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Damn Being X just making people run the fade


Random Guy

i dont think she was reveling in doing evil shit, she was being sarcastic.

Random Guy

I think so too... I feel like all this civilian war rules and stuff they just made up so they have justification to attack and punish the enemy

Random Guy

Honestly, if you were still there after literally almost everyone has evacuated, and then you've even been given more time to after an announcement to evacuate, your death is pretty much on you. And also to those ass republican soldiers who used their people as their shields because they think war laws will stop the enemy from firing at them.


LN readers always be complaining. They're never happy. And yeah, I never got the impression that she was evil. Just a sarcastic scumbag. She does come up with some effed up crap, but that's not for enjoyment, but for efficiency and by extension, to secure her own safety (whether directly right now or indirectly in the distant future). Of course we all know that things likely aren't going to end well for Tanya eventually. Still, between Tanya and the 'creator', I would say that the creator is the far bigger scumbag. He sets a world war in motion simply to teach 1 person a lesson who wasn't even of that world.

Jdogzero Silverblade

the accuracy with the rifles is corrected by the magic not the gun or aiming. tanya kind of showed that when she auto targeted against the fighters after splitting her bullets

Tyler Moon

The Republican soldiers were using the cover of civilians as cover which is a war crime. Technically what Tanya did, is not a violation of International Law as those who stayed behind are technically enemy combatants and the Empire is allowed to destroy Arene to reestablish supply lines after giving a warning, but you can bet their enemies will spin what happened to benefit them.


Arene was originally a city of The Republic, and The Empire took it. Citizens remained loyal to The Republic and rebelled against The Empire's occupation. They were never Imperial citizens to begin with, the city had always been anti-Empire.

Jdogzero Silverblade

btw the manga made it much MUCH worse. not only did they have that bombardment shows in the anime but they also had bombers drop what looked like hundreds of bombs leveling the entire city in a literal hellfire and the aftermath of all the fire turned into a firestorm that did even more damage.

halinton williams

It's not a war crime tbh rule is the amount of death and destruction has to be equal to what's being gained


I imagine Being X up there playing fuckin Stratego with himself. "I'll just have you kill you, and then this guy kill this guy......"


Their useing ‘total war’ methods. Everything and everyone is a valid target


Tanya kept repeating "This is the orders of our superiors" to help take off some of the guilt that Kurst felt.

AjohnJexy 123

I guess Tanya didn’t want an Eren to come out of the Republic.


To add on to what others are saying, Tanya understands and follows the rules better than anyone. She also understood if this city continued to rebel, it would mean the end of the empire's forward line in that conflict, essentially dooming the empire. Desperate times called for disciplined measures.


The real war crime is using civilians as a shield when you are a soilder.


It's not that Tanya is smart(She is), but the fact that she's from an alternate reality 100s of years in the future. She's using the history/wars of her own time period as a basis for her logic. This gives her a significant advantage in a world that doesn't have much modern war experience and lacks a real understanding of what a "world war" truly means. Anyone that paid attention in history class would essentially come to the same conclusions as Tanya.


hmmm yes and no. i think the memories obviously does help but just studying in history class does not give a person strategic and calculative mindset tanya has. plus who actually pays attention to history class lol. tanya's old existence was already sociopathic almost borderline psychopathic to an extent and he shows that hes a very practical and efficient person. he has no wish of hurting others but has no qualms or issue of doing so if he deemed it necessary to advance his own position. so i think while the other world knowledge definitely helped out alot, its more Tanya's ability to apply that knowledge and think for herself that makes her "op". which is a good twist for isekais op mcs because its much more interesting when a character is smart op than simply having an op ability.

Derick A. Hartman

In the last episode when he was praying during the fight his eyes didn't glow, he was just trying to give himself a faith boost. He didn't get anything from Being X like Tanya.


There lies in a problem though. The percentage of individuals that pay attention, let alone memorize, history is the minority. At least in the U.S. so in that alone she/he is still of a much higher intellectual percentile.


What the Empire did here was unfortunate but necessary and by the book. The Republic is in the wrong by hiding behind civilians to perform military operations. BIG NO NO. A great reference for this is the Geneva Conventions. Interesting to read to learn about standards in war.


need this show to end asap holy so slow


99% of the strategies in this anime are straight from World War 1 and 2. I'm not saying anybody from the modern world could go out and do some of the heartless things that Tanya has done without caring. However, anyone who paid attention during the World War 1 and 2 portions of history during high school would have no problem writing any of the paper's that Tanya has written and presented to strategic HQ. Things like maintaining air superiority, cutting off supply, taking out scouts, insurgents, proxy wars, leaflets, etc. are like basic war knowledge in our day and age. If you're really enjoying the war/strategy aspect in this show, check out the Military History Visualized channel on youtube. It goes even more in depth into the strategies of war.


Magic plays a part with the way guns and artillery work in this series. The guns may be old modeled but you have to remember that magic is present in this world. Tanya has showed the use of magic many times in the battlefield. One being able to create a magic scope that analyzes coordinate points of targets from a far distance which allows for accurate hits. Whose to say that the enemy is not doing the same?? Another way Tanya has showed how magic can work in innovative way is actually all the time when you see her carrying a gun. A little girl about the age of 10-12 is carrying a rifle around like it's nothing. This is due to Tanya always passively enhancing her body with magic.

Melker Linderoth

11:30 "i pull up" lmao dude. Lets goo!

Alexander Szabo

Yeah he was just praying for himself. His eyes were purple/pink the whole encounter.

Enkyri (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:36:43 Technically, what Tanya & the gang did was indeed a war crime, but they loopholed the situation by moving on the basis that the Republic committed a war crime first. After declaring the orders of evacuation, anyone left in the city was no longer seen as a civilian, but a conscripted member of the Army of the Republic. Absolving them of any legal foul.
2021-04-22 08:03:54 Technically, what Tanya & the gang did was indeed a war crime, but they loopholed the situation by moving on the basis that the Republic committed a war crime first. After declaring the orders of evacuation, anyone left in the city was no longer seen as a civilian, but a conscripted member of the Army of the Republic. Absolving them of any legal foul.

Technically, what Tanya & the gang did was indeed a war crime, but they loopholed the situation by moving on the basis that the Republic committed a war crime first. After declaring the orders of evacuation, anyone left in the city was no longer seen as a civilian, but a conscripted member of the Army of the Republic. Absolving them of any legal foul.


What really makes it sad is, this is exactly how the Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestinian wars have been carried out all these years. It's an entirely new form of engagement that would have never been thought of in those days. Which is probably where Tanya got the idea, and why the Republic was so shocked at her tactics.


Dudes act like Pikachu Face when the other side follows Wartime Law and other treaties, while they try to exploit scum tactic themselves by using civilians as meatshields


What did they expect, when the tards started to use innocent civilians as MEATSHIELDS, and shooting Prisoners of War (a war crime, and thus only a retard would do so, because it would mean your side is 100% in the wrong if the other side retaliates w/ evidence of said war crime to back their actions up)?


Tatakae! Considering what Eren did end-game wise, maybe she did the wise thing, no?


Being X would literally wipe out the entire human population of this entire world, just to prove a point to Tanya


Tough. They should had fucking evacuated when the Announcement was done, no? Play retarded games, win retarded prizes...


How? They literally screencapped some footage of the enemy shooting a POW, which is A HUUUGE WARCRIME (in addition to using civvies as meatshields, ANOTHER HUGEASS WAR CRIME BTW)


You're comment is pretty naive. By not engaging enemy combatants who are hiding behind civilians you are proving that their tactics work. This makes it even more likely that the enemy will use civilians as shield in the future. Imagine if the Nazis had strapped innocent civilians to their tanks, should the Russians and Allies have refused to shoot at them and let their soldiers get killed? Thankfully most sides today know that using civilians as shield will not work and therefore not try that tactic.

Sentinel Kab

“I’m going back to the break room” Lmfaooooooooooooo


Well no he said that hiding behind civilians is a warcrime but shooting at them is also a war crime. Either way, both sides committed war crimes except Tanya used a loophole through the rules to make it sound more official. Just because the other side committed a war crime don't we become justice automatically. I'm not saying Tanya and their soldiers are wrong because they did what they had to do. But regardless of the reason, a war crime is a war crime. It doesn't become LESS of a war crime just because theres more justification on one side.


Yea, what darkesus said. That's why I related it to the modern wars in the middle east. It's SERIOUSLY fucked up that Obama ordered drone missile strikes where little kids are. However, it's also fucked up that the Taliban (if they really exist) are using those same little kids as meat shields, and hiding amongst the population. Both sides are committing war crimes under technical circumstances, but legally Obama was using the Taliban's actions to justify his own. He morally remains unjustified, though.

Artem Kondratev

The accuracy of those old rifles is still uncontested though (except for the modern sniper rifles).

Artem Kondratev

17:26 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barmaley_Fountain

Artem Kondratev

>shooting Prisoners of War prisoner was shot by one of the partisans though. Not by the military.

Tyler Moon

Yes, but you can bet the Republic will never admit that and given that everyone does not want the Empire to grow to be a superpower, they will fall in line.


All of their eyes glow when using magic

Daniel Borrego

im pretty sure everyones eyes glow the color or thier eyes when using magic, only tanya and those blessed by being x glow golden/yellow. tanya's glows blue when she uses her normal magic and gold when she using the type 95 jewel because thats a gift from being x. She has 2 computational jewels apparently . im guessing the type 97 which is what her crew has, and the type 95 which only she has.


Civilians have done been getting artillery bombed. They have bomb shelters just for the occasion. They also know what it means to get into a war. So all this stuff about 'they used loopholes' and shit is really ridiculous, since all of the major powers have BEEN killing civilians. When it came to both world wars, neither major powers gave a SHIT about war crimes until AFTER the war, and the only ones who would be punished for them would be the losing side.


You know, ive forgotten how frustrated i get about how the anime portrayed tanya, and the things it left out. Tanya wasnt supposed to be some coldblooded soldier who reveled in doing evil shit. In fact this part was supposed to show abit of her bond with her battalion. Dont even get me started on how they sidelined seres


Bro you mad af at a fucking god in an anime. Some atheists are annoying as hell. Some aren't. You just happen to be.

Supplication of Perpetuity

It is how America did the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. We dropped flyers telling them to evacuate, gave them a bit of time, and after that boom