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Hey everyone! SAO episodes will drop tomorrow, as you guys could probably tell from the Invincible reactions Sheera is a bit under the weather so dont wanna push it too hard. Tomorrow we will record those in the am and should have em up by afternoon/evening!



all good! Wish her the best


Hope she feels better.


No worries man, family always comes first

Antonio Bacon

No prob man gotta take care of the family first


No worries! Hope she feels good soon!!


Np Sending P.V.O 💯


Health first! Hope she feels better

Masen Tsmayo

Feel better shira don’t push yourself too hard

Benny T

Get well soon!

Devyn Torrance

Get well soon. Don't worry about us 🙂


She's getting close to that day now, you owe us no explanation. Just take it easy.


Hey bro you should both take all the time you need. Take a break if you have to we would understand.

Sephorah Elambo

Get well soon Sheera, take all the break you guys need 😊


Hope she gets better, stay well yall

Allison Veluz

I appreciate the notice and I hope she gets better soon

Alex cleveland

Its all good, especially if its SAO...😂😂😂👌🏽. Jk SAO fans lol...


Lol SAO?!?!?!


Invincible was insane this week can not wait for the reaction

Jazmyne Mattucci

Aint no prob! Sheera deserves all the rest she needs so no rush!


Take care of yourselves <3 !

Jay Voorhees

Don’t worry about us. You don’t owe us an explanation, just focus on y’all mental and physical health. We’ll be here waiting for more 🔥 Reactions


Take it easy, don't push yourselves. Y'all already work hard enough for us as is


Roshi, I'm upset and this needs to be said Sheera needs to get better. EVERYBODY LETS CHANNEL ALL THE POSITIVE VIBES AND ADMIRATION TO THE LADY OF KAME HOUSE!! Seriously, I hope she gets better.

Yall Might

Get well soon! Take the time y'all need, we'll be here!


Is Sheerq near her delivery date? Get well soon Sheera!!! Take care you guys. :)


Take all the time you need

Ranginald Vagel

S'fine all you gotta do is keep us posted

DeAndre Woodruff

Take the time you need guys. Take care of yourselves. We can be patient. I mean I can....

Jalen Holmes

you guys take your time


If anyone runnin outta content (somehow) I realized/forgot they stream lmao been playin some interactive games that are basically like watching reactions. All the VoDs are on their YouTube and fun af to watch lol


Take your time. Sheera health is important. Hope see gets to feeling better.

Ace Overton

Don't rush anything, take you time. There is plenty of content to watch


Take your time, guys! Don't rush anything. We can all wait. :)


Hope she feels better soon! Do what ya'll have to do to take care of yourselves


no rush my guy we can wait health cant so just get better soon sheera and hope to see you guys back at it again... but yea take your time and prioritize you guys health first

Natasha Padparadscha (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:41:47 Take care and love you guys <3
2021-04-09 21:11:45 Take care and love you guys <3

Take care and love you guys <3

Scott Riley Adrueno

We can wait my man. Give her all the rest she needs