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Kuzuki is suspect and Caster is up to Caster shit already lol


Drew Ferguson

also it would be a pretty big sausage fest if the author didn't do that


Yes! I live for this series!

Creepy Killer

Don't know if you guys know this or not but the fate series started off as a hentai game


you should comment again on the episode with saber and you know who


No servants can be fiction or non fictional figures


So the reason why evil people are capable of being summoned is because the grail is corrupted with that mud. Under normal circumstances people like the 4th war’s caster wouldn’t be summoned.

None None

This is a universe with magic and shit. The Greek Gods actually existed in their history, so Greek myth characters are fair game. (hell, Lancer last season was a demi-god from Irish myth)


it didnt start as a hentai game. It had 6 H-Scenes yes, but if we count that as an h-game then castlevania is hentai


If it has explicit sex scenes it's a hentai and you need to remember original Fate visual novel game is old now. But in the end everybody can call it whatever they want...


What do you mean last season. Don't you mean this season? or were they both Irish?

None None

They're both Irish. Diamund was just from a later era than Cu. (hell, they're both demi-gods, too)


This becomes apparent when they reveal the nature of one of the servants


All the servants are the story versions even if they were a real person. Like Alexander the Great was the story version of him as the great conqueror. The servant version of themselves aren't at all what they were if it was a real person in this anime history. Btw I am only talking for the anime story, not real historical persons.


Damn, SInce episode 0 Lupa is really worried about shirou findig out that Kiritsugu caused the catastrophe, even though it was NOT kiritsugu and even tho it is NOT IMPORTANT its not the point of the story whatsoever lol, he says it every episode

Jalen Holmes

btw illya is 18. I just looked it up lmao so no more "child ass" lmao


This is season one, when you say last season do you mean in the prequel?


Don’t spoil that. They will learn it later

Jalen Holmes

Either or works ig because google said she was 8 in zero and since ten years had passed she 18


Just to clarify, Shirou doesn't know Sakura and Rin are sisters. As far as he knows, Sakura is a Matou, and her brother is Shinji, that blue haired dick. But both Sakura and Rin know of course, and that's why Rin still cares alot about Sakura, and is reluctant to let Shirou die.


Funny enough in FGO(The Fate Mobile game), David from the David and Goliath story is in it as a servant you can summon. ...He's kind of a fucc-boi though.

Corey Pearson

Yeah Illya is 18 so she is actually Shirou older sister in a sense lol and don't forget he has the avalon in him so that's why he healed.


it was hentai game that got really popular and became what it is today


it is because she has the body of a child, people try to use "excuse" of oh her age is this but her body is that of a child...so if get aroused by character that has body of a child, you're getting aroused from a body of a child...not some age...

Pro Spartan

I mean, Saber's ability isn't what caused the blood spill from Shirou, but it's a good idea

Corey Pearson

They showed the Avalon in him at the beginning when saber was summoned and they even noticed it.

Devin B

When Shiro's classmate was talking to him about him not laughing that was pretty much a reality check for Shiro cause since the incident from the last war he never genuinely found joy in anything. He may seem happy and normal but deep down he's missing something.

錦源 劉

Saber staying at Shiros place is a big deal for Fujimura Sensei and Sakura because 1, Sakura is romantically intereated in Shiro, as she has shown many times so far, 2, in most Asian cultures a guy living under the same roof with a girl they are not married to, unchaperoned, is a big deal, especially since 3, he is still underage, and he claims Saber is as well.


Rin is such a boss.


"I'll feed you and recharge your mana the old fashioned way" *source doujin flashbacks*


I understand their confusion based on the subs I'm reading here. I don't know which version they are watching but I remember the subs being more clear about a lot of things in the version I watched.


Bruh it was still a child's body. They can say she's 1,000 years and it'll still be weird.

Ryan Hill

I did a double take at Roshi saying they were real people. Like my dude King Arthur ain't real. haha


The amount of Sakura is dead jokes xD. I half expected one of to ask how a corpse can eat


About that road. It's also where Gojo first met and fought the vulcano-head curse.

luis delgado

the thing is there's a clear difference when it comes to manga, anime and games between explicit and Hentai if the content that you are reading, watching or playing shows genitals then that is a Hentai that being said this games are indeed Hentai games

Skebaba (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-22 01:56:48 "What did Caster do to be called that?" You have to remember that since Japan has TWO words that can be translated as "Hero" into English, yet the semantics make them different. "Yuusha" is the one that most fits the "Hero" definition in English, like a fairy tale protagonist, where there's legit Good & Evil = White & Black type of thing going on. Same can't be said of reality, hence the other word "Eiyuu", which could be more accurately translated as "WARHERO", to match the concept better. So even if you were LITERALLY HITLER, if your own people saw you as a Warhero, you'd be recorded in the Throne of Heroes, simply because the word they keep using in the series seems to be "Eiyuu", instead of "Yuusha", at least per my ears hearing Saber explain it. Since Gilles de Rais was a compatriot of Jeanne d'Arc, he'd be viewed as a Warhero, since that's what most people would know him as, despite him being eventually charged w/ all kinds of shit (the theory about the accusers/testifiers having been after his land and having BS'd the charges has legitimacy to some extent, as it's something that would realistically happen; see the Templar Order boogaloo when King & Pope owed them too much money, so they accused them of heresy & had them clapped to remove debt + confiscate all assets (since they were executed as heretics, duh), but we have no way of truly knowing due to it being history), which would obviously have less of a range than someone fighting wars as a "warhero" would, since most people ain't simply interested in that shit that much, so they tend to have less of a fanfare on such "Bad End" types of shit
2021-07-13 12:20:50 "What did Caster do to be called that?" You have to remember that since Japan has TWO words that can be translated as "Hero" into English, yet the semantics make them different. "Yuusha" is the one that most fits the "Hero" definition in English, like a fairy tale protagonist, where there's legit Good & Evil = White & Black type of thing going on. Same can't be said of reality, hence the other word "Eiyuu", which could be more accurately translated as "WARHERO", to match the concept better. So even if you were LITERALLY HITLER, if your own people saw you as a Warhero, you'd be recorded in the Throne of Heroes, simply because the word they keep using in the series seems to be "Eiyuu", instead of "Yuusha", at least per my ears hearing Saber explain it. Since Gilles de Rais was a compatriot of Jeanne d'Arc, he'd be viewed as a Warhero, since that's what most people would know him as, despite him being eventually charged w/ all kinds of shit (the theory about the accusers/testifiers having been after his land and having BS'd the charges has legitimacy to some extent, as it's something that would realistically happen; see the Templar Order boogaloo when King & Pope owed them too much money, so they accused them of heresy & had them clapped to remove debt + confiscate all assets (since they were executed as heretics, duh), but we have no way of truly knowing due to it being history), which would obviously have less of a range than someone fighting wars as a "warhero" would, since most people ain't simply interested in that shit that much, so they tend to have less of a fanfare on such "Bad End" types of shit

"What did Caster do to be called that?" You have to remember that since Japan has TWO words that can be translated as "Hero" into English, yet the semantics make them different. "Yuusha" is the one that most fits the "Hero" definition in English, like a fairy tale protagonist, where there's legit Good & Evil = White & Black type of thing going on. Same can't be said of reality, hence the other word "Eiyuu", which could be more accurately translated as "WARHERO", to match the concept better. So even if you were LITERALLY HITLER, if your own people saw you as a Warhero, you'd be recorded in the Throne of Heroes, simply because the word they keep using in the series seems to be "Eiyuu", instead of "Yuusha", at least per my ears hearing Saber explain it. Since Gilles de Rais was a compatriot of Jeanne d'Arc, he'd be viewed as a Warhero, since that's what most people would know him as, despite him being eventually charged w/ all kinds of shit (the theory about the accusers/testifiers having been after his land and having BS'd the charges has legitimacy to some extent, as it's something that would realistically happen; see the Templar Order boogaloo when King & Pope owed them too much money, so they accused them of heresy & had them clapped to remove debt + confiscate all assets (since they were executed as heretics, duh), but we have no way of truly knowing due to it being history), which would obviously have less of a range than someone fighting wars as a "warhero" would, since most people ain't simply interested in that shit that much, so they tend to have less of a fanfare on such "Bad End" types of shit


Well arguably kinda Saber biologically is, given that Avalon basically freezes your age (due to Regenerative Immortality), and as she yoinked it as a teenager, she would be cursed to always stay a flattie.


Could have been tho, just heavily bloated w/ oral reiteration over times, until the current kind of concept becomes it


Now that we are speaking, does Lugh (God of Light, also Cu Chulainn's dad) exist in Fateverse anyway? He'd prolly be a Lancer, right, given his heavy connection to the Spear of Light, Brionac?

Fred_D3 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-22 01:56:48 No one outside of the 3 great mage family’s knows Rin & Sakura are biological sisters
2021-07-13 13:38:49 No one outside of the 3 great mage family’s knows Rin & Sakura are biological sisters

No one outside of the 3 great mage family’s knows Rin & Sakura are biological sisters

Darren Banks

@benjamin, it's not a spoiler. It's implied multiple times in the last couple of episodes that the catastrophe was not Kiritsugus fault. That straight up mention 'angra mainyu/avenger' several times. It's just if you're not good with visual metaphors you'd think Kiritsugu caused it. So the comment here isnt a spoiler at all. You either got it immediately, or you didn't. And need the other routes to provide more context. Hell, most of the setup for fate stay/nights main routes is set up by fate/zero so blatantly that most of the surprises fall flat except for in the heavens feel movies.


i didn't tell no spoilers. Everything i say is Fate Zero content that these guys or at least lupa cant understand. and now he is stuck up on something that is pointless. Lupa is the type of person that can only see what is in front of his face. He is capable of reading subtitles but he is uncapable of interpreting the meaning behind stuff. There is people like that all arounf the world. They know 2 plus 2 but you give them a metaphor and they dont know what to do with it, they dont even know what a metaphor is. So its not a spoiler because its a part of one of the many metaphorical meanings of fate zero. and he is gonna keep bugging about that forever and he will die without understanding, unfortunately. If it wasn't for roshi the intelectual level of this reactions would be laughable. I piss myself from laughing at lupas comments sometimes but 80% of the times i am just cringing


Y'all can see sakura?

Karsten Hase

Never forget someone who might be a bad guys in one country can be a hero in another (hence Dracula in the other series)

hector torres

The anime does not explain Archers arrow like the one he fires at berserker because in the game of Grand Order its says the he can fire rank A broken Phantasm so it's like he fires a noble phantasm at berserker

hector torres

If you guys pause at the end of episode 3 you can see that what archer fired was Excalibur by the broken hilt that disappeared


It wasn’t. You can see what the arrow originally looks like when he first brings it out.


Yes he is able to, but that doesn’t mean that every arrow fired is A rank.


Yes, but, the Grail was originally set up to not allow the summoning of people like Gilles, at least Gilles in his caster form.


Well, actually, it is related to Excalibur in a sense that it is like a different mythologies version of Excalibur. It’s name which I’m not going to say, is cognate (related/associated) with Excalibur’s.


This is my second time rewatching this anime, and I only now realized how important the archery club is.


Roshi I know you said the servants were based off real people so you dismissed Hercules because he wasn't real but King Arthur wasn't a real person either.


The servants are based moreso on myths and legends and the beliefs in those figures than the real people themselves. That's why in the last grail war, Rider was known as Iskandar, which is his Persian/Middle Eastern name, while his Greek name is Alexander. So because those from the middle East know him as one thing, while the Greeks know him as another, he could have shown up as either version of the person he was seen as. Even though he himself was based on a real person, people's beliefs and perceptions play into the form summoned


That’s kind of debatable. There is evidence that a person who King Arthur may have been based on existed.


I think the main thing they go off of is the myth/ story of the servants, and depending on how know their myth/ legend is, determines their power

Drake Rage

Lupa stay saying stupid shit about Kiritsugu every single episode.


The author enjoys gender bending characters so people who were historically male end up being female in the Fate series