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woulda had this up earlier but our lovely Lupasan has been blessed with jury duty this week lmao


Aaron Gauntt

Yeah that scene with Eris sleeping was wildly out of pocket, couldn't decide if I wanted to drag my TV to my gun safe or drag my gun safe to the TV

Aaron Gauntt

Uhh thats a grown-ass man in a child's body trying to get with another kid. This show is really good but some parts are extremely uncormfortable to watch. Username checks out btw

The Endless

but realistically its less than likely you wouldn't shoot a kid for peeking up a girls skirt and even less likely to know that he was once a grown man. Memories or not he is still a kid.

Sam Lafave

FUCK jury duty. I'd rather be at work sometimes lol


here we go😂


jury duty ya hate to see it


Hope sheera ok and is better live stream tonight @Roshi? Don’t wanna fall asleep and miss it

Kai Lee

Imagining Lupa in the Jury section going "YEAHHHH!?"


Who's ready for the episode 8 ultra cringe and ultra hype?


Bro fuck jury duty my first time getting summoned I ended up getting picked for a 3 day trial lmao


"My breast is so dry" Lmaoo

Solatic Syot

Lupa be like "that just made my head hurt" when the defendants lawyer is done making his case.

Chaz Finch

I knew Lupasan was the type to be a benchwarmer. I wasn't exactly thinking about jury duty though


Jury duty?


Lupa's over here like, "Man, I've been listening to bullshit about white collar crime for 85 hours and those titties are just too goddamn tempting! They comin' at me when I'm weak!"

rośe 薔薇

Jury duty is the absolute worse


See, people. This is how adults react to lecherous moments caused by Rudy. Like I said before, Rudy never gets away with it and gets what's coming for him


Look people this is how adults react to fictional anime story. Without blowing their fuses and raging in comments.


Like father like son

Devin B

Eris was acting up cause she was doing lessons everyday since Rudy became her tutor with no days off. I don't blame her cause doing work everyday with no break can definitely build up stress.


I like little world building episodes like this. You don't get those in a lot if isekai.

Idrees Centauri

i had to skip the part where he was pulling her pants down, couldnt watch it


Jury-san Lupa niceeee!

Touch Me

I never understood why some reactors won't bother putting the same version of the episode on the screen for us to watch as the one they see irl ... I mean it bothers the shit out of me when you guys are laughing at the subtitles I ain't seeing ... but maybe just me and my ocd


yeah, it's just you. didnt bother me one bit.

Alex cleveland

Hey asshole spammers with saying this show should be dropped.... "baddddd for the eyesssss awwwwww u gonna cry like baby dekuuu!!!"😂😂😂. Thats why there are ratings for tv shows, so ppl like u can stay from shows that r too borderline messed up. Don't have kiddish mindsets. If u watch GOT, ppl who r GROWN understand that they're r horrible and disgusting things. They still watch the show because its an amazing fucking show. Same with Mushoku Tensei, and it gets better in general. (Also with less perv shit and scenes like those when the character grows). Some of yall took a great L today. Yes, im being petty.


Truly mature people that can actually handle stuff. Sad to see that so many anime watchers these days implode themselves over the most retarded things.

Peter Uzoegwu

a lot of anime watchers are kids


except not all anime is made for kids and you're actually factually wrong the average age demographic is over 17 at this point. This is a seinen and not even meant for kids in the first place.


Foreshadowing for the farrrrrrrrrrrr future. This is a long long long running show so buckle in for a very loooooooooonnnnnnnnggg journey

Peter Uzoegwu

Being 17 doesn’t mean your an adult mentally


That part when Eris got fidgety and randomly attacked Rudy right before their trip to town, y'all seem confused that every human being (or most) needs at least one day off from studying or work to perform efficiently and to stay sane.


Very true. I know several adults who constantly act like spoiled toddlers... And, when I was a kid, I had a couple of friends who were way more mature than their age.

Damian Minor

grandpa got that conquerors Haki


Lupa said is this Diagon Alley 😭😭😭