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what a way to start it off!


Bona Fide

Just in time!


lets goooo

Nick O

Can't wait for yall to see the ANIMATION this season

Amanda Milholland

yessss! If you guys thought seasons 1-3 were gorgeously animated, just wait. They outdo themselves like nobody’s business in S4!

Jay rellim

ok wait actually: if they used water/ice only (no bloodbending) and both had the same intent to harm/kill would katara or sypha win?


Haven't watched this episode yet but. If katara can bloodbend i dont see how she loses, sypha without fire loses alot of her mobility and i dont remember any of her water/ice magic being that fast to cast. All it would take is a bloodbend neck snap and she is done. Edit: realized you probably wasnt including blood in the water/ice category lol. Still think katara would win cause she has the most experience fighting other element users.


ya'll are not fucking ready


Wachovia.....like the bank lmao


Lisa Tepesh is a good person but she still gave birth to an uholy being and had a forbidden union with the lord of night. G-d would ofc punish that

The Pebble

Eh, fractured muh knee at work today so this was perfect timing to get home and sit and do nothing to.


Bruh I'm DEAD. Trevor got the Dragon Flute


Alucard lookin like he’s auditioning for one piece with how he’s wearing that coat

jesse almonte

Every charachter in this show is fucking iconic

Jdogzero Silverblade

like how alucard's worst nightmare is turing into trevor XD

The Truth

SN: if Roshi calls it Wachovia one more time lmao


I feel like the dialouge really leveled up this season, some characters had some real mesmerizing speechs.


best season no debate...ya'll ain't ready

brandon rawlerson

did you guys figure out Alucard is Dracula reversed?

Lord Winters

I'm pretty certain someone told them. But there is a game with these two. But I'd enjoy a remake.


Been waiting for this season 4 episodes. BUT where is Fate 20 episode, only got 19...

Dandre Parker

Oh yes yall gonna love this season too


I wonder what works better. Captain Alu D. Card? Or Captain Adrian D. "Alucard" Tepes?


OMFG THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS AND BLIND WAVE. Roshi actually understands what animation is instead of calling fucking 3D.


i feel like if it were just water ice and nothing else, katara would absolutely win, bc sypha hasnt fought any other elemental fighters(that i remember) meanwhile all katara does in avatar is fight benders, the only thing katara would be missing is a water source and surprise! guess what syphas magic does? create water sources lmao all katara would need to do is send that shit right on back. things get complicated when you let them both use all their arsenals bc sypha has all the crazy fire and lightning stuff from s3 but at the same time katara has bloodbending, if sypha slips up once then katara has her.


i think the more important question is whether or not they would be friends and the answer is yes absolutely, extreme book club friends energy

Dale Cooper

You can tell they really want to adapt berserk.

Evan Jenkins

Instead of talking shit about Blind Wave, I'm gonna be positive and say how much I appreciate how much appreciation Roshi and crew have for this masterpiece of a show.


Blind Wave are boring and The Normies are communist filth. Roshi is the way to go


Isn't this team doing a DMC anime next? That shit is going to be FLAMES. Also, can we please just let them adapt Berserk? I don't care if it's The Golden Age arc again, I just need to seem them work that shit!

kurumi Tokisaki

I believe Katara would win, especially a grown up same age katara. The electricity thing would be a problem but still would be enough.

Otter Mane

I hope so. I've been trying to beat Dante Must Die mode in DMC5 and im on the last couple missions (torture) and I need more content when im done

Otter Mane

That new Castlevania Co-op mode is fire


welcome to waiting a decade for a new castlevania game

Moisty Justice

wtf blind wave got to do with this? y'all toxic


Can we get Sypha in MK12...PLEASE!!!


Also, the "You don't curse" convo...totally Roshi and Sheera right?!! One of these days on a reaction Sheera just gonna go off and Roshi gonna be like..."How is this MY fault?"


Lmao I've heard sheera curse twice and it felt like forbidden words somehow😂

Scott Riley Adrueno

With how good Sypha is, I bet Katara would be forced to use bloodbending even if she doesn't want to. And that's like, not really counterable unless you are familiar with it. Also, pipe down with the Blind Wave hate. I know I was miffed about them a bit too for trashing this season's animation (to this day I still do not understand their reasoning), but you can take your complaints to their own patreon. Not here bruh.


His wife married a vampire and had a child with him. People have been sent to hell for less.

Jay rellim

i havent seen either of their reactions so im curious - wtf does the normies do in a REACTION that makes you call them that?? are they always talking about communism during the reactions?? lol if so that's wild (edit: just looked both groups up - wow they're both as popular as roshi how have i not heard of these ppl)

Trent Ward

That’s what I want to call it every time it’s mentioned

Ellis Gandy

yep, Castlevania 3 is where the story of this trio of warriors comes from. the 80's were a wonderful time



Daniel Gonzalez

Imagine that Konami fuckin up when it comes to games/licenses they have


Please watch Fate Babylonia...I know some of the CG isn´t that great, but the rest of it...those fights and the noble phantasms are just pure animation bliss.


Gotta go play Castlevania 3 again


What's impressive to me about the level of quality they achieved is that the majority of the animators that worked on this season were independent artists not affiliated with any studio that they just rounded up to work on the season from home.