that's what stres ans presure him moust cause he begins to know everything and seeing every possible result and their consequences in space and time. Literaly a "choose your path game".

Randle Dandle

It is so insane to know much later that Paul is basically grisha from attack on Titan.


A couple of things to explain, Paul's Visions are multiple futures that can happen, there is no set path. That's why in one he's friends with Jamis, but in actuality he killed Jamis.


Also, this whole movie covers the first half of the first book, which is part of 6 total books. This series of movies will be insane. I recommend watching "The real Dune" for more information about the series and bits and pieces that weren't covered. As well as more meaning behind characters.

Lamaree Jackson

The disrespect to Polka Dot Man calling him Scarecrow