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Caster needs to GO!


Edgar Delibo Jr.

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks🤷🏻

Tyler Hawke

I'm just waiting for episode 11


Y'all should do 3 eps next week or the week after, or yall gonna be in cliff hanger hell for the rest of the ride. Basically start season 2 with 2 eps.

Tyler Hawke

Lancer's mole on his cheek attracts women to him. That's the simplest way to describe it. Saber even mentioned that won't work on her.

Jalen Holmes

cant wait till yall see the fight in unlimited blade works

Matthew B

lol saber was like "yeah you fine, I'm still gonna wreck you"


Looks like you guys missed it, but Lancer's mole is a curse "that makes the hearts of young maidens flutter". Two times he's unwillingly betrayed his lord because of it and he just wants to serve as a loyal knight

Viela Guay

Saber: *avoids getting charmed by the attraction curse only to get charmed by his chivalry*


Yo, me and my bro make that same specific rim joke XD


Lancer always gets fucked over. Sadge :(


"This nigga's Alexander the Great! No, no no... the ladies in my book club would never believe it..."

shamefur display

Waiting for UBW and Heavens Feel, Zero is a bit of a snoozefest with all the exposition and repeating of obvious things, but thats just my opinion, i understand why some people love Zero the most.


Sasuga Rank A Magic Resistance passive of Saber-class


I really like the tone and story that Zero presents, but I agree with others and can't wait for them to see UBW and HF. Zero was Ufotables first Fate project and they don't really go ham in the fights til UBW.


I love the tone of Zero but the pacing really does collapse in a few places.

Jev Cor

Funny I see so many people bitching about Zero on here when it's the highest rated and most liked of all the Fates.

Jev Cor

Sorry but UBW and HF just don't have a character that can compare to Kirutsugu.


people gonna bitch, u could say air is essential to life and ud get people sayin umm actually...


you should know weirdo fans of a niche series like this hate any part of the franchise that becomes popular. Zero is undeniably the most popular series in the franchise that hit the most people and is the most well known so they gonna hate it out of principle. Most of them probably huge fans of the magical girl spinoff no one cares about.


facts kirutsugu and young kirei are what carry this and make it so good. The masters are mostly pointless and useless in the other series so it was a nice change of pace to have 2 masters who could clap. The other series might as well be historical figure pokemon with how it plays out.


To Sola-Ul looking at Lancer - "Do you like him?!". Remember he has a spell or something, that makes females attracted to him.

shamefur display

Man people are salty here "you no like the show i like? its most popular - you must like!" Try accepting that someone has a different taste or an opinion that's not 100% positive and moving on with your life. Or i don't know, bringing something into discussion besides saying that everyone you disagree with is bitching or hating.


Yall forgot lancer has the mole that is cursed that attracts women to him? why he said he's cursed. He just wants to be loyal to his master but women flock to him and betray their own to be with him

None None

How could you possibly forget Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri's name?

Viela Guay

I do love the people who praise kiritsugu so much when his entire character is literally just a representation of an philosophy in order to provide context for a fraction of Shirou's character. I get that the anime does shirou dirty, but Kiritsugu isn't even top 3 characters of the main fate franchise (mostly cause urobuchi's characters are less of people and more of just walking ideologies) . People just love a tragic badass


The problem with telling someone "don't look" or not to do something in general, is that human curiosity naturally peaks at that point, and they're going to want to look, or do w/e. So if a person doesn't have really good control over the impulses stemming from that curiosity, they're gonna absolutely look, or do w/e. This is moreso for immediate and specific/isolated situations, rather than something more general and longterm like, "don't do drugs." And given that kid's personality, he's even moreso liable to look because his servant told him not to.

Faiz Khan

mans got the true religion jeans on

Chinese Cartoons

Pretty much. Kiritsugu is cool and...that's really all he is. He hardly even has personality, he is just a tragic brooding dude. His existence is literally to provide context for Shirou, but then the anime goes and fucks up his character mega hard, so it's all lost.

Jaime Ruiz

Lancer has a passive ability: Charm, it only works on females.

Noctis lucis

Kayneths wife Did indeed want that Gick