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Journey back home begins!


Jackson perez

Lupa was fiending for racism, my god


Yeah the Migurd are all a bunch of lolis

Matthew Quinn

And so the journey begins! Can't wait to see the rest of this with you guys! It's so cool that they actually took the time to make a whole language for them to speak


In case you guys didn't realize the little connection between Roxy and Rudeus, they are technically the exact same age but are in young bodies


Wanted to point out that the last reaction Lupa said somthn about the studio that animated this. The studio in charge of this show is studio Bind, which was created specifically for this show. Apparently the manga author told animation studios to fuck off until he got the EXACT animation studio he wanted to do it.


The funny thing is that Roxy is 44 and Rudy was 34 when he died and he is now 10 in this world, so they are actually the same age.

Alex cleveland

I LIKE THAT ENEGRY FROM THE AUTHOR OF Mushoku Tensei!!!!! IF U READ THE LIGHT NOVELS, this storyline is absolutely goated!!! So ofc he should want an amazing studio for his story to be brought into life the right way!! He put too much effort into his own story for it to be possibly butchered by a studio who isnt always going to do a manga/light novel/manhwa's justice!!! This series also is gonna be a very long one, so the preparation for finally finding the right studio was worth the time 🔥💯🐐


It sucks that we have to wait until summer season to get more but I am glad we are getting more episodes and they are taking a break like rezero to make sure they do the episodes properly. This is a great series and its just the beginning right now.


well roxy just looks physically young because demons be like that, but rudy is a physically young human child. but yeah physicality aside, they're mentally the same age. cool parallel

sunnyxo (edited)

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2021-07-09 03:37:34 when rudy caught his uncle or w/e smashing he was all " I'll say a prayer too, please let girls rain from the sky " & when they meet Ruijerd he says " You two fell from the sky " so uh.. yeah prayer answered, kinda
2021-04-20 06:40:52 when rudy caught his uncle or w/e smashing he was all " I'll say a prayer too, please let girls rain from the sky " & when they meet Ruijerd he says " You two fell from the sky " so uh.. yeah prayer answered, kinda

when rudy caught his uncle or w/e smashing he was all " I'll say a prayer too, please let girls rain from the sky " & when they meet Ruijerd he says " You two fell from the sky " so uh.. yeah prayer answered, kinda


The Legal Loli & Legal Shota tribe of the Demons, indeed


No. His deal was that he told em to fuck off, since he wanted to FINISH THE SERIES before he'd permit anyone to adapt it into animay


Imagine the more unlucky ppl getting TP'd into like earth or w/e and dying cuz of the telefrag caused by such a random teleport. Or ppl getting TP'd into a volcano, or into some ocean 5km underwater etc. Getting yeeted into a relatively low-altitude air is the best outcome pretty much, all things considered


Ya for sure. Lowkey would not mind if this was normal for anime series although it sucks to wait for we get a proper series and animators can catch a break


They are all really small people, why some call them tribe of lolis

Jia Hu

that man-god is Orochimaru's voice, the dragon dude is vesta from slime, and lord perugius is Kiritsugu from fate zero

Tev Overhaul

Why this episode reminds me of magi! So goood! Damn Roshi and the crew have to see magi !


Not just Vesta, but also Overhaul from MHA, Hans in Konosuba, the Narrator in Cells at Work: Code Black, Nanami in Jujutsu Kaisen, Jegal in The God of High School, Lero-Ro in Tower of God, Sakaido in ID:INVADED, Joker in Fire Force, Matoba Kei in Cop Craft, etc. Also recently he's Tatsu in Way of the Househusband, a short anime on Netflix.


no no no yall misunderstood the man-god thing completely lol.


OOh boy is Lupa gonna have fun with one particular character... Ho-oh-oh-rseee


They really should, great ass anime, very underrated.


"Sir, you are in control over your body's condition." Lmao, except he's not in control over that body's condition, because that's the body from his past life, that's the body that's actually dead. So yeah, it's a shitty body to due his shitty life choices, but it's in the past so as of right now it can't be helped anymore. Isn't that obvious? XD


How you gonna tell a 12 y.o. who has been told scary stories about the Superd all her life to relax? The Superd are made out to be the absolute scariest and most ruthless motherfuckers in the world. They were used as horror stories to make kids go to bed early. You would have the EXACT same reaction if you were that age in that world.


Want to add, Studio Bind is a collaboration between White Fox and Egg Firm.

Tev Overhaul

At this point hmm it will be hard but do we know what’s replacing this show ? Since next week it jobless is done lol but they may need a break due to sheera pregnancy but I’ll hit roshi up on discord about it .


Also Rowin (Roxy's dad) has the same VA as Subaru (Re:Zero) and Senku (Dr. STONE).

Cleven Anthony

Lmaoo cause as a kid I believed ever bullshit story my parents read to me or told me eris was just spoiled on what to expect and acted accordingly lol



why you spoil my boys?


Is it really a spoiler? If it is I'll delete it just in case, but they did mention before that the demon continent is far from their kingdom so one can assume that it will take a long time.

Taylor Moon

Well then they should be called tribe of highschoolers because they look much more like the average high school anime character


I recommend reading chapter 19 of the manga. It gives you more info about ruijerd. Its very heartfelt and gives more importance to the spear he carries. Its also not a spoiler. The anime changed a bit of how his story got told.


The LN would cover it too, right? I plan to read it soon.

jack dylan Mclovin

you got to see his son break his cursed spear before dying its pretty trajic


Homegirl was in her late 30's when she was RUBBING it outside of Paul and Zenith's door.

Daniel Borrego

you know whats messed up. after reading the LN, i realised that rujerd is burning monsters :D theres like no wood on the demon continent .

kuroihana (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 20:51:52 Gise mentions it in ep 17 but there no water and it doesn't rain in the demon continent, so plants can't thrive (i assume, I'm no six sided botanist) => no firewood. He also says you do have to kill monsters for firewood.
2022-03-20 19:24:47 Gise mentions it in ep 17 but there no water and it doesn't rain in the demon continent, so plants can't thrive (i assume, I'm no six sided botanist) => no firewood. He also says you do have to kill monsters for firewood.

Gise mentions it in ep 17 but there no water and it doesn't rain in the demon continent, so plants can't thrive (i assume, I'm no six sided botanist) => no firewood. He also says you do have to kill monsters for firewood.