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No police lol, all hands

Katelyn Koehler

Wooo!! Dinner is on the way. Excited for this one ❤️


I watched the first episode and I hoped y'all would watch this one. Literally anime about crashing out

Trey Milliner-Williams

“This is better than Tokyo cause the MC can fight” jesus I wish the TikTok generation never got into anime


I love the character design


😤😤😤 This is that HIM movement. I’m loving it


Common Roshi W


Didn’t get too far into the manga so I hope I like the anime adaptation more


I also thought it was QUEEN BEE too Sheera but it’s not😂


The police and teachers don't exist

Hasnain Khan


Killah_ Raze

lol at rosh clueless

Devin B

Delinquent stories can't thrive if there were police or competent teachers around


Takemichi: Who are you? Sakura: I'm you but I beat ass


Thought mc was finna get beat up by all them niggas I was like you not built like Mikey and draken you not winning this he indeed was built like them 😂


"Kids Next Door over here" LMAOOO


The whole delinquent or gang protecting their town gives me High & Low show and movie franchise vibes. If you know you know

Lion's sin of Pride Lord Escanor

Yes finally Wind Breaker peak! Great Reaction guys ,glade you enjoying it, Wind Breaker wil be the hinden gem this spring season.

Ranginald Vagel

Wow that opening is going to be hard to beat this season


lowkey they need to checkout beezlebub & kenichi the originators of the delinquent anime


what police?? 🤣 hope it stays good. kinda far into the manga and the story's pretty interesting


Mid breaker


apparently the mangaka is a big fan of tokyo revengers

Davon Thomas

Maybe this will be different. These delinquent stories be having terrible plots


I have never heard of this show, but I watched this with y'all, and holy shit I am loving this lol. I dropped Tokyo Revengers after the first season, and I already like this one episode more than all that I remember of Tokyo Revengers.


The one thug that got kicked by Sakura at the end looked like he was trying to stap some one. you can see the knife fall out of his hand after he gets dropped


bro i thought they were calling the police turns out they hit up the gang gang lmao

Ren Lichtfoot

Just like normal hoods, nowhere around when they are needed.

Valentino Garay

Finally Delinquent anime is having some Justice Tokyo Revengers really did the genre dirty


im so sad tokyo revengers didnt get animation like this


the people in that town is trash cause they was gon watch this man 1v40, at least toss a broom out the window or something


If it is a mafia story, the police will play an important role. This is a delinquent story, so the involvement of police should be minimal, or else the story would end very quickly.


call the kids got me weakk lmaoooo


Oh damn, this one got me HYPED

Gimme Dem Ankles

I cant help but notice that the girl has the same last name as Hina from Tokyo Revengers lmao

Eli Gi

Y’all asking was he still there? But my question would be how did he jump over a group of people after a lil bandage wrap? 🤣


nigga got jordan hops im tuned once again

Joshua Miller

Fun fact about Sakura his hair is naturally that color and he has heterochromia


tokyo revengers has a good story and takemitchy will always be my favorite main character because he made the show so enjoyable with his failures but this show looks like its gonna be way more action packed and awesome.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Roshi why you lying to yourself Takemitchy is quite literally the complete opposite of being a goat🤣

Lūthér Hölâyèãhmé

Japanese society is weird. They believe that conformity is best. Anyone that looks out of the ordinary is ostracized. They even force school kids to dye their hair black.


Probably already answered in the comments but if not you asked why he was still standing there in the frames of the kick there's a knife he was trying to sneak them with a knife before getting taken out by that kick

hyakimaru dono

His hair isn't dyed yall he has hetrochromia. The bar lady mentioned how with how white his hair is it would be impossible to dye which is mostly the case for people with albinism, alopica (sometimes regrowth comes back grey/pure white) and hetrochromia.


It didn't do the genre dirty, as someone who read and watched alot from that genre (especially the early 2000s ones) tokyo revengers was just the same as any other. The difference was in the extra wildly different plot line of time travel (which most Yankee stories don't typically have) and the fact that the main character wasn't some already super strong person that left behind the Yankee life to focus on other thing etc. These two are up to preference. But tokyo revengers is definitely a typical delinquent manga for sure. My two favorite Yankee manga/jdramas/animes both had a female lead that was super strong back in the day and "disappeared" to pursue being a teacher or a class president......weirdly looked and acted similar too....either way, mofos was always beefing and trying to get their lick back on them all while both mains continued to positively influence all their new Yankee friends. Absolute favorite Yankee story that's also one of my favorite anime/manga/jdrama is called "Yankee to Megan chan"......I wish they get an anime (just manga and jdrama) so that these guys could react to the pure hilarity it encompasses. If it's not gintama then let it be this or "daily lives of high school boys" or something---

Arima Kana

Much better than bucchigiri


Dude probably gets picked on for his name too. Poor guy. I’m glad he has hands though.


7:40 roshi having his question answered in the 2 seconds he looks away from the screen is some wild timing lmao.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Sakura gotta have a 97 inch vertical because he just casually jumps over the whole crowd and had them looking up like he was flying 🤣🤣🤣

Lea Garrido

Someone’s probably mentioned this, but wind breakers are groupings of trees meant to shelter crops from wind damage and soil erosion, ensuring crops can thrive. So the kids are there to ensure that the community thrives by “holding the line” from the other gangs just out doing reckless ish. I’ve been pumped waiting for this to drop! Haven’t read the manga but I already can feel that we are in for a treat!


Well... Is this another gang show where I can recommend watching High & Low. I was doing it on Tokyo Revengers but that didn't happen. lol


Looks like the takemichi slander was well deserved, who woulda thought 😂


i remember a long time ago i want an anime like this after done watching crow zero (tokyo revenger doesn't count)


this was nice hopefully it stays consistent


I think I likey


I read this man’s caption and died 😂😂

Norman kay10

this is a new start am excited

Lord LaMink

Definitely better than Tokyo Revengers and waaaaayyyy better than that "Boochie Cat" anime

Kareem Davis

Like how on board the MC was after one speech😂


I was lied to, I was told this show was about delinquents. All I see is group of good ol' boys defending their hometown, and the people who can't fight.

Mr. K

I mean to be fair, the ones attacking the town are considered delinquents, so it's more of a half truth

Mr. K

Bucchigiri, Ninja Kamui fell off hard out of nowhere

Justin Spencer

I still wanna see if the Sheragan can defeat “another” you guys are pretty good at guessing stuff I wonder if that 12 episode show would stump you guys

Alexander Szabo

Takemichi could never be like my boy Sakura

Justin Spencer

I was not able to guess the ending my first go round but after a rewatch I feel like it’s for sure possible


Kotoha spitting facts tbh. No matter how good you are at scrapping, if 20 niggas jump your ass, you are fucked


Windbreaker but no shield hero? Can't stress enough that this is just my opinion but I feel like Slime, Mushoku Tensei and Shield Hero would have been a way better combo than this but I am of course going to give this show a chance.


Just finished watching it and I must say, the show seems pretty good. To clarify what I wrote earlier I just meant that as fantasy anime, I feel like Slime, Mushoku and Shield Hero would fit together better. Nothing against this, plus it's just one of the rare times in my life that I got impatient. Been waiting on the gang to start Shield Hero for what feels like forever now but I know other people have been waiting longer for other stuff. So continue to wait I shall. Side note: part of me also just wants to make sure that it doesn't end up in the legendary *dropped* category like that one cooking dungeon anime and Misfit.


His name is basically the equivalent of being called Rose Spring (if my knowledge of Japanese vocab is correct; sakura meaning the sakura flower, and haruka meaning spring?)


So is this another Tokyo revenges? i wasn't really fan of that


You got it backward. This is what a delinquent story should be like. Tokyo Revengers, well, deviated too much because of the time travelling bs and thickass plot armor.

dolphin tho

theyre watching a lot. When misfit comes back around this season im sure theyll get back to it. They liked both that and shield hero. The time will come whe nthey pick them backup again just gotta be patient

Trey Milliner-Williams

you cant say this what a delinquent story should be when Tokyo Revengers is one of if not the most succesful one to date lol


there were a lot of bits that you'll only catch if you know the ending already or if you're too sharp on first watch


Firstly, yeah, Tokyo Revengers is more successful and well-known than Wind Breaker, and it is a fact. But it is also obvious that some people do not like the MC or the story, and they think Wind Breaker is a similar or worse version of Tokyo Revengers, so that's why I left my previous comment. Secondly, when I said "this is how a delinquent story should be", I mean a straightforward and simple delinquent story, not with superpower like time-travelling or honkai.

Blue-Eyes W. Chibi

How is Shield Hero? I read the Manga/Novel a while back, and watched Season 1, but heard the animation gets pretty bad. So been procrastinating on watching S2+


S2 is a bit rough to watch animation wise, and pacing wise, but S3 to me so far seemed like a return to form and greatness, lol which is why I've kind of been getting anxious waiting for the gang to start it.

King of New York

Even the main girl has the same last name as Hina from Tokyo Revengers lmao

Lauren S

If you still like delinquent shows/movies then the High & Low movies on Netflix are good. Lots of fighting + Factions + power of friendship. Great Series!

King of New York

Yeah it's really a shame what happened to s2 both animation and pacing wise. It was pretty poorly adapted which sucks because s1 was so gas. I heard other YouTubers like Gigguk saying that s3 was kind of mediocre but I'll still watch it because I like shield hero. Even though a ton of people dropped off apparently it wasn't enough because s4 got announced lmao. From what I've heard the light novel has been on hiatus for like 5 years and no one knows what the author's up to now.

Jayson Stuart

The last kick at the end was because the guy had the knife and was about to attack one of the students. You gotta show it down to see it though

Isaac Tsumetsuki

the singer for the OP is Natori, it's his first time doing an anime op

A. P.

I'm wit it!


love it


Waayyyyyy better than TR. Couldn’tget passed the first eps, with that other show


Why does Lupa look majestic 😭 Also love y’all and this series looks like it’ll be fun


Totally unimportant information that might just make you happy to know: So the director for Wind breaker (Toshifumi Akai) actually started working with Cloverworks from the beginning. Darling in the Franxxx was their 2nd production as a company, and he was co-director, under Legendary TRIGGER animator Atsushi Nishigori. Nishigori did EVERYTHING, from writing the story, developing screenplay, character designs, and worked on several Key animation throughout the series, as well. As his deputy director, I imagine Akai picked up a LOT of game, or valuable information and experience, on how to properly manage an anime from the ground up. Darling in the Franxxx is STILL one of the best looking animations out there, and beyond the TRIGGER staff, just about everyone involved is still with the company. Very strong start for me, as I even find the twist on the typical plot line and the MC to be pretty endearing. When I saw Cloverworks did it, I wanted to slap the A-1 execs that didn't give this man (Akai) the pleasure of working on Solo Leveling. Maybe this will be the man's time to shine and prove he can produce bigger name projects in the future.


I love this man's energy. He's on that "Now SMOKE is more important than water... SMOKE is more important than food..." kinda tip 😆 Hope he keeps some of that edge, for now at least!

Charlie baker

Man fuck that ninja kamui shit this is that real hands

Charlie baker

early childhood baki adressed this sentiment before baki became pretty much superhuman to normies, only so many people can be attackign you at one time without hurting themselves or getting caught up with each other. Granted in real life people collectively leverage numbers better by just having everyone grab and restrain you to beat your ass rather then everyone attacking you individually at their own timing which is where shit doesnt work nearly as well

Charlie baker

dolphin misfit got dropped on its head deliberately by the gang that ones def not coming back for reactions, shield hero would be a not busy thing if people fight for it cause its not an immediate lock in like slime or cautious hero would be cause of the poor s2 rep on its head. as is way more people are into wind breaker then shield this season. Granted im still surprised the gang was able to get past rudeus being himself to watch this far into the series

Charlie baker

im sad blue lock didnt , still frame powerpoint slide transition with mega ass done cgi animated shtit for a solid story. then again i could say the same for ror, kengan and kuroko

Charlie baker

right if your shits literally well known for being mega contested gang turf you aint gonna see that many cops

Xavier Figueroa

What Bucchigiri should of been😭😭


Random thought, but anyone notice Grandpa Yama’s name is literally Grandpa Grandpa 😭😭


Here we go again. Not a cop in sight. Kids on the loose 🤣🤣 Their parents? Probably don't have those either.


What in the Arizona Iced Tea Half n' half