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Let the Caster fuckery begin

Ep 7 exporting currently, will be up shortly!



Thanks for the reaction! By the way, you wrote ep 6 but that's ep 7 hahahah Edit: Ah yeah sorry I forgot it's ep 0 here. I'm watching it on Netflix and they wrote the prologue as ep 1

Pro Spartan

Aww man, we're getting there. I can't wait for yalls reactions to the later episodes, shit's crazy


Nah. There was an episode 0 so this makes it episode 6


No, this is ep6. Or are you making the mistake of counting ep0 as ep 1 Lola? If thats so i could see why you have your count wrong.


So by my calculations, you all will be finishing this by the end of September. Then hopefully Heaven's Feel will be in October.


You're right I was confused because I'm watching it on Netflix


Rin's a first gen tsundere


Rin: "Do not cite the ancient texts to me, I was there when it was written."


nah more like the beginning of September

None None

If you've ever heard of Miyamoto Musashi, famed as the most skilled swordsman to ever live in Japan, Sasaki Kojiro was Musashi's rival/archnemesis. If you've never seen these two pop up in anime, you've probably at least seen a few characters who are obviously based on them. A LOT of badass swordsmen in anime are loosely based on these two.


So something I don’t think they really bring up in this route, is that Shirou can sort of smell magic, that’s how he sensed the sigil.


Records of Ragnorak Manga made me love Sasaki. If this dude isn't FIRE, I will be upset.

Mikal Adkins

If you have a certain artifact that used to belong to a specific heroic spirit you can use that to summon them.


Caster is indeed quite hot. Shame she's up to no good in ways that are actually not good. Would rather she be up to no good in ways that are actually very good.


I usually hate Tsundere's as their emotional states seem very irrational, but at least here I can understand why she is the way she is. She cares and worries for him, but he is a massive threat to her and as the traditions of her family states, she's supposed to want to and be ready to slaughter him at any moment. That, on top of her being a teenager, I get why she is a Tsundere. Most other shows don't give their Tsundere a reasonable explanation for their attitudes. They think the attitude on its own is charming, and don't bother giving it a foundation, but to be honest, even if they give it a foundation, the trope is still annoying.


So lupa was asking why Rin's will summoned archer,a servant who has achieved his goals. Just know in the coming episodes you'll have the answer to that,because if I were to explain it'll be a spoiler


I believe the trope is now considered annoying to most western audiences is because of the lack of foundation from multiple examples of media. We're so used to the annoying tsunderes from lackluster writer paired with repetitive fan service that even a tsundere like Rin with a strong foundation and personality, it's still somewhat irritating.

Mikal Adkins

If you're referring to who I think you are, yeah. I only mentioned it though because they didn't really explain it in this Fate version.

Jose silva

New people forget that fate is romance action not just action.


If you're new to a series how can you forget something about it?


I don’t think you realize how little sense your comment makes

Sheron Taylor

So can we just say this assassin class servant is sasaki kojiro aka round three opponent in record of ragnorak

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

I was about to say this one but yeah, the artifacts are the catalysts for every summoning. Won’t spoil anything but you’ll get it once you reach the answers


and you forget that the anime adaptations cut almost all of that out in favor of action lmao.


hes not really kojiro since kojiro is not really an actual person in history and is just a made up legend.


you should be very suspicious of Shiros ability to heal and regenerate and think back on the very early episodes of Zero to understand whats going on there *wink*


I mean subtle hints were already given specifically the necklace that is one of a kind yet two seem to exist for some reason *thinking emoji*


The reason Sabre answers the call willingly is because shes an actual living person unlike the others. Something you'll never find out since the fate route adaptation is horrible and doesn't even explain it either.


They haven't noticed that yet. If by the end of the series they haven't then comment but that's a mild spoiler fam


Umm, a lot of the heroic spirits are based on mythos. There's literally no evidence that King Arthur, Hercules, Gilgamesh, and a lot of these other guys actually existed.

Tim Kane

Sasaki Kojiro's not fictional. He only lived 400 years or so ago and there are multiple historical accounts attesting to his life


He definitely is Sasaki Kojiro. Why? He has THE sword that Sasaki Kojiro wielded.


I grew up watching the Miyamoto Musashi trilogy starring Toshiro Mifune. My dad is Japanese, so yeah. Lol. In the Japanese version of Pokemon, Jesse is called Musashi and James is called Kojiro. Sephiroth is definitely based on Kojiro, with the extra long sword.

None None

Spoilers because I've never seen this show, so I don't know if any of this actually comes up in this adaption: Yeah, it was a thing that Miyamoto Mushashi actually existed in-universe, but Sasaki Kojiro was just someone people made up and attached to his stories, so he spent most of his fight during the Fate route waxing philosophical about how he doesn't exist. Supposedly, his legend was strong enough that the grail wanted to archive him anyway, so it just found some random farmer who learned that triple-strike while killing birds on his farm and went "alright, you're Sasaki Kojiro now" (btw, characters like Artoria and Gilgamesh DID exist in Fate's history, so they're not fictional in-universe like Kojiro is) It was an extremely dumb plot point that never amounted to anything other than Caster's summoning being so shitty she got a fake Heroic Spirit as a servant. More recent Fate media seems to agree it was retarded and decided there actually was a real Kojiro in some universes, but never really explained why the fuck this Farmer Kojiro exists if there was a real version it could have used instead.

Zackary Keith Justice

Just gonna mention this since it was brought up about what kinds of people are summonable by the holy grail. They don't mention this in either Zero or Stay night, but during the 3rd grail war (right before zero) the einzberns summoned a servant that was set apart from the normal seven classes, called "avenger" who is angra mainu(the "bearer of all the world's evils"). They were weaker than a mage, but whenever they died, the holy grail was corrupted, making it possible to summon heroes AND villains. (posting this on ep 7 as well just in case ya don't see it XD)

La Plus

its mentioned in the movies and kinda spoils it

Noah Mauricio

Hey really enjoying the reactions so far but just wanted to mention that servants are not summoned at random. You need to have a catalyst. Like Kiritsugu used Excalibur’s scabbard, Avalon. Tokiyomi used the skin of the oldest snake in the world, Waver used the piece of iskandar’s cape he stole from kayneth, karia used a piece of the round table for Lancelot and ryuunosuke used a family heirloom spellbook that probably belonged to Gilles.

Max Murillo

If you don't have a catalyst, the grail will get you the one closest to who you are though.

Maxis Holst

I hate shinji so much there’s no one I hate more in anime


Shou Tucker from fma. Shinji was a dick but ultimately was an insecure and cocky brat. Shou Tucker was an absolute abomination.

AlexXis Amadeus

Shinji tried to rape, and possibly previously assaulted his adoptive sister. Not sure how much more of a scumbag one can be, or if there's a way to measure it.

Alexander Inoa

Plus there's the fact that Shinji is a complete dick due to his upbringing and his gramps. Tucker is a true abomination.


Yeah I've seen alot of confusion around it, for anyone else wondering it's as they said above. If you have a catalyst then you have a good chance at getting the heroic spirit associated with it, if you don't then you get the heroic spirit that is closest in personality and basically morals and that's why Emiya who has a sense of justice and takes people for their word happened to get saber because 1. Saber class was the only class left and 2. His and saber's morals align perfectly.


SPOILER, Shinji raped Sakura over and over in all these routes with it being worse and shown in the Heaven's Feel route. All these girls in this route that went "missing" as in this episode have been raped and abused by him as well that's why they are shells of who they once were aside from them being drained afterward, proven by what they said "clothes torn and tattered" was the shows way of indirectly pointing at how he raped them just like his sister. He does even more and honestly, is just such a hittable character...


All of the Matou are trash except Kariya and Sakura, maybe Shinji's mom.