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Hell has arrived! Kaguya will drop tomorrow, so Gurren Lagann will go up today instead!



First 😈


Second :)


Lupa a demon but I’m third @-@

King Tulo

Man used those girls for his mech like double A batteries


Why no kaguya today?

Peacefinder Simply

for one reason or another, asking that is rude. They have it planned, lets leave it at that. Could be they couldn't get to recording it yet or editing it yet or whatever.


It's not rude to ask why the stuff I pay money for is not coming on schedule. You don't know my intentions, perhaps I was worried if something happened that would cause them to be unable to upload, like someone being sick.


You seem to have it confused, you're not paying for anything, you're willfully supporting them and they are willfully providing content. This isn't really a transaction.

mahfuz ahmad

he's right. at the end of the day, they could do this in private, post the vids, and have no one see it. the only thing we are really paying for is seeing their exclusive reaction to the whole content and the money they get from us gives them better equipment for recording, thats it

Crispy Crew

Bro this is patreon, you're donating your money to creators to show your support. These guys don't technically have to upload anything.

Kitsune Tengu

it really isn't rude to ask that, he was just wondering why the change, is not that he was demanding to get kaguya today or gave any reason why you should think that way, if he instead of "why no kaguya today" he said something like "dude wtf kaguya is supposed to be today" then I would support you, that is rude to ask, he as a patreon as same as you was just wondering why his possibly fav anime didn't get the reaction today, just chill bro/gurl


Usually I would agree that its rude (because people are usually rude about it when they ask lol) but their comment was literally inoffensive. They were just asking, not demanding anything like some people

The Pebble

Ya'll are being technical idiots, I don't care what the original argument was it's moronic, but if you all really think if they just stopped uploading anything and said nothing everyone would stick around? I love these three but I'm not here to give away free money with nothing in return and I'm sure most would agree; Stop using technicalities for your arguments and start using reasoning and logic.


fuck is roshi drinking here? SEMEN?!


Am i tripping or did we skip episode 16? Or did he just mess up the numbers? lol

Weltall Gaia

Episode 16 is a clip show review of the first 15. Its a literal nothing episode.


@kitsune Tengu @thilde @HerpMePrease Exactly. I was looking forward to kaguya today and bummed to find out there wasn't any. Luckily it's coming tomorrow but I wanted to know why.

Jonathan Kinney

All of the episode titles are quotes spoken by a character in that episode. The art style for the titles is based on who the speaker was. For episodes 1-8 it was quotes from Kamina (bold, sharp, and large), 9-15 were from Nia (flowery, colorful, and round), and the current ones are from Rosshiu (monochrome and mechanically precise).

Matthew Osteen

We need those construction workers that built that city over here in Orlando stat. These roads ain't gonna finish themselves lol

Devin B

Realistically what Simon did caused the least amount of damage cause there was no way to identify that mech and if they left it alone it would've kept going until everyone was dead. Capturing wasn't possible either cause it took most of what Simon had to just beat it.


LOL, acting as if Kaguya isn't coming at all this week when it's just coming at a different day. 😂 Some of you are real babies.


Rossiu is like Shikamaru, but if instead of saying: "What a drag" all the time, he WAS the drag.

Taylor Moon

well he didn't know that that's why he asked... what are you a forehead?


I love Rossiu, also is his VA also Ichigo/Lelouch ?

Jules Eris

don't know about ichigo but it is the same VA as Lelouch yes :)

Peacefinder Simply

@War2244 My bad, I applied my morality to you. I don't like to ask myself unless there is no update, to me if there is an update especially it will be the next day then will ignore it for sure. I would understand if there wasn't any update though. That was my thought process, also limits of lack of tone in voice with words on a screen. What you said is often said by people who are often rude too, so associated it also.


I wonder what’s worse Gotham city or Roshi city

Joey Zero

yall talked smack about Rossiu all episode but he was in the right the entire time


Rossiu is portrayed as a selfish coward idk how he could possibly be right about anything other than reviving the head.

The Pebble

Right the entire time? Have you finished the show? Slight spoilers: If we listened to Rossiu humanity would have been limited for the rest of our existence, Simon said we could win with willpower and he was right we did; So no, he only offered a single path that would have "worked", but would have just sucked for everyone.


Holy geez Sheera is all over the place in this reaction. One minute shes all like "Don't just rush in" then the second Simon literally rushes in shes like "well what else is he supposed to do"


@Roshi well another way to take it if you're going by that logic is, countless galaxies and trillions of people were killed just so Simon could save his own planet.


Right lol she contradicted herself a lot

Iago Leonelli

people dont get it. rossiu was always thinking about humaninty's survival.

Alexander Inoa

Yeah Rossiu is def one of the smarter characters. It really is too bad he’s in a show where willpower is the only thing you need to beat up any evil lol

Joey Zero

Maybe he wasn’t right in the sense that he made the best decisions, but every decision he made was for the safety of humanity. There’s a reason why not a single person ever blames Rossiu. They disagreed, but understood his intentions. They even named him one of the leaders in the galactic federation. He’s smart and understands what needs to be done.


the show literally punishes him for his ideology everyone would be dead if simon didnt shut his ass up LOL what are u on


being leader means nothing he was still gonna commit genocide only to get clapped in space simon saved his ass. only reason he was made leader was because simon went AWOL at the end of the series


@Sara, you realize that this anime is basically just shounen on crack right? What Simon accomplished was only in hindsight. Nobody, and nobody actually think he was gonna succeed. In realistic terms, Rossiu was the only guy who made the correct and NECESSARY decisions at the time. Every step he took was correct because all they could've done was with what they got. He could only make decisions with the information hes got. The only reason why this shit went Simon's way was cuz its a shounen TV show so they have to make the guy making the most logical decisions look like some evil dictator when he has no interest in taking Simon's place but rather was prepared to make the toughest choices for humanity's survival. Even if those choices got them killed, he at least made more sane and logical plays than Simon. The only reason why everything was fine is because in the end, the show is all about willpower and Gurren Lagaan just magically gets stronger every single fight. I aint hating on the show bcuz i loved it as a kid but logically, this show made 0 sense and you needed to watch it while turning your brain off. And no, not all of it, I just mean the fight sequences, power scaling the random power boosts. Still an epic show regardless but in terms of logic, its not there

Kyle Drayton

@Don calm the fuck down and go touch grass kid it's an anime, it's not real LMFAO, you typing essays about a fictional character cause someone said something you didn't agree with LOL. Pulling the "it's a shounen" excuse along with the "in realistic terms" nonsense is just flowery translation for "I agree with everything rossiu says". Like just be honest and say you're biased towards the character. Stop with all this stupid nonsense about what's "real" for AN ANIME. Get some friends, go outside, find a hobby, ANYTHING.