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Nah this was real deal HILARIOUS!!


Baseball Blues | Samurai Champloo Ep 23

Watch "Baseball Blues | Samurai Champloo Ep 23" on Streamable.


jesse almonte

It's unironically the best episode

Waka Flocha Flame

Outro song: “Fly” by Tsutchie ft Small Circle of Friends

toptier sagat

Holy shit this is episode is funny af


So the last 3 episodes are a 3 part finale. Would be dope if they dropped together.


My favorite episode, because its just hilarious

Devin B

When they first started playing the American pitcher said bunt. Its when a batter taps the ball lightly just to get it in play.


My fav ep lmao


I really hope you start space dandy after you finish samurai champloo, it is the third episodic series from the same director with the craziest and most creative ideas! it is so fun!

Ace Spiegel

i second this very strongly, space dandy is the funniest out of the three by far


Space Dandy is freaking amazing. I really want more people to see it.


Lmfaoooo y’all reactions are amazing. No cap

Faiz Khan

y'all should definitely continue with Space Dandy after this


You guys must be reading my mind. I was actually thinking about re-watching it because I forgot so much of that show.

Harrison Crandall

I love the anime called ascendance of a book worm. I read the novel well before the anime and I would highly recommend it. so much so that from now on every single video I watch as well as any new video posted from this day forth will have this comment on it along with it's corresponding number. The number is to keep track of how many of these I have done. I will do this until they review the anime. This is comment number: 8




Nice to see Roshi channeling his inner Lupa LOL "They need to get rid of that damn ref"