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Random zombies lol. SN Sheera looks cozy af I just noticed lmao


Cosmic Collisions | Samurai Champloo Ep 22

Watch "Cosmic Collisions | Samurai Champloo Ep 22" on Streamable.



just to let you knew all of this just happened in their heads since they were tripping from eating mushrooms


Yeah the food in the fridge episode in cowboy was meant to be a one off episode as a homage to the movie Alien the crew is all infected at the end but that's ignored. Same here it's a homage to classic zombie movies like Night of the living dead. The gang dies by the meteor but it's ignored next episode.

Harrison Crandall

I love the anime called ascendance of a book worm. I read the novel well before the anime and I would highly recommend it. so much so that from now on every single video I watch as well as any new video posted from this day forth will have this comment on it along with it's corresponding number. The number is to keep track of how many of these I have done. I will do this until they review the anime. This is comment number: 9