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Helga acting sus



Once a deathstroke opp, always a deathstroke opp

Oui Oui

Brion is 17 years old. He’s not a grown man. Also not the Court of Owls. It’s just a mask these rich people are using. They look similar but they’re not the Court of Owls.


Could be a hint or nod to the court of owls or a future teaser


wowwww she a whole OP they did all that to save her and she a spy


So... 15-year-old Tara and old ass Deathstroke is a thing in comics, just gonna put that thought in your minds.


i almost feel bad about the comments that are gonna come for lupa


I really enjoy that casual convo between superboy and icicle jr haha

Charlie baker

Definitely my fav season not trash like s2 butmore stuff going on then s1

Charlie baker

And often shes mostly a homicial suicidal villian in most non teen titans incarnations of the character


Can they edit in Lady Gaga’s Judas every time Tara shows up or will that get them a copyright strike?


That was the court of owls but just another Easter egg lol


Brion is 17, remember when his twin couldnt ascend to the the throne bc hes not of age.


And just when i though they aren't gonna follow the whole evil terra working for slade thing

Faiz Khan

fucking Booker T 🤣


Great reaction guys! Thanks for your good work :)


Brion is actually around the same age as Halo, 16 or 17. He just looks grown as shit at a glance lol


In the Teen Titans Show. Deathstroke used Terra as a spy to infiltrate the Titans, Beastboy got his heart hurt. Ultimately she ended up breaking away from the toxic father-daughter relationship with Slade and Saving the Titans. Beastboy x Terra was the best


im pretty sure theyve shown her hair before

Adanis Costa

This is why I will NEVER fuck wit Terra, she always a spy

Corey Pearson

Brion is 17 you guys. They said his age during the beginning episodes where they mentioned how old his twin is. He just isn't going to high school because well he is a well known prince and fugitive

Revstarallstar .

I was actually waiting for my man to explain the court of owls to them on camera and why its such a big deal but no. Court of owls aint no joke


I don't think these are the Court of Owls...just similar masks

Cydal Nill

Time like these are the reason Wolf retired


Anyone notice that the end of this episode was the biggest call back to Teen Titans ever.


bryon is under 18 i think. thats why he couldnt take the throne and why his uncle was temporarily king


Roshi brion is 17 years old man


Terra/Deathstroke is always a thing and it never gets any less disturbing. And her fate always ends up the same. idk how it is for YJ tho because i never finished this season

Beef Gristle Mill

I kinda hope they change it up cause every other version of terra is always the same as you said so it'd be cool to see something different.

Beef Gristle Mill

Icicle Jr. had a serious glow up, he looks good. That whole scene with him and super boy was kinda wholesome, just bros catching up while fighting

jesse almonte

Wasnt holocost the one smuggling static and other metas in season 2?

Nikolai Cannady

Sheera wasn't wrong, Aqualad is Aquaman now and ya'll kind of cut her off knowing she does usually have correct theories with the Sheeragan. Also as everybody else said, Brion is under 18. The one we have to worry about with a perverse relationship is usually Tera/Deathstroke. She stays being a problematic spy/heartbreaker. Of course the Light would have ties directly to the Court of Owls. Makes sense that they'd be smuggling meta-humans.


Damn they pullin a teen titans with Terra? Oof. That court of owls call was dope tho I hope they pull back around to it

Weekly Flo

They did take it a different direction, but much of the set up was similar. ive heard that the 1st cour of season 4 is about that difference


Just like the DCAMU movie. And Teen Titans. Terra can't ever be a hero :D

Devyn Torrance

Tara doing what Tara do best. Lie. Steal. Eat hot potatoe chip


they cut her off cuz she lost her train of thought 😂