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This guy Rossiu!


Gabby Boakye-yiadom

It didn't matter who was on the surface the count was about how many humans were born on the planet. Living underground the human population was kept relatively low by the random earthquakes created by Gunman which would crush them underground and any humans that got to the surface were swiftly killed by the Beastman. Just like Nia said after the defeat of Lordgenome in the 7 years humanity just went through basically a baby boom in the population along with technological advances. So either way it didn't matter.

JustCraig Gaming

But it did matter who was above ground cause she literally said the above ground population so obviously they didn’t have the ability to observe the underground population cause if that was the case that counter would’ve already exceeded its limit if it accounted for both

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

If that was the case leaving them underground would've been enough but Lordgenome specifically had the Gunman kill off humans so the counter would never reach that point. If it couldn't count the one's beneath that wouldn't be necessary. Plus, the count was already at 999,999 at the start before Rossiu dragged those people underground up and didn't change after only as soon as the baby was born.


We streaming today?

Jmooth Sazz

I'm 100% with sheera, like bro he said on the SURFACE, if they wanna stay down then thats dandy, it only benefits the cause.

Viela Guay

Smh these people acting like their definition of surface and the anti-spiral even has to be the same. To them probably just being in the crust of the earth is enough. The underground bit was for population control by lordgenome. Environmental limiting factors notoriously are good at indirectly controlling birthrates (the most extreme case being Rosseu's for example)

Ranginald Vagel

They could theoretically send people up to the surface at random times for trade or work or if someone just wants to move. That said, since they're clearly nearing 1 million the better move is obviously to let them stay down there.


Wrong. The population counter last episode proves it. At the very beginning of the episode, we see it tick from 999,998 to 999,999. Viral fights to prevent a whole bunch of people from being brought to the surface; they get dragged up anyway. The population counter REMAINS AT 999,999 AFTER THIS, and doesn't increase until Kiyoh's child is born. This means the population counter is counting the population on the entire planet, NOT just the surface. Saying "surface" is just them being poetic. The Anti-Spiral don't care how many are visible from space; they care about how big the species is.


My boy Rocciu I could never hate. He's voiced by Johnny Young Bosch after all :) Aka the Black Power Ranger, Nero from DMC5 and Vash the Stampede


@ArcaneAnomaly literally, I don't know why people are being so dense to verbiage


I'm seeing some talks about people being on the surface or not. Even if that were the case, that's not a long term solution. They would just be Lordgenome all over again


anti spiral nia said the anti spiral code just so happened to form in nia so no i dont believe lordgenome was tossing children for anti spiral reasons


Catching up on your reactions has been a blast, by the way, have you guys watched kill la kill? I would love to see a reaction to it in the future, it’s made by most of the same people who made gurren Lagan too!

Devin B

My thing is why would it matter if there were 1 million people above ground or below because their gauging the spiral energy as a whole and there's no way being underground is enough for an intergalactic race not to notice you. It makes more sense if they counted everyone on Earth regardless if they're on the surface or underground.

Devin B

Apparently these guys watched it a long time ago but it would be cool to see them react to it.


At least we can see their Promare reaction. o:

Dark Danny

facts on that rock scene ,i would have told them to light them niggas up, i came out to calm y'all down not to be disrespected


Kaguya sama waiting room.....


2 weeks until the next 2 episodes. Feels bad man.

Jay rellim

kaguya switched to wednesday this week


You'd be a fantastic leader lmao kill a hundred people because one pebble hit you

xander .

where's the next episode??


i'm wondering the same thing it's been awhile