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Shinji finally got his

SN: Gilgamesh has some of the best lines in the entire series



My head canon is that when Rin summoned archer. Her necklace was the catalyst to bring forth archer shirou.


Let's fucking goooo


he didnt take over Archer's reality marble its a metaphor because he changed Archer's views


Not a spoiler but more something the anime doesn't explain is that having Avalon in Shirou's body actually messed with his mind a bit and that's why his drive and stubbornness is so extreme and next level


Gil will always be one of my favorite villains. That man talks the most shit and I love it every time XD


When that music dropped as Shirou was charging at Archer, I got chills. One of my favorite tracks on the OST.


I got confused that Roshi was confused about the fakes, as literally Shirou and "future" Shirou's ability is doing fake weapons of originals. So it was pretty obvious what Gilgamesh was referring as fakes...


the reason why archer "held" back against shiro isnt bcuz he wanted to teach his older self but he wanted to break his spirit and admit that his dreams were fake. having shiro die wouldnt be enough to reverse his past


The SFX at the end though lmao


He definitely has a way with words. When douche levels reach well over 9000 like that, it becomes oddly cool and amusing. XD


I mean if you were half god and the first king of man and king of all heroes to ever exist and literally fought gods and nearly had immortality and owned every treasure of man you would think pretty highly of yourself too.


shinji got did so dirtyyy but he deserved it fucking freak

Antonio Williams

Now that I think about it, it may not be simply a matter of pride and anger for Archer to try and break Shirou's spirit. Since it's confirmed that something about that Shirou prompted the grail to wish him back as a World Spirit upon his death, he's aiming to completely break that version just to cover his bases and truly ensure he won't remain as a WS


2/3 god. That 16.666% is what truly sets him above

None None

Archer claims all sorts of things, but I always got the impression he knows nothing he does really matters in the grand scheme of things. He just really, really wants the personal satisfaction of smacking his younger self into giving up.


@Osenbei Sensei exactly the man is just too much w/ his wordplay and the way he looks down on everyone is just the icing on the cake


You guys wanna know something really fucked up? All those people Kirei was keeping barely alive to feed Gilgamesh were all the kids that survived the same fire that Shirou was in. Remember the scene in the hospital where Kiritsugu asked Shirou if he wanted to live with him? All those other kids were sent to the Church where Kirei was, and met that fate. The same would have happened to Shirou if Kiritsugu hadn't adopted him. This is also something you would have learned in the Fate route of the VN btw.

sotonye ogan

Nah I don't care if he's scum, Gilgamesh is my favorite character in the whole of fate hands down! The level of pride and one liners he has is hella funny and entertaining😂😂

Devin B

I like Gilgamesh cause he only talks shit to people who he truly believes is beneath him but he also gives credit to those that aren't mongrels in his eye which I respect about him.

Pan Cakes

Yes you guys were right, giglamesh was talking about shirou and archer being fakers becasue they are basically copying his abilities of summoning weapons. that are fake, while his are the real deal


I don't think this is a spoiler, since in the previous episodes it said that Archer was a guardian and he would show up to prevent humanities Destruction time and time again. So if Gill wants to destroy humanity then we could perhaps see archer being summoned again but this time as a Guardian rather than a Heroic spirit


@Devin B His dynamic with Iskandar was nice to see in F/Z they’re not on the terms of close friends, but the respect for a good king makes him acknowledge another person and he actually tones down just a bit.


Lmao bro when Gilgamesh called them fakers you could straight up see the hamster wheel in Roshi head start turning!


Oh wow! I saw this years ago and never knew that. I had always somewhat liked Kirei as a wildcard of a character that’s not a spirit but now I can’t see him as nothing less than a human Bluebeard. What a scumbag


that's actually a really cool concept


Bro, Archer's last words "There really was such a man once, wasn't there?" fucking broke me.


Gil reminding me of Leon from Slime... "Here's what's going to happen. You can stop me, if you think you can."

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

It also means that both Shirou and Archer are copying some more the servants or heros powers which is why they call him fake cause he copy everyones powers and moves


While he is indeed a scumbag, there is a lot more to his character than just being someone like Bluebeard (not that I know much about Bluebeard). Kirei's whole existence is very complex and a good portion of it is lost in the adaptation (much like Shirou's), simply because it would be dumb to spend and extra 5 minutes of internal dialogue explaining the reason for every decision they make. Zero and HF go more in-depth, but I didn't fully understand until I read the VN (made me like him a lot more as a character), so it's clear that sometimes a different medium just can't provide the same amount of detail. I'm not very bothered by that though. So while he does do awful things, he's not just a "bad guy" like Bluebeard was.


"Yo Shinji... Hold this cup."

Damion Middleton

Shinji had like 2+ Chances to escape, and he done Wasted all of it. Lol


Nah. I actually thought that too before I rewatched it and saw the hospital scene lol. But it makes sense that at least a few other people survived. Him being adopted and the other kids going to the church was actually another source of guilt for him.


would be the same thing in a sense he is archer so that reality marble would become something that reflected those new views


Sheera will find out later that shinji deserves so much worse. fuck shinji all my homies hate shinji,

Viela Guay

Just a tiny bit of extra context regarding how actual out of gas Archer was during this whole sequence. It was stated in the VN that at the beginning of it all he was at less than 5% normal operating mana.


His whole existence is a nuisance. At some point I don't even care about who will win the Grail, just wish for somebody to put this mfk down quickly.


I just googled for Shinji's voice actor out of curiosity. It turned out that he also voiced for Levi Ackerman in AOT, Ranpo in Bungou Stray Dog and Trafalgar Law in One Piece. Really amazing.


gilgamesh said "STOP BITING MY ISH"


Finally! I was so sick of Shinji


Imagine if Emiya would end up forging a contract with archer. Fusion time!!

Rodrigo Lee

This fight wasnt fair at all. According to the Visual Novel Archer Emiya was almost out a mana when this fight started so he couldn't use any of his powerfull Noble Phantasm like Caladbolg, Excalibur, Gae Bolg, Aestus Estus ,Nine Lives Blade Works and etc. He couldn't even use Avalon to heal himself. Archer UBW literally has all the NP of all Heroes just like the Gate of Babylon of Gilgamesh and when he clash blade with an enemy he trace their fighting ability and steal it. Archer Emiya is pretty OP if you ask me.


He gets put down quickly in the fate route. He is killed by like day 10. One of the reasons it’s my favorite route. The other is it’s the only route where Illya lives as far as I know. She deserved better!

chou sion

ofc he is, people like to sleep on him though, that crazy ability of his is what allows him to keep up even with people stronger than him

chou sion

sigh.....the shiro plot armor

Alex Omega


Angelo Marchantt

I'm surprised no one commented on this so i'll be the one to do it for people who may watch this in the future. Not a spoiler cause is something that none of the animes will explain, but gilgamesh is not 100% on what the grail is. The one he knows from the 4rth and this 5th war is corrupted, but it was corrupted only on the third war because the einzberns summoned angra mayniu as a servant (basically the devil) and when it got defeated and pour into the grail it corrupted it. So yes, the grail is corrupted, but not in the way gilgamesh thinks. Also angra mayniu is the reason why the servants that can be summon can also be anti-heroes or beast like gilles de rais during the fourth war and probably why he was basicly cheating with a book of infinite mana, or medea was allowed to just have rule breaker or to be fair why shirou was even allowed to be summon to an era where he was already alive


The last part about shirou being summoned while he was alive was explained that they can come from past present or future, but an item that is linked to the person must still be used. Pulling someone from the future would make sense to be extremely rare because you would need to have an item that the hero will, but most of the time they probably won't even have been created at that point. So maybe it was because of corruption, but I could see it as just a very rare situation