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yall can just go ahead and ignore my rant at the end lmao I totally misread one of the subs, I acknowledge my blunder in the next episode



I'm happy I'm binge watching these


Happy I'm definitely watching these reactions




Any plans to watch “Dororo”🥺

Vincent S Deluca

Sk8 is such a fun show lol they would love it, Also love that the villain is just a combo of Dio and Hisoka on wheels


Wait! Did they watch the ordinal scale movie? You actually need to watch that within like the next two episodes or you'll be so confused soon. A question you asked has to deal with that and will have an impact within the next like 5 or 6 episodes


I second this. I really hope they watch it, it's pretty good.


Ordinal Scale explains that one dude in the show. But like I find his existence mad dumb. I dislike canon movies.


LMAO Sheera! Magically delicious!


yeah the next few episodes gunna be confusing if you dont watch the ordinal scale movie


You guys would definitely REALLY enjoy Ordinal Scale. Its a decent length movie and was really awesome in my opinion. Give it some thought!


The person you asked who they keep showing, if you watch Ordinal Scale it’ll help you understand

J. J.

He said they were Guna watch it between part 1 and 2

Daniel Gonzalez

So when am i supposed to watch ordinal scale i thought it was before Alicitization but is it before the war part instead


Main thing about the movie is some characters that will appear in the War part. If you haven't seen the movie you are confused who they are and have no connection to their appearance.


Roshi trying to avoid not being clapped as he got the answer in next episode haha :D


The look of disgust in their faces when they heard English :D.


Only one Sao upload this week?


Ordinal Scale is before Alicization but seeing as Roshi is already halfway through WOU, they should watch it as soon as possible or as mentioned previously, they’ll ge confused by the importance of some characters.


I agree with You! I wouldn't go, being told that I can't log out unless I die, which will be excruciatingly painful and feel real, and will likely cause my character I spent years on to be lost, oh and I won't be compensated in any way....naaaahhh haha. Plus if this happened in the real world, I'd have a hard time believing what she is saying, and considering the politics/division in the ALO world she is doing the speech in between the different guilds/races, I would also suspect that this is all a ploy to get most the guilds/races players to essentially forfeit their accounts/resources, and have one stay behind, becoming the dominant guild/race on ALO. If I could sign on with a second headset that has a second account then sure I might take the risk.


The Americans in this show are hilarious and cringe at the same time XD


You guys should probably watch ordinal scale before u continue not that serious but it'll be better 😄


Dororo is really good but Sk8 please don't, really overrated show with no plot and cliche to the max


That person is why youre suppose to watch ordinal scale already like we been tellin ya


Agree dont know why they added him lol.


If you dont watch the movie soon you are going to be a bit lost in the coming episodes


Roshi always keepin it 100. "Nah I'm good" *hears all lisbeth's reasons* (Yep, 100% fine exactly where I'm at. Good luck with that.) ngl I'd be the same way. That's almost worse than SAO all over again, and you have character data to lose now, which starting SAO players didn't have at least. Also, no way to log out? Hope they gonna login at a medical ward or something, they gonna need some IV drips and stuff to stay alive if they get stuck in there for more than a week or so.

Henry Le

Honest to god, the gamers part this episode qas so cringe and one of the bad parts of SAO. The fact they gotta convince japanese gamers 5 am in the morning to throw their accounts for AI they dont even know is silly. Also its americans invading japanese servers, the ping is what? 200+? Also has the author never heard of DDOS attacks?